Top 185 Abolition Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Abolition quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Insofar as we may at all claim that slavery has been abolished today, we owe its abolition to the practical consequences of science
The spirit of democracy is not a mechanical thing to be adjusted by abolition of forms. It requires change of heart.
The plane of consistency is the abolition of all metaphor; all that consists is Real. — © Gilles Deleuze
The plane of consistency is the abolition of all metaphor; all that consists is Real.
Animal Rights is now the greatest Social Justice issue since the abolition of slavery.
I should not regret a fair and full trial of the entire abolition of capital punishment.
So enormous, so dreadful, so irremediable did the [slave] trade's wickedness appear that my own mind was completely made up for abolition. Let the consequences be what they would: I from this time determined that I would never rest until I had effected its abolition.
Private property is a means, and neither its abolition nor its unrestricted right should be an end in itself.
The first requisite for the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion.
As to a thorough eradication of prostitution, nothing can accomplish that save a complete transvaluation of all accepted values--especially the moral ones--coupled with the abolition of industrial slavery.
The abolition of the death penalty is making us a civilized society. It shows we actually do mean business when we say we have reverence for life.
The abolition of domestic slavery is the great object of desire in those colonies, where it was unhappily introduced in their infant state.
A wise man will not leave the right to the mercy of chance, nor wish it to prevail through the power of the majority. There is but little virtue in the action of masses of men. When the majority shall at length vote for the abolition of slavery, it will be because they are indifferent to slavery, or because there is but little slavery left to be abolished by their vote. They will then be the only slaves. Only his vote can hasten the abolition of slavery who asserts his own freedom by his vote.
The abolition of the presidential term limit and President Xi Jinping's concentration of power have come as an unwelcome surprise to many. — © Richard N. Haass
The abolition of the presidential term limit and President Xi Jinping's concentration of power have come as an unwelcome surprise to many.
Should slavery be abolished there, (and it is an event, which, from these circumstances, we may reasonably expect to be produced in time) let it be remembered, that the Quakers will have had the merit of its abolition.
The things that I want to see happen get no play in mainstream American politics. My primary interests are the legalization of sex work and prison abolition.
Among the expected glories of the Constitution, next to the abolition of Slavery was that of Rum.
But beyond all that, the question that is continually begged is why isn't America leading the way toward total abolition of nuclear weapons.
In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property. - Manifesto of the Communist Party
America is exceptional, it is asserted, because, with the exception of the abolition of slavery, it has been able to extend the promise of liberal reform mostly peacefully, through its democratic institutions.
Largely, the people driving abolition did it because of what they believed from the Bible.
I shall ask for the abolition for the punishment of death until I have the infallibility of human judgment demonstrated to me.
The Curse of poverty has no justification in our age...The time has come for us to civilize ourselves by the total, direct and immediate abolition of poverty.
Anarchism is the abolition of exploitation and oppression of man by man, that is, the abolition of private property and government; Anarchism is the destruction of misery, of superstitions, of hatred. Therefore, every blow given to the institutions of private property and to the government, every exaltation of the conscience of man, every disruption of the present conditions, every lie unmasked, every part of human activity taken away from the control of the authorities, every augmentation of the spirit of solidarity and initiative, is a step towards Anarchism.
There are a million boys growing up in the United States who have never seen a saloon, and who will never know the handicap of liquor and this excellent condition will go on spreading over the country when the wet press and the paid propogandists of booze are forgotten. The abolition of the commercialized liquor trade in this country is as final as the abolition of slavery.
You have not been mistaken in supposing my views and feeling to be in favor of the abolition of war. Of my dispos[i]tion to maintain peace until its condition shall be made less tolerable than that of war itself, the world has had proofs, and more, perhaps, than it has approved. I hope it is practicable, by improving the mind and morals of society, to lessen the dispos[i]tion to war; but of its abolition I despair.
The abolition of the class struggle does not mean the abolition of the need to struggle as a principle of development.
The abolition of slavery was driven by the King James Bible. It gave slaves a common language and purpose.
The only solution to the contradictions of capitalism entails the abolition of wage labour.
Elimination of illiteracy is as serious an issue to our history as the abolition of slavery.
With the abolition of otium and of the ego no aloof thinking is left. ... Without otium philosophical thought is impossible, cannot be conceived or understood.
I advocate the abolition of all religions, without setting up anything new of the kind.
One of the outstanding achievements of the new constructional technique has been the abolition of the separating function of the wall.
I can only say that there is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do to see a plan adopted for the abolition of slavery.
It was a marvel, an enigma in abolition latitudes, that the slaves did not rise en-masse, at the beginning of hostilities.
The abolition and suffrage movements progressed when united and were damaged by division; we should remember that.
'Til the infallibility of human judgements shall have been proved to me, I shall demand the abolition of the penalty of death.
Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State.
Anarchism as a political philosophy seeks to dissolve all forms of authority and power, and if possible, wishes their complete abolition. — © Peter Marshall
Anarchism as a political philosophy seeks to dissolve all forms of authority and power, and if possible, wishes their complete abolition.
I favor the abolition of all Social Security, Medicare and estate taxes. In their place, we should create a simple income tax system that has no deductions or credits at all.
I think that each country must protect its own borders, and that is why I'm simply asking for the abolition of Schengen.
And here a most heinous charge is made, that the nation has been burdened with unnecessary expenses for the sole purpose of preventing the discharge of our debts and the abolition of taxes.
My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs).
We believe in peace in the settlement of all disputes through peaceful means, in the abolition of war, and, more particularly, nuclear war.
My short-term vision is the abolition of nuclear weapons. My long-term vision is the abolition of war.
Some men say that they should be satisfied with the abolition of untouchability only, leaving the caste system alone. The aim of abolition of untouchability alone without trying to abolish the inequalities inherent in the caste system is a rather low aim.
Those who advocate either slavery or income taxation should be ashamed of themselves. Genuine freedom entails the abolition, not the reform, of income taxation and the IRS, just as genuine freedom entailed the abolition, not the reform, of slavery.
As a long-termist, I acknowledge there are more pressing causes than the abolition of private property.
Nuclear war would mean abolition of most comforts, and disruption of normal routines, for children and adults alike. — © Willard Libby
Nuclear war would mean abolition of most comforts, and disruption of normal routines, for children and adults alike.
Gender and race got very entwined in the 19th century, as abolition broke out, and then women wanted the right to speak about it.
Abolition seemed a fantasy when Frederick Douglass called for all slaves to be released.
The eradication of the Muslim Brotherhood is nothing less than an abolition of democracy and a guarantee that Arabs will continue living under authoritarian and corrupt regimes.
I think then, 1st, that the only safety of the South from abolition universal is to be found in an early dissolution of the Union.
The entire trend of development is towards abolition of coercive domination of one part of society over another.
The day is not distant when we must bear and adopt [the abolition of slavery], or worse will follow.
There is no other definition of socialism valid for us than that of the abolition of the exploitation of man by man.
My views and feelings (are) in favor of the abolition of war-and I hope it is practicable, by improving the mind and morals of society, to lessen the disposition to war; but of its abolition I despair.
We Abolition Women are turning the world upside down.
When is the Democratic Party going to apologize for being the biggest slave-holding-supporting institution on the planet and sticking with racism for the century after the abolition of slavery?
I wish from my soul that the legislature of this State could see the policy of a gradual Abolition of Slavery.
I believe that the abolition of private ownership of land and capital is a necessary step toward any world in which the nations are to live at peace with one another.
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