Top 1200 Accept Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Accept quotes.
Last updated on September 7, 2024.
I just don't accept midgets as human beings. There's only so much political correctness I can accept.
When you take a job, you don't just accept the pats on the back. You have to accept the kicks in the pants.
Then let yourself love all that you take delight in Accept yourself whole, accept the heritage That shaped you and is passed on from age to age Down to your entity. Remain mysterious; Rather than be pure, accept yourself as numerous.
What would it be like if I could accept life--accept this moment--exactly as it is? — © Tara Brach
What would it be like if I could accept life--accept this moment--exactly as it is?
I can accept the theory of relativity as little as I can accept the existence of atoms and other such dogmas.
Seriously, I love my gays. They accept me, and I accept them. Imperfections and all, we accept each other.
As the first of anything, you're going to be judged. If you accept the good, you have to accept the bad.
Once you accept anything as tacked down, then you begin to build a structure, to accept limits. Then you have to make a choice as to whether or not you're going to accept that structure. If you do, you give up the notion of total freedom.
Women, unlike most men, are able to accept mystery, accept whatever comes to them - even if it's not logical.
Campaigns are conducted specifically because of the Electoral College, and people accept it and they understand it. Whether they know it or not, they accept it.
At 50, you have learnt to accept yourself, and that helps you also understand and accept your partner better.
If you are married, then accept that. Accept the husband that God has given you. If you are single, accept your singleness and take it as if today was the last day of your life. Don't be looking constantly to the future.
You must accept the reality of other people. You think that reality is up for negotiation, that we think it's whatever you say it is. You must accept that we are as real as you are; you must accept that you are not God.
To accept the principal that "all power proceeds from the barrel of a gun" is to accept a society which will be dominated by those with the biggest guns. — © Tommy Douglas
To accept the principal that "all power proceeds from the barrel of a gun" is to accept a society which will be dominated by those with the biggest guns.
For me, if there's something I don't like about myself, I'll accept it - the sooner you can accept it, then you can work on making it better.
I'm trying to just accept things, accept the beauty of things and the joy and positivity of things as they are in the moment and accept when it's not that way as well. Because, of course, none of it lasts forever. It's all going to change very rapidly. But that doesn't have to be a bad thing. It doesn't have to be panic-inducing. It can be just the way life is.
It's the choices that you make and the things that you're willing to accept and not accept that define who you are.
The life you want is waiting to rise up to meet you ... Will you accept it? Do you feel worthy enough to accept it?
Well I can tell you that for me generally speaking that I think things that I deal with are all to do with not accepting things, not excepting life on life's terms. My life becomes a lot easier when I'm willing to just accept. I don't have to like circumstances as they are, but I have to accept them and that's where I always seem to get thrown, when I try to will my way instead of accept things the way they are.
Can we come to the point where we can accept the impossible strivings that we have, the utter inability to ever fulfill our narcissistic megalomania, and then go on to live our lives and accept our disturbing thoughts? We need to accept our vulnerabilities and have love for our imperfections. If you can want what you have, I think you're on your way.
To be successful you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like.
When you accept the captaincy, you accept the responsibilities that come with it.
Yes, there is a story about Agent Orange, and we knew that it harmed our troops and we knew how long it was to get the medical community to accept that, the military to accept it, the VA to accept it.
When I was 26, I got pregnant. I decided to have the baby because I accept everything in life as an adventure. I accept life. I couldn't see why you would not accept it.
I have just accepted certain things and it makes it easier. I accept I will get injured. I accept I cannot win every race. I work hard to decrease the chances of those things happening but I accept they will happen. A lot of people don't accept it. They get injured, they go crazy.
I am a Divine, magnificent expression of life, and deserve the very best. I accept miracles. I accept healing. I accept wholeness. And most of all, I accept myself. I am precious, and I cherish who I am.
When you're a musician and you release an album, you have to accept the criticism - and I accept it! But it's something I'll never get used to.
Lao Tzu says: "Accept yourself. Non-acceptance is the root of all the trouble." None of us accept ourselves. The more a person doesn't accept himself, the greater a mahatma he looks to others to be. We are our greatest enemy. If we had our way, we would cut ourselves to pieces in order to remove what was unacceptable.
If the United States has to accept the U.N. resolutions, we have to generalize it across the board. We can't just pick and choose where we impose and accept the U.N. resolution and don't accept them. U.N. Resolution 242 is very clear and states very clearly that Israel has to go back to the borders of the pre-war of 1967.
When you have increased migration of peoples and ethnic and religious minorities, you develop a set of rules and language the larger society can accept and the minority community can accept.
I will accept the results when the election is free and clean. I cannot accept fraud.
When we accept the fact that we can't do everything, we are more willing to ask for and accept help when we do anything.
I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.
And if we even affirm that He was born of a virgin, accept this in common with what you accept of Perseus.
It is very difficult to accept in others emotions you cannot accept in yourself.
When I came here, I was a little bit different and in Finland people didn't really accept me, and then I came here and I saw Honey G doing so well and I thought 'British people are so great, they accept Honey G as she is, so maybe they'll accept me as well.'
Cultists do not want to admit they have been manipulated by charisma. Nigerian money scheme victims do not want to accept that they had been swindled. To accept those realities is to accept their own faults. Denial of our own weaknesses is something we all suffer from time to time.
Whatever you accept completely will take you to peace, including the acceptance that you cannot accept, that you are in resistance.
It's not about finding relevance or perfection or imperfection in objects, but it's that you can accept yourself and then go out and accept others. — © Jeff Koons
It's not about finding relevance or perfection or imperfection in objects, but it's that you can accept yourself and then go out and accept others.
There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.
Once you accept, truly accept, that stuff will happen to you and there is nothing you can do about it, stress miraculously leaves your life.
I accept the historical challenge, and with that, I accept the essentially Christian position that God always has more light to break out of his holy Word.
If surrealism ever comes to adopt a particular line of moral conduct, it has only to accept the discipline that Picasso has accepted and will continue to accept.
There is no reason for you to try to become like white people and there is no basis whatever for their impertinent assumption that *they* must accept *you*. The really terrible thing, old buddy, is that you must accept them. And I mean that very seriously. You must accept them and accept them with love.
I accept that today may be imperfect... I accept that I may be as well. What I don't accept is that imperfection should be the crutch I use to excuse myself from participating in joy.
Any kind of expectation creates a problem. We should accept, but not expect. Whatever comes, accept it. Whatever goes, accept it. The immediate benefit is that your mind is always peaceful.
Accept that I enjoy being with you. Accept that when I'm with you I see Heaven in your eyes.
Before I can accept someone's help, I must accept their presence.
When you accept yourself you are free from the need for others to accept you. — © Bruce Jenner
When you accept yourself you are free from the need for others to accept you.
Suppose you feel you cannot accept some fact about yourself. Then own your refusal to accept. Own the block. Embrace it fully. And watch it begin to disappear. The principal is this: Begin where you are-accept that. Then change and growth become possible.
You want society to accept you; but you can’t even accept yourself.
Every day you have to abandon your past or accept it and then, if you cannot accept it, you become a sculptor.
I don't accept the status quo. I do accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
Accept the difficulty of what you cannot yet change. But do not accept the impossibility of ever changing it.
We cannot accept in victory what we would not accept in defeat.
Most of us do not understand nuclear fission, but we accept it. I don't understand television, but I accept it. I don't understand radio, but every week my voice goes out around the world, and I accept it. Why is it so easy to accept all these man-made miracles and so difficult to accept the miracles of the Bible?
It’s not God that I do not accept, you understand, it is this world of God’s, created by God, that I do not accept and cannot agree to accept.
And the bottom line is we are who we are-we look a certain way, we talk a certain way, we walk a certain way. I strut because I’m a supermodel, and sometimes I gallop for fun. When we learn to accept that, other people learn to accept us. So be who you really are. Embrace who you are. Literally. Hug yourself. Accept who you are. Unless you’re a serial killer.
If I accept the sunshine and warmth, then I must also accept the thunder and lightning.
To keep from decaying, to be a winner, the athlete must accept pain - not only accept it, but look for it, live with it, learn not to fear it.
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