Top 1200 Accepting Change Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Accepting Change quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
Change is painful. Few people have the courage to seek out change. Most people won’t change until the pain of where they are exceeds the pain of change.
Psychedelic drugs don't change you - they don't change your character - unless you want to be changed. They enable change; they can't impose it.
Most of us were taught that God would love us if and when we change. In fact, God loves you so that you can change. What empowers change, what makes you desirous of change is the experience of love. It is that inherent experience of love that becomes the engine of change.
The proud do not change to improve, but defend their position by rationalizing. Repentance means change, and it takes a humble person to change. — © Ezra Taft Benson
The proud do not change to improve, but defend their position by rationalizing. Repentance means change, and it takes a humble person to change.
I think the growth of the brain is a slow process. But you do change and the more you accept change and embrace change, the better.
For the artist, the goal of the painting or musical composition is not to convey literal truth, but an aspect of a universal truth that if successful, will continue to move and to touch people even as contexts, societies and cultures change. For the scientist, the goal of a theory is to convey "truth for now"--to replace an old truth, while accepting that someday this theory, too, will be replaced by a new "truth," because that is the way science advances.
Theresa, I know there's a part of you that believes you can change someone, but the reality is that you can't. You can change yourself, and Garrett can change himself, but you can't do it for him.
Just telling women: If you don't speak up, things aren't gonna change. If you don't become an advocate, it's not gonna change. If you don't vote, it's not gonna change. If you don't run, it's not gonna change.
Such is the state of life, that none are happy but by the anticipation of change: the change itself is nothing; when we have made it, the next wish is to change again.
I don't harp on what I could change about the past, because I can't go back and change it. But definitely a lot of things I would change.
I'm not a musical theatre person, and I never will be, especially after seeing the way it operates. It's so incredibly inefficient. It takes three weeks to effect a change. It can be a lighting change, a script change, a musical change - you have to meet with six different departments, and about a month later, it may happen.
When we change, the world changes. The key to all change is in our inner transformation- a change of our hearts and minds. This is human revolution. We all have the power to change. When we realize this truth, we can bring forth that power anywhere, anytime, and in any situation.
What you're supposed to do when you don't like a thing is change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it. Don't complain.
Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.
Customs change with time, so it isn't fair to permit change only when you happen to approve of it but condemn change citing biblical authority when you don't. — © Deepak Chopra
Customs change with time, so it isn't fair to permit change only when you happen to approve of it but condemn change citing biblical authority when you don't.
This league does teach you that it's inevitable that there's constant change, and you always have to continue to embrace change, adapt with change.
Change is inevitable, change will always happen, but you have to apply direction to change, and that's when it's progress.
If there is going to be change, real change, it will have to work its way from the bottom up, from the people themselves. That's how change happens.
I think the question is, how do we live with change? Change in our friends, change in our lovers? Change in me and change in my body, from the stroke. Things have changed this plane of consciousness. We've tried to keep things the same. It causes suffering. This suffering is another step in your spiritual life, in your spiritual journey.
At the present time, the alternative is not between change or no change, but between change for the better and change for the worse.
Think of managing change as an adventure. It tests your skills and abilities. It brings forth talent that may have been dormant. Change is also a training ground for leadership. When we think of leaders, we remember times of change, innovation, and conflict. Leadership is often about shaping a new way of life. To do that, you must advance change, take risks, and accept responsibility for making change happen.
Cause change and lead; accept change and survive; resist change and die.
People fear change, Change is not knowing what’s going to happen. People sometimes mistake change as a negative. I look at change as exciting, look at it as an opportunity to make your life better. Fear builds mountains, Faith removes them. It’s time for you to conquer new horizons. Today is going to be a GREAT day for a change!
Most people think it takes a long time to change. It doesn’t. Change is immediate! Instantaneous! It may take a long time to decide to change…but change happens in a heartbeat!
I'm a big journaler, so for every new journal, I would change the way my room looked and change the posters on the walls, and I would change what I was wearing, and I would have a playlist, and it all kind of corresponded and matched, and I would change my handwriting in the journals.
As with many metaphysical and religious questions, Kant thinks they lie beyond our power to answer them. If you can't stand the frustration involved in accepting this, and insist on finding some more stable position which affords you peace of mind and intellectual self-complacency, then you will find Kant's position "problematic" in the sense that you can't bring yourself to accept it. You may try to kid yourself into accepting either some naturalistic deflationary answer to the problem or some dishonest supernaturalist answer.
People don't want to change. It's hard for people to change and it's hard for businesses to change. If I was running an oil company, I would be resistant to change too.
One voice can change a room, and if one voice can change a room, then it can change a city, and if it can change a city, it can change a state, and if it change a state, it can change a nation, and if it can change a nation, it can change the world. Your voice can change the world.
It is senseless to blame others or your environment for your miseries. Change begins from the moment you muster the courage to act. When you change, the environment will change. The power to change the world is found nowhere but within our own life.
You can make change or it can make YOU. Change is to keep us on our toes. Change is to make us look more closely. What doesn't change are the arms you use to hug with. Those stay the same.
I do believe that music will change and has to change in some capacity, and I'll either change and reinvent or sink or swim.
Life’s all about the revolution, isn’t it? The one inside, I mean. You can’t change history. You can’t change the world. All you can ever change is yourself.
You can change environments, but until you change yourself, nothing else will ever change.
Of course, change requires change. Until there is a felt need for change, it is only an event not a pattern.
I thought I could make change by just working at ground level, but to change a community, you have to change policies.
You don't implement change easily in Japan unless you explain very clearly why you need to do this change, how you're going to do this change and what's going to be the outcome of this change. If you offset or you forget to explain one of these three steps you're not going to do it.
I'm not accepting of whiners.
Men change, fashions change, conditions and circumstances change, but God never changes.
The world is not going to change overnight, nor in my lifetime, nor in my grandchildren's lifetime. But it will change, if we change, not for a day or a year, but for a lifetime. Yes, it will change, if we change.
I only change things where I know about a situation. I'd never change just for change. — © Jurgen Klopp
I only change things where I know about a situation. I'd never change just for change.
I have learned God doesn't always change those people we want Him to change; instead, He often uses them to change us.
Things change pretty rapidly. But they don't change inevitably. They change because you work for it.
Things can never be as they were. It's astonishing how we comment on change, as if change is something remarkable. On the contrary, not to change is unnatural, against nature.
Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.
All change is change for the better. There is no such thing as "change for the worse." Change is the process of Life Itself, and that process could be called by the name 'evolution.' And evolution moves in only one direction: forward, and toward improvement.
My biggest mistake: not wanting to help myself into thinking I am happy, that change would come about without really trying to change, or wanting to change. Procrastinating about changing. I do want to change.
Yes, its one of the basic truths of the universe,....Things don't disappear. They just change, and change and change again.
You can change yourself and you can change the situation but you absolutely cannot change other people. Only they can do that.
There is no other way to change something or someone for the better except to occupy it first. The only person you can occupy is yourself. That is why the only person who can change you for the better is you. Without your decision to change and your commitment to change, you will not change.
John Stuart Mill believed that the only acceptable reason for government to limit a person's liberty was to prevent him from causing unacceptable harm to others. Mill was not a libertarian, but many libertarians are quick to cite this principle when arguing against a regulation that they oppose. And I believe most thoughtful libertarians are prepared to embrace something fairly close to Mill's harm principle. But accepting that principle implies accepting many of the institutions of the modern welfare state that libertarians have vigorously opposed in the past, such as safety regulation.
I think you come to watch baseball, and if you're a true fan, then you enjoy watching baseball. MLB tries to change this and change that, speed up the games, but baseball's baseball. You can't change it. It's America's pastime. It's the greatest game on earth. I don't really want to change it that much.
When God doesn't change a circumstance, He can change our hearts in knowing that He can change all things for the good. — © Nick Vujicic
When God doesn't change a circumstance, He can change our hearts in knowing that He can change all things for the good.
We're very reluctant to change, even though we know that all things change, and especially our relationships are just determined to change.
The change between horse and buggy to automobile is a big change and there hasn't been a major change since.
Anytime you adopt a new system you change work flow and so people have to change, to some degree change the way in which they do things.
Things change. Routines change. Things have to change. But change doesn't mean less. It just means different.
I make paintings really slowly because I change them and change them and change them and change them and change them. I don't really know how to not do that. I'm not very free in a way. Even though it looks free. But it's not.
I can tell jokes. I can talk to the audience. I can relax. I can change my songs whenever I want. I can change the tempos. I can change the mood, because I'm in charge.
Any time there's significant change, there's going to be some people who embrace the change and others who are against the change.
I want God’s Word to get into our bone marrow and change the way we walk...change what we do...change how we think.
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