Top 1200 Accepting Others Quotes & Sayings - Page 7

Explore popular Accepting Others quotes.
Last updated on December 18, 2024.
It's fun to be an actor and dress up, but I'm happy being me and just loving accepting my personal style.
People at the University of Portland were accepting and loving and open-minded. When you have a safety net, it allows you to take risks.
Pop culture or advertising doesn't work perfectly. No one is watching and mindlessly accepting every part of the narrative or ideology. — © Martine Syms
Pop culture or advertising doesn't work perfectly. No one is watching and mindlessly accepting every part of the narrative or ideology.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
He who bestows something great receives no gratitude; for in accepting it the recipient has already been weighed down too much.
In your school you take part in various activities that habituate you not to shut yourselves in on yourselves or in your small world, but to be open to others, especially to the poorest and neediest, to work to improve the world in which we live. Be men and women with others and for others, real champions in the service of others. To be magnanimous with interior liberty and a spirit of service, spiritual formation is necessary. Dear children, dear youths, love Jesus Christ ever more!
People told me I'd have to deal more with losing at this level. I understood that, but I didn't want to start accepting losses.
We can't have everything! It took a lot of growing up for me to realize this unalterable fact and to discipline myself into accepting it.
Can you join, ask sincerely for affection without sweaty hand of expectation, understanding and accepting if it never is given?
Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.
I am simply not such a slave to my vanity, and I don't want to be, because as you get older you really have to start accepting the inevitable.
The petty man is eager to make boasts, yet desires that others should believe in him. He enthusiastically engages in deception, yet wants others to have affection for him. He conducts himself like an animal, yet wants others to think well of him.
Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it. -David Richo  A rolling stone can gather no moss — © Publilius Syrus
Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it. -David Richo A rolling stone can gather no moss
Perfect joy lies in selflessly striving for the best outcome, and then humbly accepting whatever God gives.
I think to make any relationship work it just takes a tremendous amount of effort and accepting of one another.
Accepting that we are angry is a healthy and appropriate response as long as we don't get stuck in it. Acknowledging it is one way of going through it.
With the R&B, gospel feel that 'Sparkle' has, that opens the door for my fans to be more accepting of that sound and also for me to try it.
As the artist picks his way along, rejecting and accepting as he goes, certain patterns of enquiry emerge.
I'm not a real crazy social butterfly - and once I realised that and I accepted it, I started to realise how many people weren't accepting of that.
I think it's all about people loving each other and having compassion, accepting one another and educating themselves.
For me, Jesus is my cleft in the rock. He is my safest friend, my safe totally loving accepting big brother.
Too often we're happy to receive thanks from the nonprofits we fund, accepting gratitude instead of feedback or performance measurements.
When we desire to be a blessing, we find that there are many ways in which we can bless others. We can give material goods to others, and we can also offer them the benefit of our experience. People who have faced and overcome challenges with alcohol and drugs often involve themselves in helping others who are experiencing similar difficulties. They understand the value of overcoming the problem. In every area of the human experience, we may find those precious ones who are able and willing to be a blessing to others.
The sage does not hoard. The more he helps others, the more he benefits himself, Having bestowed all he has on others, he has yet more; having given all he has to others, he is richer still.
And now listen carefully. You in others-this is your soul. This is what you are. This is what your consciousness has breathed and lived on and enjoyed throughout your life-your soul, your immortality, your life in others. And what now? You have always been in others and you will remain in others. And what does it matter to you if later on that is called your memory? This will be you-the you that enters the future and becomes a part of it.
Among the other values children should be taught are respect for others, beginning with the child's own parents and family; respect for the symbols of faith and the patriotic beliefs of others; respect for law and order; respect for the property of others; respect for authority.
I knew that part of friendship consisted in accepting a friend’s shortcomings, which sometimes included his parents.
I was doing quite well in Malaysia... Everyone was so excited about my music, and they started accepting me as an artist.
Accepting people as they are has the miraculous effect of helping them improve. Acceptance doesn't prohibit growth; rather, it fosters it.
I considered accepting Fedor Emelianenko's offer and rematch him in Russia. I wanted an extra million dollars to do it, but they declined.
Well, you can't be trying to achieve success of any kind in this business without accepting that there's going to be a flip side to it.
I was raised in a Baptist tradition, but then I went to an Episcopalian high school, and they were very accepting of people of all faiths.
Faith is accepting what makes no sense, what we cannot prove, but know down deep in our souls is real.
The rich ate and drank freely, accepting gout and apoplexy as things that ran mysteriously in respectable families.
Accepting all the good and bad about someone. It's a great thing to aspire to. The hard part is actually doing it.
Wasn't it time she risked getting hurt again, instead of just accepting the numbness of never letting anyone in?
Just when you think you should start accepting that you're becoming an adult, all your childhood fantasies come true.
I do the best I can when I'm accepting the role to say, 'This is about as much as I can do, and if that's not suitable for you, then you should hire somebody else.' — © Billy Crudup
I do the best I can when I'm accepting the role to say, 'This is about as much as I can do, and if that's not suitable for you, then you should hire somebody else.'
Knowing how to do a job is the accomplishment of labor - showing others is the accomplishment of the teacher - making sure the work is done by others is the accomplishment of the manager - inspiring others to do better work is the accomplishment of the leader.
Everyone has been really accepting and brought me into the family. I had a lot of fun shooting it [ Fast 8].
Everyone needs an open mind and an accepting heart. With a combination of these two aspects, you will be able to communicate sensibly.
The most encouraging thing is that with the management changes there have been at Renault, they are very open to accepting that there are issues and they need to improve.
Tens of thousands, perhaps millions, have come into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ, and they have not been saved.
The fact is that those who do not see themselves but who see others, who fail to grasp of themselves but who grasp others, take possession of what others have but fail to possess themselves. they are attracted to what others enjoy but fail to find enjoyment in themselves.
You can have the 'golden rule' - do unto others as you would have others do unto you. But then you take it one step farther - where you just do good unto others, period. Just for the sake of it.
Our sense of identity is in large measure conferred on us by others in the ways they treat or mistreat us, recognize or ignore us, praise us or punish us. Some people make us timid and shy; others elicit our sex appeal and dominance. In some groups we are made leaders, while in others we are reduced to being followers. We come to live up to or down to the expectations others have of us.
The Rise credo is about accepting no limits, alternative thinking, and driving positive change - the three pillars.
Accepting money from the federal government to conduct research places academic inquiry in the service of national interests. — © Jill Lepore
Accepting money from the federal government to conduct research places academic inquiry in the service of national interests.
In wanting freedom we discover that it depends entirely on the freedom of others, and that the freedom of others depends on ours. . . I am obliged to want others to have freedom at the same time that I want my own freedom. I can take freedom as my goal only if I take that of others as a goal as well.
I wish I could have gone back and told myself what I know now: Accepting yourself is the way to go.
No one who passively endures an injustice against himself has the material in him to struggle for the rights of others. The one who patiently forbears becomes an accessory to the injustice done to others. He who resists the injustice which he himself meets can open up the way to a higher right for others.
How could you look more stupid than to be the guy accepting a bronze medal in gold shoes?
Low standards are a tactic that takes pressure off teachers' unions by accepting mediocrity and failure for kids.
It's embarrassing that we all just walk through life blindly accepting that scrambled eggs are fundamentally associated with mornings.
If we don't love ourselves, we would not love others. When someone tell you to love others first, and to love others more than ourselves; it is impossible. If you can't love yourselves, you can't love anybody else. Therefore we must gather up our great power so that we know in what ways we are good, what special abilities we have, what wisdom, what kind of talent we have, and how big our love is. When we can recognize our virtues, we can learn how to love others.
To claim - to claim repeatedly - that you are innocent of what it is claimed by others that you have done, or might have done, or are in some quarters strongly suspected of having done, is never enough unless others, numerous others, will say it for you.
To hope does not mean to know the future, but rather to be open, in an attitude of spiritual childhood, to accepting it as a gift.
I have a lot of compassion for human beings in life experiences, so I allow myself to feel what these characters are feeling and don't have a problem accepting that.
Self-assurance doesn't come from looking perfect and having a great title, but from accepting yourself with all you mistakes and eccentricities.
What I have more of a problem accepting is the criticism of former players turned journalists, who - some of them - spread their hatred.
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