Top 552 Activist Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Activist quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I wasn't a [gay] activist, really.
Activist Supreme Courts are not new. The Dred Scott decision in 1856, imposing slavery in free territories; the Plessy decision in 1896, imposing segregation on a private railroad company; the Korematsu decision in 1944, upholding Franklin Roosevelt’s internment of American citizens, mostly Japanese Americans; and the Roe decision in 1973, imposing abortion on the entire nation; are examples of the consequences of activist Courts and justices.
If scientists and scholars were to become "collectively self-organised and consciously activist" today, they would probably devote themselves to service to state and private power. Those who have different goals should (and do) become organized and activist.
I was not an activist. — © Joe Biden
I was not an activist.
I've been an activist all my life. And always a liberal activist, for the simple reason that it is on the liberal left that you find the true recognition for the need for fairness in society. I'm not saying equality, because that you can never achieve, because equality is based on such complex criteria. But fairness is another issue.
I'm always the one with the activist friends. I've been an activist very little.
I'm an artist, I'm not an activist.
I firstly don't think of myself as an activist, I never have. I always say that, I think this word "activist" is relatively recent one. I don't remember when people started being called that or what it means. It reduces both writers and activists, it makes it seem as though a writer's job is to just keep people entertained with best-selling books and the activist's job to keep on repeating the same thing without a great deal of subtlety and intelligence. I don't think either is the case.
I think I'm becoming a climate activist.
I really try not to be like, "I'm an activist."
I hadn't planned on being an activist.
I'm not an activist, I'm an actor. I don't want to be an activist.
I want to be an activist professor.
I have never been an activist for anything. — © Jim Parsons
I have never been an activist for anything.
I'm a baseball player, I'm not a political activist.
The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.
Being an activist is not easy.
I was never the feisty kind of activist.
I am more than an immigration activist.
First as a peace activist in the late '60s, then as a political activist in the '70s, and then in joining the armed clandestine resistance movement that was developing in the '80s, I am guilty of revolutionary and anti-imperialist resistance.
I'm not an activist. I'm a fantasist.
If you are an activist, you have to stay active on a daily basis.
I'm an activist. I'm a proud activist. So I want to be someone who is pro-black and pro-Africa and still be somebody that has positive influence.
There's a very fine line between political comedian and activist, and I don't really think I fall over into the activist category.
I was very active. I was always all over the place trying to do a million things, just into this activity. If you asked me when I was 14 what I wanted to be: "Activist, first, is my occupation. I am an activist."
I would be an activist but never a politician. As an activist, nobody owns you.
Because my graduate academic training at law school was not one that included most of the intellectual traditions I find useful for understanding the conditions and problems that most concern me - anti-colonial theories, Foucault, critical disability studies, prison studies and the like are rarely seen in standard US Law School curricula, where students are still fighting on many campuses to get a single class on race or poverty offered - I developed most of my thinking about these topics through activist reading groups and collaborative writing projects with other activist scholars.
I wont use abortion as a litmus test with a pro-choice individual. Someone that is an activist on the abortion issue, I think, goes outside the pale, and I cannot support an activist on the abortion issue.
For a black activist, for an activist of all walks of life, the Internet has become this kind of meeting place where we can exchange ideas, where we can learn from each other, where we can get inspired about new ways that we can make changes within our own communities and own homes.
I have an activist's desire to improve people's lives.
Because I'm a civil rights activist, I am also an animal rights activist. Animals and humans suffer and die alike. Violence causes the same pain, the same spilling of blood, the same stench of death, the same arrogant, cruel and vicious taking of life. We shouldn't be a part of it.
The only time I get frustrated with activist criticism is if I have recognized them, and invited them to work with me to figure out how we solve this problem that they're concerned about, and either they don't engage out of the sense of purity - "I'm not going to shake his hand" - or you're not sufficiently prepared so you don't even know what to ask for, or you're not being strategic as an activist and trying to figure out how the process has to work in order for you to get what you want.
I'm an activist; I have to be angry all the time. That's what we do!
I'm an activist.
You all know I have terminal cancer—and I have a lot of it. But what you may not know is that stress induces its spread and induces its activity. Stress may even bring it on. Yet stress is the fuel of the activist. This activist loves Oregon more than he loves life. I know I can't have both very long. The trade-offs are all right with me. But if the legacy we helped give Oregon and which made it twinkle from afar—if it goes, then I guess I wouldn't want to live in Oregon anyhow.
It's not like I have campaigns, I don't want to be an activist or anything.
I'm not a journalist or a politician or an activist.
One doesn't have to be an activist and start a movement.
I and you and everyone else has to be a political activist. — © Michael Moore
I and you and everyone else has to be a political activist.
I wouldn't describe myself as an activist.
I've become an animal rights activist.
I've tried to lead a progressive, activist government.
A consistent peace activist must be an anarchist.
I never really saw myself as an activist but at some point the activist is the only moral position to take.
I don't see myself as an activist. I understand that people, with me doing 'Satyameva Jayate,' for example, they will feel that I'm being an activist, but I'm not. Actually, I'm not, because I think an activist, as I see it, as a person who is very, very - takes up one issue and remains with that one issue for his entire life. I'm not doing that.
If I wanted to take a more activist or journalistic slant in work, I should probably just go be an activist or a journalist. But I'm happy being a comedian.
I'm not an activist.
Even if you can't be an activist every day, when you can be, do it.
I consider myself an activist who governs. — © Andrew Gillum
I consider myself an activist who governs.
I won't use abortion as a litmus test with a pro-choice individual. Someone that is an activist on the abortion issue, I think, goes outside the pale, and I cannot support an activist on the abortion issue.
To me, you’re either an activist or an inactivist.
I'm not a gay rights activist.
If you aren't an activist you're an inactivist.
The real debate is we've had an activist court, and the American people don't want an activist court. And the real fear from those who might oppose Samuel Alito is that he'll bring the court back within a realm where the American people might want us to be with a Supreme Court; one that interprets the law, equal justice under the law, but not advancing without us advancing, the legislative body advancing, ahead of him.
I don't think I'm a gay activist. I used to be.
When I hear the words 'activist filmmaking,' I think of somebody who's an activist, who wants to prove a particular point.
I fully realize that a person who stands for what I stand for, an activist, a gay activist, becomes the target or the potential target for a person who is insecure, terrified, afraid, or very disturbed with themselves.
I see myself as a climber and an activist.
In one of his final acts in office, President Obama shortened the sentences of 209 prisoners, pardoned 64 individuals .The list included Army whistleblower Chelsea Manning, longtime imprisoned Puerto Rican independence activist Oscar López Rivera and retired U.S. Marine Corps General James Cartwright. But missing from the list is 71-year-old Native American activist Leonard Peltier.
I can't remember when I wasn't an animal rights activist.
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