Top 686 Adjust Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Adjust quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
As long as global financial conditions normalize in an orderly fashion, EMEs should have sufficient time to adjust.
Being able to adjust - to any fighter, no matter what pressure he can give me - I'm going to show I can do all that.
It's quite normal to hear of a change and see it as a problem, but it's probably an opportunity, depending on how quickly you can adjust. — © Jim Pattison
It's quite normal to hear of a change and see it as a problem, but it's probably an opportunity, depending on how quickly you can adjust.
Most of the time, I'm playing right-handed players, so it's a little easier to adjust going back to a righty.
Sometimes you're timing is good, but they're pitching you really well and you have to adjust. The only way you can do it is if you're in there every day.
People adjust their behavior to fit the society they live in. They integrate because they have to. But what they are on the inside doesn't change.
My staff's job is to adjust to circumstances with technical precision and artful grace so that every patron has a wonderful experience.
I'm a fighter, so when someone says 'no' to me, I try to figure out what I need to adjust to hear the yes.
You could adjust the punishment to fit the infraction. Even a small fine would be enough to bring an errant government to heel.
Texas is more laid back, like Denmark is. So it was easier to adjust to that than to Los Angeles or New York for me.
At Wimbledon if it is slightly wet you don't even play the match. At the French Open you need to just get on with it and somehow adjust.
When you get on to fresh grass courts you always know that they might be a bit slippery but you have to adjust accordingly.
I think it's pretty unique to see a coach adjust to the talent he has and maximize the abilities of players he has and help them keep growing. — © Paul Allen
I think it's pretty unique to see a coach adjust to the talent he has and maximize the abilities of players he has and help them keep growing.
So I taught Sunday school and brought dishes to all manner of potlucks and tried to adjust the things I heard from the pulpit to my increasingly incongruent faith.
For young people today things move so fast there is no problem of adjustment. Before you can adjust to A, B has appeared leading C by the hand, and with D in the distance.
Leaders have to be intensely aware and be bold and flexible enough to adjust course ahead of impending changes.
I took about a year to fully adjust. Like there's a death at the family or a divorce, you don't just snap your fingers and it's over.
The game has evolved over the years, and I don't think we have as a country. In other countries they have, and they adjust much quicker than our boys.
Sometimes I get so immersed in my own company, if I unexpectedly run into someone I know, it's a bit of a shock and takes me a while to adjust.
We can keep whatever we like about manhood but adjust the parts of the definition that are keeping men back.
I think artists who are attracted to working on the Net will adjust their work to the capabilities of a very small screen.
I don't have parts of my body that I hate or would like to trade for somebody else's or wish I could surgically adjust into some fantasy version of what they are.
It's alarming how quickly people adjust to adventures when they are in one. You really have to work at being astonished by life.
I've had to adjust to karaoke as a modern reality that obscures our hunt for what we're truly after.
I had a wonderful childhood, which is tough because it's hard to adjust to a miserable adulthood.
Being professional cricketers, we have to adjust to different playing conditions and perform well in all circumstances.
If you're in the middle of the ocean with no flippers and no life preserver and you hear a helicopter, this is music. You have to adjust to your needs at the moment.
The best performers in Europe are those who use their welfare states to help people adjust to change.
A lot of guys would say that I was like a 'damn chameleon'. It doesn't matter who you are in the ring with, you can adjust and adapt.
It's a tough transition really for theater actors to adjust to television or film, and all of these years later, I still have a tendency to play it too big.
We have found that bats adjust the timing of their sounds when they encounter clutter, and they seem to 'strobe' the world with sound.
Do not forget that chiropractors did not treat diseases. They adjust causes, whether acquired, spontaneous, or the result of accident.
Starting, coming off the bench, whatever it may be, I feel I can adjust and I can play pretty much any role that I'm put in.
Every player needs a little time to adjust to new teammates and the mentality of the coach when you change clubs.
With the glucometer, I always know how much blood sugar I've got, so I can adjust my insulin or the food I eat.
Don't forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly.
Part of an actor's job, in my opinion, is adjust to the characteristics of the director and try to understand to how he tries to work.
When I was 14, I came to school in London. I remember it was very cold, but also having to adjust and become fluent in English. — © Alek Wek
When I was 14, I came to school in London. I remember it was very cold, but also having to adjust and become fluent in English.
It definitely took me a while to adjust to L.A. I came out knowing nobody, and I'd never lived away from home before.
This is not bad, but the pace of globalisation has surpassed the capacity of the system to adjust to new realities of a more interdependent and integrated world.
If, at the end of the day, you cannot answer 'yes' to the question, 'Did I do everything I could today to achieve my dream?' then you must adjust.
Someone can tell you something a million times, but if you don't know what they're talking about, it's hard to adjust and even more difficult to become a believer.
Do I have any advice for someone new to No. 10? Never open the door in your nightie. And that everybody has to adjust to it in a way that's right for their family.
Italians are great improvisers. If something unforeseen happens, they throw up their hands, and they adjust.
It took me time to adjust and to realise it was not going to happen like it did in the juniors.
You always need a certain amount of time to fully adjust; it was no different when I moved to the Bundesliga.
We can’t direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails. For maximum happiness, peace, and contentment, may we choose a positive attitude.
Political campaigns offer Americans an opportunity to adjust direction, reaffirm values, and recommit to the covenant that binds them together. — © Stanley A. McChrystal
Political campaigns offer Americans an opportunity to adjust direction, reaffirm values, and recommit to the covenant that binds them together.
It becomes very difficult for us to adjust to a world without social media because we spend so much time involved with it.
Our world has evolved and grown more technologically savvy. Lawmakers need to adjust to these changes.
It's cheap, and you have a thinking, breathing bomb that can adjust to circumstances and cross the street to hit another target if the original one doesn't look good.
The first business of a man of science is to proclaim the truth as he finds it, and let the world adjust itself as best it can to the new knowledge.
Part of an actors job, in my opinion, is adjust to the characteristics of the director and try to understand to how he tries to work.
Countries like Japan do not have to change their cultures to address their educational shortcomings; they simply have to adjust their policies and practices.
While Saudi Arabia tries to usher in the post-oil era, its citizens struggle to adjust to a more diversified capitalist society.
I'm from New Jersey / I don't expect too much / If the world ended today / I would adjust.
Moving from Cameroon to Texas, that was a change. Learning English, the culture, everything was different so I had to adjust.
Chess is a miniature version of life. To be successful, you need to be disciplined, assess resources, consider responsible choices and adjust when circumstances change.
If it is unnecessary to adjust the amount of expenditure to the means available, there is no limit to the spending of the great god State.
The problem is this. The spread of markets outpaces the ability of societies and their political systems to adjust to them, let alone to guide the course they take
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