It therefore become essential for the future of Judaism itself that its advancement should be correlated with a similar effort to advance the cause of religion generally.
I can tell for sure, the technologists have made it clear that they don't care about musicians. The arts have been sacrificed on the altar of technological advancement.
We have to take away from humans in the long run their reproductive autonomy as the only way to guarantee the advancement of mankind.
The prevailing structures of personal reputation and career advancement mean the biggest rewards often follow the flashiest work, not the best.
Nothing has tended more to retard the advancement of science than the disposition in vulgar minds to vilify what they cannot comprehend.
The city of Tehran is a very modern metropolis, and there's an emphasis in the Islamic republic on science and advancement and technology.
That seems to be the haunting fear of mankind - that the advancement of women will sometime, someway, someplace, interfere with some man's comfort.
We must renew democracy itself. We have to fight cynicism and inertia and restore faith in the advancement of our country.
While all of these are important and significant events, it is the United States foreign policy that furthers the advancement of freedoms and rights for women that is the most striking for me.
While all of these are important and significant events, it is the United States' foreign policy that furthers the advancement of freedoms and rights for women that is the most striking for me.
The object of all the former voyages to the South Seas undertaken by the command of his present majesty, has been the advancement of science and the increase of knowledge.
I would [call myself a feminist], yes, I believe in the unadulterated advancement of women. And we have so far to go still.
Disputes among natural philosophers are of use to science, as the quarrels of the great, and the clamors of the little, are necessary to freedom of thought and the advancement of learning.
Any article's good. Long as it's publicity, I think that's all that matters. I think it's advancement for my career.
If people are worried about unfair advancement, they should look at the sons-in-law of the world running companies. They've truly slept their way to the top.
It is absolutely necessary, both for our advancement and the salvation of others, to follow always and in all things the beautiful light of faith
We can all think we're discriminated against, and I'm sure many of us are. But I see a ton of optimism in corporate America around the advancement and retention of women.
Inspiration, in its rich variety, must be present in any discussion about Africa. We need role models - they are essential to the advancement of our society.
I don't think anywhere you go to get news is news anymore. It is commentary, but mostly it is the advancement of agenda.
Don't get diverted by trying to do things for your own advancement. In other words, don't be lured into responding to incentives.
Just like football, business is a game of inches, where the smallest advancement or advantage can mean the difference between winning and losing.
Distributed intelligence is the key to the advancement of human civilization. Dictatorships, communist countries, monarchies in the past all eventually collapsed because of their inefficiency in moving information.
A major impediment to economic advancement around the world is the fact that the vast majority of humans are unbanked.
Now is the time to take up the cause of the advancement of human rights for all and the moment is yours to grasp.
Desire is the motivating force behind all progress and advancement in science, art, industry and in all phases of life.
The intellectual advancement of man depends on how often he can exchange an old superstition for a new truth.
I play the sort of character who would sell his grandmother for career advancement, something I've come across a lot with actors.
Setting is preliminary to brighter rising; decay is a process of advancement; death is the condition of higher and more fruitful life.
The only way you can really evaluate spiritual advancement is to see how someone treats those who are close to them.
Coercive power is the curse of the universe, coactive power, the enrichment and advancement of every human soul.
In a culture that gives men irresponsible power and women powerless responsibility, the advancement of civilization cannot be a serious goal.
I know in this time of great technological advancement, the idea of reading a book seems almost anachronistic, but I think it's worth preserving.
Government isn't that good at rapid advancement of technology. It tends to be better at funding basic research. To have things take off, you've got to have commercial companies do it.
It's all about secular unionism, the advancement of atheism, which they even tried to create in this law - Democrats did - an atheistic chaplaincy.
We are in the midst of a violent backlash againist feminism that uses images of female beauty as political weapons against women's advancement.
The advancement of coal research will benefit Wyoming, its people, and the coal industry. I fully support it.
No great advancement has ever been kept at bay because of ideology, nor greed. Eventually progress moves us forward.
The pupil is ... 'schooled' to confuse teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence, and fluency with the ability to say something new.
Poverty is multidimensional. It extends beyond money incomes to education, health care, political participation and advancement of one's own culture and social organisation.
While global research is crucial, the U.S. must maintain its leadership role as the world's innovator for both medical advancement and job creation.
Being involved in the well-being and advancement of one's own community is a most natural thing to do.
Most worshippers of God are intent on the advancement of their own destiny, not on His worship. In India, no one has ever claimed to be a prophet. The reason is that claims to divinity are customary.
Martin Luther King demeans his race and retards the advancement of his people.
Imagine choosing a job not on money or even on career advancement, but as part of a life worth living.
Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.
Without moving beyond a mere copy, there is no artistry, no originality or artistic advancement; only mechanics.
Today, hundreds of thousands of AIDS patients are under medical treatment, which is a great advancement. But it makes some people reckless.
Those who take up any subject with an open mind, willing to learn anything that will contribute to their advancement, comfort and happiness, are wise.
He who is the cause of another's advancement is thereby the cause of his own ruin.
One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.
Our health underpins our happiness and is a foundation of economic advancement.
The Internet is probably the most important technological advancement of my lifetime. Its strength lies in its open architecture and its ability to allow a framework where all voices can be heard.
Genetic engineering is a result of science advancement, so I don't think that in itself is bad. If used wisely, genetics can be beneficial, but they can be abused, too.
It is a remarkable honor to receive a Nobel Prize, because it not only recognizes discoveries, but also their usefulness to the advancement of fundamental science.
The advancement of all sciences, especially where there has been such a radical change, have been attended with persecution.
An absence of antecedents and of relatives is sometimes an aid rather than an impediment to social advancement . . .
In any country, corruption tends to increase when more respectable means of social advancement break down.
Your ability to work with others on a complex task is a critical skill for advancement at work.
The slave has but one master, the ambitious man has as many as there are persons whose aid may contribute to the advancement of his fortunes.
Technology has advanced more in the last thirty years than in the previous two thousand. The exponential increase in advancement will only continue.
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