Top 1028 Alien Abduction Quotes & Sayings - Page 6

Explore popular Alien Abduction quotes.
Last updated on October 16, 2024.
Going to hospital is rather like going to an alien planet.
My airplane is quiet, and for a moment still an alien, still a stranger to the ground, I am home.
I feel... sexier, I think, with short hair. I feel like an alien! — © Pamela Anderson
I feel... sexier, I think, with short hair. I feel like an alien!
To claim you are more detached, more alien to everything than anyone, and to be merely a fanatic of indifference!
I do love a conspiracy theory myself, but I'm more of an alien, mermaid sort of conspiracy girl.
I'm an ice queen, I'm the Sun King, I'm an alien fleeing from District 9 and I'm a dominatrix. So I reckon that makes me a lukewarm royalty with a whip from outer space.
Rose: 'If you are an alien, how come you sound like you're from the north?' Doctor: 'Lots of planets have a north!
Civilisation is never so charming as when it is an island in the middle of simplicity, or of a civilisation of an alien kind.
'Alien?' Oh, yeah. I still get fanmail almost every week, pictures from all over the world on that movie. That's one of the most popular films I've done.
Am I the only one who secretly hopes that the Curiosity rover will be swallowed up by a giant alien worm living just below Mars's surface?
Writing is an act of empathy. You are occupying and understanding a point of view that might be alien to your own--and work is often the keyhole through which you peer.
'AVP' is not trying to be 'Alien' or 'Aliens,' and it's not trying to be 'Predator.' Those are genius movies.
Strange is this alien despotism of Sleep which takes two persons lying in each other's arms & separates them leagues, continents,asunder.
I love that India has declared dolphins non-human people with all laws that apply to human. I'm fascinated with the alien-ness of that. — © Bryan Fuller
I love that India has declared dolphins non-human people with all laws that apply to human. I'm fascinated with the alien-ness of that.
Something like 'Alien,' that was not so easy. If there's any genre I wouldn't mind not having to do anymore, it would be science fiction. It's just all to do with the toys, and there's so much hanging around.
When someone intelligent comes around, and looks at life around football in a different way, it can be alien.
In Germany, people feel like they own classical music, that it is somehow theirs. Over there, everyone still learns to play, and the great composers don't seem alien.
New York is about as cosmopolitan as it gets. It's a fairly mixed and woke town, so there weren't a lot of situations growing up where I felt like the outsider or the alien.
All men alike stand condemned, not by alien codes of ethics, but by their own, and all men therefore are conscious of guilt.
'Deadpool' was 'Alien.' It's brilliant. It completely works. It's a masterpiece. 'Deadpool 2' is 'Aliens.'
Once you go alien, you really do never go back.
I've learned to relax and be my present age and my present position. I feel comfortable on my mid-thirties. It doesn't seem such an alien place to be.
Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us.
I think a lot of people really have religious overtones of having come from somewhere. I mean, even the whole concept of religion is kind of alien.
There is nothing more foreign, more alien, to our nature than holiness.
We must never again let America be led into a fratricidal war like the last two world wars, for the sake of alien, minority interests.
I am a human being; nothing human can be alien to me.
Sometimes an alien would stand with a moose, not because of solidarity, but because of accidentally doing it.
I am the illegal alien of commentary. I will do the jokes that no one else will do.
We don't know what the future will bring, but that's because we are ever in the process of creating it, not because it is an alien force to which we have to submit.
Who would have thought the bees would have been the first alien force to invade America?
The love that interferes and knows not how to leave alone is a love alien to Nature's ways.
North Korea is still my homeland, my country. I suffered on the outside because I was alien, without identity. I was nobody. I was in the worst situation, fighting for everything, to survive.
The first time I saw E.T., the actual image of an alien, and he was so sweet-looking. I wanted him. I wanted E.T.
Yes, I do not like people saying that atheism is based on science, because it's not. It's an alien invasion of science.
Boarding school didn't feel like my world, I felt like an alien; people there had a lot of money.
There are a lot of people going around where an alien took over their body, and their soul will actually leave and be, like, in a sleep or in a near-death situation.
The great majority of Americans do not know much about Islam but nonetheless fear it as violent, expansionist and alien to their society. The problem to overcome is not hatred, but ignorance.
I wanted to do a war movie, a western and an alien movie. In reality, there are a lot of ugly things happening in the world. — © Aaron Eckhart
I wanted to do a war movie, a western and an alien movie. In reality, there are a lot of ugly things happening in the world.
For a moment the two of them looked at each other, wordless, as if they were asleep and their dreams had converged on common ground, a place where sound was alien.
I'm interested in the essence of things. If you pare things down, what's left? It's like I'm trying to describe the soul to an alien.
Self-restraint may be alien to the human temperament, but humanity without restraint will dig its own grave.
I always felt that if we ever encountered an alien species, they wouldn't look like us or even be humanoid, like 'E.T.'
It was 'ST' format to let space and alien worlds, rather than human weakness, provide the conflict and danger necessary to our adventure show.
In the U.K., we're surrounded by American accents. Anything we watch in television. We have 'How I Met Your Mother' and all these other shows here, so it's not something that's really alien to us.
With Alien, because we always use a different director, each one kind of stands on its own. So I guess it's possible for them to make another one, but we have no plans.
I'm just Jeffree. Everyone calls me he/she/whatever they want to call me; I'm an alien.
He is outside of everything, and alien everywhere. He is an aesthetic solitary. His beautiful, light imagination is the wing that on the autumn evening just brushes the dusky window.
For every person that says I'm the new Audrey Hepburn, someone else says that I look like an alien. — © Sophie Ellis-Bextor
For every person that says I'm the new Audrey Hepburn, someone else says that I look like an alien.
Those whom we most love are often the most alien to us.
My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien.
The true critic is he who bears within himself the dreams and ideas and feelings of myriad generations, and to whom no form of thought is alien, no emotional impulse obscure.
Now some alien force seems to have come and captured the Dodgers. I don't know what happened to my Dodgers.
We cannot just ape the west. What may be good in an alien country may be unpalatable in India.
What we were doing was alien in '92. We were less than immediately accepted by our fans and peers.
The traveler has to knock at every alien door to come to his own, and one has to wander through all the outer worlds to reach the innermost shrine at the end.
I've never actually seen a Star Trek, but I have seen an Alien movie.
I was an illegal alien for many, many years. I couldn't move. If I moved I could not even get a visa back.
I always felt like an outer-space alien. I was always breaking the fourth wall.
'Aquarian Conspiracy' is the term I have coined for the network of people working for social transformation based on personal inner change. Such a notion is not at all alien to the American milieu.
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