Top 1200 All People Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular All People quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Poor people have more fun than rich people, they say; and I notice it's the rich people who keep saying it.
I would just like to say this about all the married people working together on the set: it was just a joy. That is the great joy to go to work with people that you love, whether they be people that you are in love with or people that you just love and be creative and artistic and make things that you want to send out into the world and make people feel good. It was a great environment to work in for me.
People do have a - people, unlike politicians, are allowed to change their minds. People are allowed to look back and say, you know what, all things considered, I don't think that was the smart move.
I like to use exercise classes as a way of understanding what people are doing. I'm promiscuous in terms of exercise. You see what people are wearing. You see what people are responding to. You see what the music is they're listening to. An exercise class is social anthropology: what clothes people are wearing, what are the new sneakers.
I'm not a racist.It would had also go for Swedish people, for Australian people.Of course that would apply with anybody for any dual nationality, but the mere fact would be the reality because we have overrepresentation of often Moroccan people and other people from Islamic background in a crime that they would be stripped of the Dutch nationality and sent away.
I think white people like to tell Asian people how they should feel about race because they're too scared to tell black people.
People aren't comfortable thinking of women as people. Like we're not people, we're women, and that means something completely different, especially when you have power.
In a free society we will tolerate boorish people, who have abhorrent behavior, but if we're civilized people we publicly criticize that and don't belong to those groups or associate with those people.
So for me to actually have access to women, to feminist women, to gay people, to trans people, to intellectuals, iconoclasts, weirdos, academics, just the people who don't normally get marketed to, in some way I kinda hoped that if I could collect all of them, I could say, "Hey! Look over here! There are enough people who like my stuff." And it sorta has seemed to be true.
I should emphasize this, to keep well-meaning but misguided multiculturalists at bay: the theoretical entities in which these tribal people frankly believe — the gods and other spirits — don't exist. These people are mistaken, and you know it as well as I do. It is possible for highly intelligent people to have a very useful but mistaken theory, and we don't have to pretend otherwise in order to show respect for these people and their ways.
I'm passionate about people. I've spent my life in advocacy. People matter - whether or not we agree on the issue, people matter. — © Ann Marie Buerkle
I'm passionate about people. I've spent my life in advocacy. People matter - whether or not we agree on the issue, people matter.
In Los Angeles, individuality is very big, because people live in secluded bubbles. People don't walk around. They're very insular, and that allows for people to be whatever they want.
Many of my friends are gay, male and female. I don't judge people. I don't care what people do in their bedrooms and people shouldn't care what I do in mine.
There can be people who are feminist, and people who hold the completely opposite view but are still feminists. It seems to me from the outside that there's a lot of people busy fighting each other rather than working toward their goals. It's a shame.
Globalization has genuinely drained power away from national politicians and people feel it. People in our fast digital age are also frustrated with the comparably slow democratic processes. Many young people - and some old people - want to know, Why does everything take so long? Why can't someone just decide and then move forward?
In middle school, you're figuring out how you're affecting people, and sometimes you're affecting people negatively. And what sucks is that it can affect people for their whole lives. I didn't realize I was a part of that.
It's a little counterintuitive to people, that doing what people don't expect ends up being what people do expect. But that is true of Mac.
As long as the government's actions are secret, it cannot be held accountable. A government for the people and by the people should be transparent to the people.
There are always people you can turn to for help and advice. Former coaches, people I used to play with in Belgium and in England. It is good to have people you can look to for support, but in the end you are out on the pitch on your own and you have to come through it for yourself.
People say "the Americans" or "the United States," as if it was a kind of bloc. It's not. There's a lot of people thinking differently from other people in the U.S. This is very interesting to me and very important.
In documentary, mostly, people are going to say untoward things; people are going to have gnarly beliefs. People aren't perfect.
I don't think you can say that one aspect of my life built my perspective. It is a combination of my faith, my family, the people I've met at Connecticut and understanding that basketball is a platform for something bigger than the game, helping people, touching people's lives.
I only need one good friend to see me through. Most people aren't like that. Most people are always looking out for more people to know. — © Carol Rifka Brunt
I only need one good friend to see me through. Most people aren't like that. Most people are always looking out for more people to know.
When you draw a crowd of people in a street or room or landscape, decide whether you want to say that the people dominate the place or that the place is more important than the people.
I found that people want stories that are not too dissimilar from theirs. People want to be reminded that, let's say, struggle in your family is being felt by other people, that you're not alone.
Don't be confused by what looks like luck to you. Lucky people don't make successful people; people who completely commit themselves to success seem to get lucky in life.
It was just really exciting to see dark people in white people's clothing, or what is perceived as white people garb.
I think I can score. But personally, I like to pass first, because people love people who pass. And I'm a point guard, so my job is to kind of get people open.
There's always going to be people who say, 'This ain't country.' But that's fine; that's how it is. Those same people aren't listening to Sam Hunt, aren't listening to FGL. But obviously, a lot of people are.
I don't like offending people, and it's easy to offend people when you don't know as much as they do. This group knows more about what it takes to lead in this way than I ever will. My goal is to push people, but I need to do it from a place of respect.
It is a blessing to have pretty people around me. I like people who are sparky, positive. Evil, dark people are repelled by me: Oooh no! Too much sunlight.
I was lucky. A lot of people have that. People that don't tell you what you want to hear, but what's best for you. I was blessed with great friends. I was always blessed that way. My dad always kept good people around me. I just got lucky. Because of the spotlight you're in, people are scared to tell you otherwise.
I like to help poor people who got no chance. If rich people don't, who will? Not other poor people, that's for sure. — © Charles Barkley
I like to help poor people who got no chance. If rich people don't, who will? Not other poor people, that's for sure.
If people want to talk about Bob Dylan, I can talk about that. But my dad belongs to me and four other people exclusively. I'm very protective of that. And telling people whether he was affectionate is telling people a lot. It has so little to do with me. I come up against a wall.
I never overestimate the audience, nor do I underestimate them. I just have a very rational idea as to who we’re dealing with, and that we’re not making a picture for Harvard Law School, we’re making a picture for middle-class people, the people that you see on the subway, or the people that you see in a restaurant. Just normal people.
If you write your own lyrics now, and those are the main focus in the EP... people tend to approach it as Americana, which is wild. That's what leads people to it. But it's just whatever people want; as long as they like the music.
People who want to kill other people are the last people I want to party with, because I get mouthy when I drink.
I want to say to the people, if I am a star, the people made me a star. No studio, no person, but the people did.
The Arctic is a highway. The tree limit, the scarcity of trees, freed people to walk. Particularly in the wintertime. Which connected people physically, communicatively. And mythically. The long nights of winter free people to tell. And to listen.
People confuse goodness with weakness. It is weak people, not good people (goodness demands strength), who are taken advantage of.
One of the great challenges of being a modern historian is interviewing multiple people who were all there for something, some event. No one's version matches up 100% with other people's, even if it's three or four people on a conference call.
CNN will always be the channel people turn on when wars and horrible disasters happen. The 'trick' is getting people to also want to watch it when there aren't hundreds or thousands of people somewhere in the world currently in mortal peril.
Sometimes, people can be extraordinarily judgmental and closed-minded to anyone different or special, which is why it's so hard for young people in this day and age to be comfortable enough in their own skin to not listen to the people picking on them.
A lot of people are always striving for bigger and better. People are always wondering if the grass is greener and then they'll? start hearing things or meeting other people.
At the end of day, people are starving and, if people are starving and thirsty and they need to keep their families alive, people become desperate quickly. There are real world examples of this.
You got people that come in, one album, two albums, and they're gone. A lot of people couldn't take the break I took and come back into the game, and people be checking for them.
When people are rude to other people. When people belittle other people. Bullies really bother me a lot. A lot, a lot. — © Chris Zylka
When people are rude to other people. When people belittle other people. Bullies really bother me a lot. A lot, a lot.
I think there is a big difference between real people and Internet people. Real life people understand that this is a sport.
I feel like I want people to... I guess not be as judgemental of situations because they might not know the full story. Just to try to be nice about other people's struggles and be understanding and not judge people based on their circumstances.
I probably enjoy campaigning more than most other people in public office because I like people and I enjoy going out there and telling people what I've done.
Sometimes, people can be extraordinarily judgmental and closed-minded to anyone different or special, which is why it’s so hard for young people in this day and age to be comfortable enough in their own skin to not listen to the people picking on them.
I'm interested in little people. 'The little, great people' is how I would put it, because suffering expands people.
People are fans of Dunkin' Donuts. They have a relationship with the company, they go there every day. Dunkin' Donuts is using Twitter to communicate with those people. There are people who are finding value in that. There's thousands of people, I don't know how many thousands now, following Dunkin' Donuts.
There are two things that matter when you're making music. First, that you're doing what you love, even if it's crazy and other people tell you it's crazy. The second thing is the only people you really need to worry about are the people who love your music, not the people who speak badly about it.
I love picking people. I started Blackstone, and we had no people, and now we have with our portfolio companies about 750,000 people all over the world. Everybody who is at a senior level has ultimately been picked by me.
America's experiment with government of the people, by the people, and for the people depends not only on constitutional structure and organization but also on the commitment, person to person, that we make to each other.
I'm a big fan of Yoko, one of those weird people who really love her music, and who argues with people all the time, because people do write her off.
People are terrified of other people or difficult projects because they tell themselves that they could fail or be rejected. Failure can lead to sorrow, regret, frustration and annoyance-all healthy feelings without which people couldn't exist.
We always think of saints as these monks or nuns or popes or priests from centuries ago who were celibate or lived very quiet lives. Maybe we don't know a lot about a lot them but what I'm saying is the saints of the 21st century are gonna be regular people - people who've kissed other people. They're gonna be married people.
In psychology and behavioral economics, people have shown that if you just describe options in a certain way, or make some features of a situation salient, you can get people to do and even see what you want. You don't have to be a Jedi to manipulate people's attention.
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