Top 1200 Almost Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Almost quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
So much of young adult literature has turned dark, almost pathological. It's almost as if there is a race to see who can be the most dysfunctional.
People who are thinking about your music almost as much as you are, that almost never happens.
I do feel like 'The Dark Knight' is a great film, but that Batman in there? He's almost like Robocop to me. He's almost robotic looking; he's got this surgical approach to everything... He's almost not human. That's supposed to be his whole point: he's supposed to be the most human of superheroes.
The work in S, M, L, XL was almost suicidal. It required so much effort that our office almost went bankrupt. — © Rem Koolhaas
The work in S, M, L, XL was almost suicidal. It required so much effort that our office almost went bankrupt.
In my Corgan brain, I've decided it's almost as simple as 'All you need is love.' Almost.
I glanced out the window at the signs of spring. The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost budding, the sun was almost bright.
Sometimes I get off stage, and I almost have no recollection of what happened. It's almost like a trance; it's very bizarre.
Men need to be aware of the health of their bodies, as well - prostate cancer and breast cancer are almost on the same level. It's fascinating to me that the correlation between the two is almost the same - people don't talk about it so much, but they are almost equal in numbers.
With Mass Effect we said, "Let's reflect the fact that you can be almost anyone, do almost anything, but..." In our minds, we always felt the character was iconic.
In a fight almost anything goes. It almost reaches the point where you stop to apologize if a chance blow lands above the belt.
I am going to sit there and watch Michael Phelps break my record anonymously? That's almost demeaning to me. It is not almost - it is.
Arsene has most of the media in his pocket now and is almost - almost - affecting the officials so that you can't tackle an Arsenal player. That's something he's very clever at working on and it's almost working in his favour, you can see that.
The Wizard's First Rule: People are stupid; given proper motivation almost anyone will believe almost anything.
I'm somebody who finds adversity is almost as good as encouragement. It's almost like, you close the door, and I'll find ten ways to kick it in and go around it or dig under it or something.
Sometimes when she looks at him that way he finds himself almost blushing; a feeling so strange he almost doesn’t recognize it. Jace Wayland doesn’t blush. — © Cassandra Clare
Sometimes when she looks at him that way he finds himself almost blushing; a feeling so strange he almost doesn’t recognize it. Jace Wayland doesn’t blush.
The total history of almost anyone would shock almost everyone.
Almost all the great players I admire performed well deep into their 30s and their 40s, almost all of them, and I don't think I'm any different.
All you need is a laptop or a PC and an Internet connection and you can pretty much do almost anything and create almost any type of company.
The thought of' the inferiority of the Negro is drilled into him in almost every class he enters and in almost every book he studies.
Man can be conditioned to behave in almost every desired way; but only "almost.
Poetry is almost like my foundation for everything. I almost feel I am a better actor and writer because of it.
Not everyone can write a book or paint a picture or write a symphony, but almost anyone can fall in love. There is something almost miraculous in that.
There was a period when the utopian scenario was almost true - when we felt that you could do almost anything in a club, as long as it was any good. There was no rigid expectation from the audience as to how it had to be delivered. But this didn't last very long. It was almost palpable, the decline of this in the new millennium.
Differences of power are always manifested in asymmetrical access. The President of the United States has access to almost everybody for almost anything he might want of them, and almost nobody has access to him. The super-rich have access to almost everybody; almost nobody has access to them. ... The creation and manipulation of power is constituted of the manipulation and control of access.
Faced with the opportunity to become the category of one, we almost always hesitate, almost always compromise, almost always dumb it down to play it a little bit safer
I have to live, socially, in an almost unfinished society. Among the almost great, among the almost true, among the almost honest. That allows me to describe the anguish.
As long as I can walk and talk, I'll try almost anything. I say "almost" because the high wire is definitely out.
My daughter, Anna, is almost 15, and my son, Ben, is almost 10.
California, in a sense, is almost Starbucks' largest country, with almost 3,000 stores.
'Almost' is about uncertainty soon to be dismissed but not quite dispelled. 'Almost' is about revelation to come but not entirely promised.
When Lester plays, he almost seems to be singing; one can almost hear the words.
I paint very quickly. And it just, it almost comes out of me like it's almost my therapy.
Almost always, when we have fights in movies, they're done in these strange rooms where nothing gets broken. It's almost like they're in padded cells.
I have done almost 100 movies and given voice over for almost all Hollywood stars.
Twenty-three is old. It's almost 25, which is like almost mid-20s.
When I got done at Duke, I almost felt ashamed of it. I almost tried to distance myself from being the Duke guy.
Photography has escalated almost exponentially! It is a language which covers almost every aspect of communication; factual and expressive.
I opened my mouth, almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t.
With music, you're working with a producer, and you walk out of the studio six hours later with a track that's almost completely finished. There's an almost immediate payoff. — © Matisyahu
With music, you're working with a producer, and you walk out of the studio six hours later with a track that's almost completely finished. There's an almost immediate payoff.
It is almost certain that excess in eating is the cause of almost all the diseases of the body, but its effects on the soul are even more disastrous.
No one saw me cry over my dad's death for almost nine years. I hid what I felt, bottling up my emotions so tightly that almost nothing leaked out.
It is almost impossible to state what one in fact believes, because it is almost impossible to hold a belief and to define it at the same time.
Jim played - he had a great stretch in the middle of the round there, and Chad made that long putt on 16. Almost got that match. We ended up losing, but we almost won it, too.
Cezanne produced precarious little worlds that almost, almost, almost lose their balance but somehow hold themselves together, creating tension, beauty and danger all at once.
I swear, I almost died back there on that ship, you know." He let her hand go, but he was staring at her, almost as if he meant to memorize her face. " I know," he said. "everytime you almost die, I almost die myself.
Almost is almost a way of life for almost everybody
I'm almost positive I have some type of PTSD. Almost a decade of my life was consumed by the prison system.
In the experimental sciences, the epochs of the most brilliant progress are almost always separated by long intervals of almost absolute repose.
The truth is that an intellectual life is available to almost anyone, almost anywhere, if they work hard enough and are given some kind of access point.
The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything — © Aldous Huxley
The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about almost anything
I think I've almost killed myself 1,000 times eating some sandwich as fast as I possibly could and almost choking. It's a miracle that I'm still alive.
Almost everything that almost everyone believes is wrong.
What I find is that you can do almost anything or go almost anywhere, if you're not in a hurry.
Such pushy people, the school union chiefs.It's almost not worth the campaign donations. Almost.
Almost nothing can make you more miserable than when your company is struggling, and only then do you realize that this is exactly when it's almost impossible for a CEO to quit.
Almost. It’s a big word for me. I feel it everywhere. Almost home. Almost happy. Almost changed. Almost, but not quite. Not yet. Soon, maybe. I’m hoping hard for that.
Sarah: "Not bad. You look almost human." Lena: "Thanks." Sarah: "I said almost." Lena: "Well, then, almost thanks.
When you're a kid, and someone is your best friend, you almost don't need words. It's almost like puppies in a - frolicking in a garden or something. You don't articulate stuff. You just live it.
It almost sounds ridiculous - but I almost feel like I've re-learned to hit.
An assumption underlying almost all comments on interruptions is that they are aggressive, but the line between what's perceived as assertiveness or aggressiveness almost certainly shifts with an interrupter's gender.
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