Top 1200 Almost There Quotes & Sayings - Page 11

Explore popular Almost There quotes.
Last updated on December 19, 2024.
When I was at my most outrageous and destructive, I alienated almost everybody.
To be brief is almost a condition of being inspired.
In humor, almost always, less is more. — © Ken Weber
In humor, almost always, less is more.
Almost halfway down the aisle, she saw someone she wasn't expecting, and she almost stumbled on her satin heels. Kingsley Martin stood at the end of a pew, his arms crossed. He was wearing a tuxedo as well. Just like any other guest. What was he doing here? He was supposed to be in Paris! He was supposed to be gone! He looked directly at Mimi. She heard his voice loud and clear in her head. Leave him. Why should I? What do you promise me? Nothing. And everything. A life of danger and adventure. A chance to be yourself. Leave him. Come with me.
I almost don't know how to write an email.
I was deep in the zone of practicing almost constantly.
To the man of thought almost nothing is really ridiculous.
Continued persistence overcomes almost all resistance.
It's almost un-American to say that you want to change football.
I had an almost fetishistic attraction to film technology.
The Holocaust movie is almost a genre in itself these days.
Walking is almost as important as breathing, for me.
I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence. — © Nicholas Sparks
I've learned that memories can have a physical, almost living presence.
The NSA has built an infrastructure that allows it to intercept almost everything.
I think it's almost definite that the game is a draw theoretically.
It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.
I wear sunglasses almost all the time except when I'm on stage.
Almost everything official in America is a huge fraud.
Talk radio has almost ruined the sports fan.
The monarchy has almost always been unpopular.
I started dancing almost before I could walk.
I'm proud of the fact that I pitched almost 3,300 innings.
There are almost no takers for independent musicians in India.
You can almost believe what you know is not true when you really have to.
One can succeed at almost anything for which he has enthusiasm.
Technology has deprived the family of almost all its functions.
Todd, this is almost like your commentary! Dizzying!
Almost nothing need be said when you have eyes.
If you define the problem correctly, you almost have the solution.
I'm zero to a hundred in almost every facet of my life.
A keeper can almost never catch my shots.
Usually, I get bored of my stuff almost immediately.
Needing leads to bleeding - to almost all inevitable suffering.
When CNN launched in the early 1980s, everybody said: A 24-hour news network won't work. They launched, they did ok, CNN went almost bankrupt because of the risks they had taken, they got bailed out, and 25 years later CNN is a huge global brand. I think the same is going to happen in digital. If you look at the younger generation, there is a huge consumption of digital media and almost no consumption of print or traditional television. Eventually money will follow that. It is just a question of which companies win, how long it takes to get there and what kind of model you need to apply.
I tried to imagine how things could get much worse. The gods were in the Midwest fighting a huge monster that had almost defeated them once before. Poseidon was under siege and losing a war against the sea Titan Oceanus. Kronos was still out there somewhere. Olympus was virtually undefended. The demigods of Camp Half-Blood were on our own with a spy in our midst. Oh, and according to the ancient prophecy, I was going to die when I turned sixteen—which happened to be in five days, the exact same time Typhon was supposed to hit New York. Almost forgot that.
The bullet we're running from is almost never the one that hits us
Very early in my career, I almost went to journalism school.
Civilization is a disease which is almost invariably fatal. — © William Ralph Inge
Civilization is a disease which is almost invariably fatal.
It almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
[A]nti-Semitism was rife in almost all varieties of socialism.
Fear rules almost every newsroom in the country.
Russian writers enjoy almost sacred status.
There is a kind of serenity in love which is almost a paradise.
Everything may be expressed with almost nothing at all
Even with one companion ecstasy is almost banished.
... and in thinking of my life, I almost forgot my liberty.
For so long, it was just my secret. It burned inside me, and I felt like I was carrying something important, something that made me who I was and made me different from everybody else. I took it with me everywhere, and there was never a moment when I wasn't aware of it. It was like I was totally awake, like I could feel every nerve ending in my body. Sometimes my skin would almost hurt from the force of it, that's how strong it was. Like my whole body was buzzing or something. I felt almost, I don't know, noble, like a medieval knight or something, carrying this secret love around with me.
Empty words almost echo within themselves — © Cecelia Ahern
Empty words almost echo within themselves
I train almost every day. It's like work.
Failure to love is almost like murder.
Almost every one flatters himself that he and his are exceptionable.
Don’t forget, God can see you masturbating. But don’t stop. He’s almost there.
Clothing & fashion are kind of my security blanket, almost.
You can be an artist without visual images, a reader without eyes, a mass of erudition with a bad elementary memory. In almost any subject your passion for the subject will save you. If you only care enough for a result, you will almost certainly attain it. If you wish to be rich, you will be rich; if you wish to be learned, you will be learned; if you wish to be good, you will be good. Only you must, then, really wish these things, and wish them with exclusiveness, and not wish at the same time a hundred other incompatible things just as strongly.
To make people laugh was almost a sickness with me.
I'm going to be 60, and I'm almost used to myself.
Piracy is almost always a service problem.
Symphonic orchestras have almost become a glut in the market.
Science is almost totally incompatible with religion.
Glaciers are almost gone from Glacier National Park
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