Top 1200 American Television Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular American Television quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I know when I was growing up in New York, whenever I turned on the television, I never saw a face that looked like me. Whenever there was an Asian person on television, it would be a huge event, me calling to my older sister 'There's an Asian person on television!' It was unheard of back then.
It's not brain surgery. It's not nuclear physics. It's television. It's only television.
Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you'll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch.
Just speaking for myself, when I'm complimented for being Vietnamese-American in television - the only one - that doesn't make me feel happy, that makes me feel really lonely, actually.
The internet has surrounded television and turned television into an art form. — © T Bone Burnett
The internet has surrounded television and turned television into an art form.
It's not like television is now for women who have been put out to pasture. Television is for everybody.
There are many things clogging the television waves. You've got to fight for every bit of television households you can get.
I think it's impossible for any of us not to find television, and the political process at its best on television, compelling.
Television is a real woman's medium... but what's disturbing is, still even in television, women have so little to do with what's going on behind the scenes.
If theres something decent going in television, the mediums now are kind of equal. Television has become much higher quality.
American power should be used not just in the defense of American interests but for the promotion of American principles.
I hate to say this about television, since I have a television show, but it's just mind-numbing to me.
I think that every time you bring a subject into the mainstream landscape of television, it can have a huge impact. Television is such an influential medium.
When was the last time you bought an American-made radio or television? If you're Gen X or younger, the answer is 'never.' Does the label on that shirt or skirt you're wearing say 'Made in the U.S.A.'? If so, you probably got it at Goodwill, or maybe at a Smithsonian garage sale.
If I ever got to do television, I would be interested in doing different kinds of characters and stories, and television doesn't lend itself to that. — © Bobcat Goldthwait
If I ever got to do television, I would be interested in doing different kinds of characters and stories, and television doesn't lend itself to that.
I don't watch a great deal of television because I don't have a television, and I don't have a huge catalog of films that I've watched, either.
I have taken a bit, when I find the time, to the odd television binge. Because television has improved so much, it's worth binging.
I think you know, to not open your mind to television is silly because there's so much good work happening on television.
American art, like the American language and American education, was as far as possible sexless.
The problem, when comparing contemporary television to television in 1974, is that TV has become not just bad but sad.
What's better these days, television or film? It's a dead heat. In fact, one could argue for television with more regularity.
America's exceptionalism, American leadership, the American model, the American values are not [first with Donald Trump] - they're something that end at the border.
My only problem, and this has been a constant worry on television, is time management. The deadlines on television are killing.
'Heroes', 'Desperate Housewives', 'The Sopranos' - they're all very stylised. 'The Wire' is much more rooted in realism and honesty. In American television, I can't think of anything I'd rather have been in because it has got something to say and that is the kind of thing I want to do.
Television is a very powerful medium and I am open to doing any type of shows on television.
I think if you work in television everyday, and you must be privy to everything happening in television, then do so.
Most of the time people are aiming so low on television. They're trying to reach that common denominator, especially on network television.
Now, you always know there's going to be some compromise when you're doing something for television, and especially network television.
It makes it harder to write if I watch a lot of television, because television is not like a written story.
Im not an American but I have always had the outsiders respect for the American people and the American way.
Television is in a different time because of reality television, so it's not as exciting.
Television has changed. The very nature of it is not even television anymore.
The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent.
Greece is a sort of American vassal; the Netherlands is the country of American bases that grow like tulip bulbs; Cuba is the main sugar plantation of the American monopolies; Turkey is prepared to kowtow before any United States proconsul and Canada is the boring second fiddle in the American symphony.
You get to that age where you're watching a lot of television, and who doesn't want to be on television?
Art in America should be American, drawn from American sources, memorializing American achievement.
When I began to think about the head of the family, the storyteller, the rise of television which became the new storyteller, the break-up of the American family as an idea and then Avalon came.
Every time I make American film I just trust American directors and American writers.
I don't even own a television. I don't watch network television.
The television business is actually going through a tremendous transition, but I think at the end of the day, television is still paramount. — © Jeff Zucker
The television business is actually going through a tremendous transition, but I think at the end of the day, television is still paramount.
Foreigners have a complex set of associations in their minds when they think of America - from Iraq to 9/11, certainly, but also from Coke to jeans. It is entirely possible for people around the world to love American products, American books, American movies, American music, and dislike the policies of the government of America.
When I was coming up in the '80s television, if you were on television that meant either you were a young actor just coming up like I was, or you were an older actor whose career was over and you had to go on television.
I'm American. Very American. Like, I-might-have-biscuits-and-sausage-gravy-for-dinner American.
The thrill of doing television versus features is, in television, you get to focus more on the characters.
Television is not hurting. Television is in fantastic shape. It's just a golden age for other people.
As the age of television progresses the Reagans will be the rule, not the exception. To be perfect for television is all a President has to be these days.
The American child, driven to school by bus and stupefied by television, is losing contact with reality. There is an enormous gap between the sheer weight of the textbooks that he carries home from school and his capacity to interpret what is in them.
If there's something decent going in television, the mediums now are kind of equal. Television has become much higher quality.
Television is not the truth. Television is a goddamned amusement park.
I grew up watching television. I'm a television addict. I had all these heroes, but they didn't look like me. — © Cress Williams
I grew up watching television. I'm a television addict. I had all these heroes, but they didn't look like me.
My job as a television anchor or television reporter is not to proselytize.
I am of the opinion that there is more high-quality television being produced than at any time in the history of television.
I've never really been a television watcher and watched comedies, and I have gotten a number of invitations to be on television as the dad.
It's no accident that Julia Child appeared on public television - or educational television, as it used to be called. On a commercial network, a program that actually inspired viewers to get off the couch and spend an hour cooking a meal would be a commercial disaster, for it would mean they were turning off the television to do something else.
I'm comfortable, culturally I'm American, my perspectives are American, but from an aesthetic perspective do other people look at me and think that I'm American?
I guarantee there's people who watch television who have no idea how complicated it is to make a television show.
Rather than lose the public because television is here, wouldn't it be smart to adopt television as our instrument?
When I'm playing an American, I don't play Lennie with an American accent. They're American characters who look like me, but they have different voices.
Everybody should have a television show. Let's all get television shows!
I think television is doing a better job than films in terms of representing people, but television is still not diverse.
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