Top 155 Analysts Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Analysts quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
Believe it or not, some Western analysts in the 1930s insisted that Stalin was a 'moderate,' controlled by extremists like the secret police chief Nikolai Yezhov.
All analysts spend half their time hunting through the literature for inequalities which they want to use and cannot prove.
I think there's space in the market for a half-dozen kind of polling analysts. — © Nate Silver
I think there's space in the market for a half-dozen kind of polling analysts.
The fake republics are goners; the monarchies have a fighting chance. That's my conclusion after a short visit to the Middle East and discussions with officials and analysts there.
Lovers, of course, are notoriously frantic epistemologists, second only to paranoiacs (and analysts) as readers of signs and wonders.
The way I prepare is through script analysts and back story. I create back story for a character based on script analysts, filling in as many details as possible. I also do a lot of research.
ESPN has announced that they are launching a 3-D sports network. Industry analysts say this will absolutely revolutionize the way Americans don't watch soccer.
Financial analysts make a lot more than accountants.
One of the most watched - and least meaningful - financial metrics each quarter is the number of 'earnings surprises,' or instances in which companies' profits beat analysts' expectations.
There was unprecedented elite condemnation of the plans to invade Iraq. Sensible analysts were able to perceive that the enterprise carried significant risks for U.S. interests, however conceived.
Most analysts are SO SMART and have amazing ideas, but they can't convey their genius ideas to others.
Political analysts tend to overinterpret the results of isolated elections.
Analysts say that one reason Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were privatized in the first place was to prevent political whims from dominating the mortgage marketplace.
ICG became a dot-com joke, a one-stock example of extreme hubris on the part of its management and the investment bankers and sell-side analysts who embarrassed themselves by pumping it up.
Brexit was not a coup. Far from it. In the eyes of most analysts, it was a clear sign that people are frustrated and fed up with the status quo; this is particularly the case with independent voters.
It is a well known fact that almost all the outstanding chess-players have been first-class analysts. — © Mikhail Botvinnik
It is a well known fact that almost all the outstanding chess-players have been first-class analysts.
Oil prices jumped to well over $100 a barrel, and analysts say it's due to tension in the Middle East. So, luckily, it's just a temporary thing.
Why do analysts always answer a question with a question?
They don't take eyeballs at the bank. Those who value stocks by eyeballs should go be ophthalmologists, not stock analysts. There is no cyberworld where reach trumps profits.
Coming out of college, many of our analysts are steeped in genomic research.
The analysts try in vain to conceal the fact that they do not deduce: they combine, they compose ... when they do arrive at the truth they stumble over it after groping their way along.
It's time to wake up to the fact that you're just another avatar in someone else's MMO. Worse: From where they stand, all-powerful Big Data analysts that they are, you look an awful lot like a bot.
When even the analysts are bored, it's time to start buying.
Analysts have always been overly optimistic.
He has personality problems beyond the dreams of analysts.
In the past the analysts were the department you never saw. They were the nerds at school. You went to see the investment bankers and maybe the salesmen but the Chinese walls divided them from the analysts. But new technology and the Internet changed all that.
This message (that attempting to beat the market is futile) can never be sold on Wall Street because it is in effect telling stock analysts to drop dead.
Most election analysts in the U.S. habitually confuse the sound of money talking with the voice of the people.
Combinatorialists and analysts always have different names for everything, in order to keep themselves from interacting.
Analysts estimate that emerging markets are expected to drive 90 percent of the world's pharmaceutical market growth, and differentiated products will be important to this growth.
Under Clinton, the defiance of world order has become so extreme as to be of concern even to hawkish policy analysts.
We've shown that when an attack does happen, our agents and analysts will move heaven and earth to find those responsible.
One is to ensure that the war fighters and the intelligence analysts get the information that they need when they need it, in a format that's useful to them.
A number of analysts have observed that although bin Laden was finally killed, he won some major successes in his war against the U.S.
I wrote several articles criticizing psychoanalysis, but the analysts weren't listening to my objections. So I finally quit after practicing it for six years.
Many people have their reputations as reporters and analysts because they are on television, batting around conventional wisdom. A lot of these people have never reported a story.
Many analysts now regard modest, zero, or negative growth in our rate of energy use as a realistic long-term goal.
I think that what we've been able to do is put together both a good group of scholars and analysts and people who aggressively want to make the case to the American public.
Older Americans are perfect telemarketing customers, analysts say, because they are often at home, rely on delivery services, and are lonely for the companionship that telephone callers provide.
Analysts say Obama's new immigration plan will focus on deporting violent criminals. So, this could impact your fantasy football team. — © Conan O'Brien
Analysts say Obama's new immigration plan will focus on deporting violent criminals. So, this could impact your fantasy football team.
The free market is at its best when everybody works in a fish bowl and tells you their point of view... The hedge funds and portfolio managers have a right to do this... We've muted the analysts and their presence in the system.
U.S. analysts estimate that Russian military expenditures have tripled during the Bush-Putin years, in large measure a predicted reaction to the Bush administration's militancy and aggressiveness.
Herman Cain has moved ahead of Mitt Romney. Can you believe that? Political analysts say this is because Americans don't understand Mormonism but they do understand pizza.
Political scientists don't work at banks which is a problem. As political issues become more important for the markets, analysts at banks are asked all sorts of questions they don't have the ability to answer. And if you're getting paid to answer questions as analysts at banks are you never want to be in the position of saying you don't know.
Aided and abetted by corrupt analysts, patients who have nothing better to do with their lives often use the psychoanalytic situation to transform insignificant childhood hurts into private shrines at which they worship unceasingly the enormity of the offenses committed against them. This solution is immensely flattering to the patients -- as are all forms of unmerited self-aggrandizement; it is immensely profitable for the analysts -- as are all forms pandering to people's vanity; and it is often immensely unpleasant for nearly everyone else in the patient's life.
This is what analysts have calculated. It's a number that's out there and we're not arguing with it.
Some of the analysts were saying, Now you're a cash cow, there's no growth at all, pay it all out in dividends, give me it all, you can't invest wisely.
Psychoanalysis pretends to investigate the Unconscious. The Unconscious by definition is what you are not conscious of. But the Analysts already know what's in it - they should, because they put it all in beforehand.
The onus should be on the banks and their compliance officers to ensure the analysts are kept separate from investment banking and they should be punished for breaches.
The practising Bayesian is well advised to become friends with as many numerical analysts as possible.
I believe that historians and analysts of historical events need the authority of facts supplied by living witnesses to the events, which they make their subject. — © Ibrahim Babangida
I believe that historians and analysts of historical events need the authority of facts supplied by living witnesses to the events, which they make their subject.
The steady improvement in [home] sales will support price appreciation...[despite] all the wild projections by academics, Wall Street analysts, and others in the media.
Political analysts are saying that as a candidate, Donald Trump is 'a totally unqualified nuisance.' In other words, he is a legitimate contender for the Republican nomination.
The people of the FBI sacrifice much for their country, and I am proud to lead this organization of dedicated agents, analysts, and professional staff.
This man (FreddieMercury) truly possessed the greatest voice in the history of rock. Journalists, culture experts and analysts have already made several hundred comments on this topic and nothing can be added here.
Analysts recommendations may not produce good results. In part this is due to the pressure placed on these analysts to recommend frequently rather than wisely.
In the corporate world, if you have analysts, due diligence, and no horse sense, you've just described hell.
The free market is at its best when everybody works in a fish bowl and tells you their point of view The hedge funds and portfolio managers have a right to do this We've muted the analysts and their presence in the system.
Counterterrorism analysts have known for years that al Qaeda prepares for attacks with elaborate 'targeting packages' of photographs and notes.
I'd like to get back into journalism. I'm hoping someone will offer me a job as a commentator or one of those political analysts that you see on the news shows all the time.
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