Top 1200 Angels In America Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Angels In America quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
A friend is always good to have, but a lover's kiss is better than angels raining down on me.
In fourteen hundred ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America. Now, some have argued Columbus actually discovered the West Indies, or that Norsemen had discovered America centuries earlier, or that you really can't get credit for discovering a land already populated by indigenous people with a developed civilization. Those people are communists. Columbus discovered America.
Let's not be too tough on our own ignorance. It's the thing that makes America great. If America weren't incomparably ignorant, how could we have tolerated the last eight years?
At one school I visited, everyone had read 'Halo,' and they were all dressed up as angels - with halos! — © Alexandra Adornetto
At one school I visited, everyone had read 'Halo,' and they were all dressed up as angels - with halos!
Safety razors make it hard to grow beards in America: America would be a better place if there were a few bearded, savage, terrible old men.
Ambition first sprung from your blest abodes: the glorious fault of angels and of gods.
Anarchism misunderstands the real nature of man. It would be practicable only in a world of angels and saints
To all those in the sound of my voice who share our values, who know that we can be a stronger America at home and abroad, a more prosperous America - that we can revive America the way that Ronald Reagan did in the 1980s, and that we can add justices to the Supreme Court who honor and uphold our Constitution - now is the time to come out, to take the time to cast that vote and make Donald Trump the president of the United States.
Why should neurotic, selfish, immature people suddenly become angels when they fall in love ... ?
Angels are innumerable heavenly beings - immortal and invincible creations of God. He is the Lord of the hosts of heaven.
But men must know, that in this theatre of man's life it is reserved only for God and angels to be lookers on.
I think taking the biggest star in India and the biggest star in America, and putting them together in a movie that starts in America and ends up in India, or starts in India and goes to America. I think it would be a buddy cop formula.
Artists live with God – but give their little finger to Satan. I sleep with the angels and dream of the devil.
The angels and the saints rejoice at the sight of men on earth who struggle, suffer and labor for the love of Christ. — © Rafael Arnaiz Baron
The angels and the saints rejoice at the sight of men on earth who struggle, suffer and labor for the love of Christ.
The prison guards are capable of committing daily atrocities and obscenities, smiling the smile of the angels all the while.
Black America now has the power to achieve economic inclusion, which we rightfully deserve because we built this country. This is a conversation that white America doesn't really want to have.
Sickness, insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and they have followed me throughout my life.
Angels appear in many different forms to hold your hand through the difficult times.
Those sweetly smiling angels with pensive looks, innocent faces, and cash-boxes for hearts.
Let's be honest, this is a consumer based economy in America. That's all we manufacture here is need and appetite. We are the world's mouth. They make things in other countries, and they're like, 'Send it to America; they'll eat it.'
Who says there can't be more than one very attractive woman on a show without it becoming CHARLIE'S ANGELS?
If prayers worked, Hitler would have been stopped at the border of Poland by angels with swords of fire.
Whether the angels play only Bach praising God, I am not quite sure.
Someday in heaven, when the angels all sing, well, these rags that I'm wearing will be fit for a king.
Good angels are fallible ... they sin every day and fall from Heaven like flies.
Hear all ye angels, progeny of light, Thrones, dominations, princedoms, virtues, powers.
To preach more than half an hour, a man should be an angel himself or have angels for hearers.
I suspect I'm the only politician in America who won an election in this last cycle with TV ads saying I was going to try to pass the first single-payer system in America.
Hubert Humphrey with kids"Be clear where America stands. Human brotherhood and equal opportunity for every man, woman, and child, we are committed to it, in America and around the world."
His life rushes onward in such torrential rhythm that...only angels and devils can catch the tempo of it.
America was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci and was named after him, until people got tired of living in a place called "Vespuccia" and changed its name to "America"
I had so many freckles that my mother used to say that they were kisses from the angels. I still have them.
Did I not tell you earlier that a Jew is such a noble, precious jewel that God and all the angels dance when he farts?
If then we have Angels, let us be sober, as though we were in the presence of tutors; for there is a demon present also.
I have a thing about angels. I believe in them. I feel like I have a guardian angel. I think everybody has one.
No other virtue makes man more equal to the angels, than the imitation of their way of life.
When Michael Jackson sings it is with the voice of angels, and when his feet move, you can see God dancing.
I believe it's true that there's good and evil in everyone and it's a constant struggle to have your better angels prevail.
May I ask your name, my lady? Or perhaps angels have no names, only beautiful faces. — © Heath Ledger
May I ask your name, my lady? Or perhaps angels have no names, only beautiful faces.
He hears the silence howling catches angels as they fall, and the all time winner has got him by the fun.
I watched Picasso visit the Planet of the Apes, as the masters rot on walls and the angels eat the grapes.
When angels go bad they are worse than anyone else. Remember Lucifer used to be an angel.
I grew up with a deep belief that wherever our troops fought, they were on the side of the angels.
A lamp is lit in woman's eye; that souls, else lost on earth, remember angels by.
May your neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, angels protect you and heaven accept you
All the Utopias will come to pass only when we grow wings and all people are converted into angels.
If I have freedom in my love, And in my soul am free, - Angels alone that soar above, Enjoy such liberty.
I have traveled more than anyone else, and I have noticed that even the angels speak English with an accent.
I like all the angels around because they protect me and my daughter. I mean, her Dad's an angel. — © Courtney Love
I like all the angels around because they protect me and my daughter. I mean, her Dad's an angel.
I love the idea of what America is. America is a bunch of people that do these incredible, thankless, selfless jobs that nobody really knows about that makes that American dream possible.
Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.
Of all the marvelous works of God, perhaps the one angels view with the most supreme astonishment, is a proud man.
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing - it only hastens fools to rush in where angels fear to tread.
If there is continuity in the universe, it is fitting that there should be intelligent beings without bodies which are called angels.
Our globe discovers its bidden virtues, not only in heroes and arch-angels, but in gossips and nurses.
The one good thing about the Angels was they always colored within the lines. They had to. Suckers.
Violence is a part of America. I don't want to single out rap music. Let's be honest. America's the most violent country in the history of the world, that's just the way it is. We're all affected by it.
Pride ruined the angels, Their shame them restores; And the joy that is sweetest Lurks in stings of remorse.
The New York Times columnist, Thomas Friedman, cited Haqqani to make the argument that Guantánamo must be shut down. He wrote:“Husain Haqqani, a thoughtful Pakistani scholar now teaching at Boston University, remarked to me: 'When people like myself say American values must be emulated and America is a bastion of freedom, we get Guantánamo Bay thrown in our faces. When we talk about the America of Jefferson and Hamilton, people back home say to us: 'That is not the America we are dealing with. We are dealing with the America of imprisonment without trial.'
Devils used to be God's angels that fell from the top. There is no diversity cos we're burnin in the melting pot.
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