Top 1200 Anti-War Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Anti-War quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
We got email today from an LGF reader who was browsing the Lexis research system and discovered that anti-American, anti-capitalist icon Noam Chomsky has embarrassingly capitalist tastes; among other expensive property he owns a 36,155 square foot home near Cambridge, a 13,503 square foot vacation home, and four boats. And we won't even mention the cars. Teaching kids to hate their own country seems to pay quite well.
The essence of war is violence. Moderation in war is imbecility.
Genocide is not war! It is more dangerous than war! — © Raphael Lemkin
Genocide is not war! It is more dangerous than war!
In a general view, there are few conquests that repay the charge of making them, and mankind are pretty well convinced that it can never be worth their while to go to war for profit's sake. If they are made war upon, their country invaded, or their existence at stake, it is their duty to defend and preserve themselves, but in every other light, and from every other cause, is war inglorious and detestable.
War is terrible. There is nothing romantic about war.
In Britain and Europe, no event is less forgotten than World War I, or 'The Great War,' as it was called until 1939.
There is no war between Muslims and Americans. There is no war between Americans and the poor people in the world. There is only a war between people on the top who have their own agenda.
Belligerents always abolish war after a war.
All war is murder, robbery, trickery, and no nation ever escaped losses of men, prosperity and virility. War knows no victor.
I've been arguing this for months. This is not our war. This is not a war we should be in. Australia's better spending its time negotiating with North Korea.
In 1945, at the beginning of the Cold War, our leaders led us astray. We need to think of the Cold War as an aberration, a wrong turn. As such, we need to go back to where we were in 1945 - before we took the road to a permanent war economy, a national security state and a foreign policy based on unilateralism and cowboy triumphalism.
If we'd lost the war, we'd all have been prosecuted as war criminals.
Can the foot soldier teach anything important about war, merely for having been there? I think not. He can tell war stories.
A lot of my father's family in Canada volunteered in the First World War because they saw it as a war that was defending the mother country. — © Margaret MacMillan
A lot of my father's family in Canada volunteered in the First World War because they saw it as a war that was defending the mother country.
Declaring victory without war .. the belief that India gave up the option of war under American pressure is totally wrong.
You know what I had a problem with? The war - the war in Afghanistan.
What makes war interesting for Americans is that we don't fight war on our soil, we don't have direct experience of it, so there's an openness about the meanings we give it.
The great error of nearly all studies of war... has been to consider war as an episode in foreign policies, when it is an act of interior politics.
The human species really could have faced global thermonuclear war. During seventy years of Cold War we grew used to it.
It is time we admitted that we are not at war with “terrorism.” We are at war with Islam.
The two sides that fought in World War I lived in the same century but in different places. The same is true for World War II. In World War III, both sides are almost everywhere, but they live in different centuries.
I don't object to its being called "McNamara's war." I think it is a very important war and I am pleased to be identified with it and do whatever I can to win it.
The most horrible sort of war is civil war.
The fear of war is worse than war itself.
I was a war correspondent in Korea. I did a book on it: 'This is War.'
I still believe that the Democrats have it right about health care, education, the war in Iraq and, yes the war on terror.
We who have touched war have a duty to bring the truth about war to those who have not had a direct experience of it. We are the light at the tip of the candle. It is really hot, but it has the power of shining and illuminating. If we practice mindfulness, we will know how to look deeply into the nature of war and, with our insight, wake people up so that together we can avoid repeating the same horrors again and again.
Success in war depends upon the golden rule of war.
Nothing is more important than to war on war.
War crushes with bloody heel all justice, all happiness, all that is Godlike in man. In our age there can be no peace that is not honorable; there can be no war that is not dishonorable.
I support this war on terror and the war on radical Islam.
War is a generality, so are the inevitabilities of war, including death.
Our biggest catastrophe was that Dresden was destroyed in the war. But the message of the city is that wounds of war can heal, and people can live in peace.
War and preparations for war have acquired a kind of legitimacy.
He who saves you from war is better than he who sends you to war.
The mistakes of the Iraq war are not only tactical and strategic, but historical. It is essentially a war of colonialism, attempted in the post-colonial age.
I opposed the Suez war, I opposed the Falklands war. I opposed the Libyan bombing and I opposed the Gulf war and I never believed that any of those principled arguments lost a single vote - indeed, I think they gained support though that was not why you did it. What has been lacking in Labour politics over a long period is a principled stand
The very same British and American families who had combined to wreck the Indian textile industry in the promotion of the opium trade [...] combined to make the trade, a valuable source of revenue. In 1864 they joined forces to create causes for war and to promote the terrible War Between the States, also known as the American Civil War.
Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war. — © Ernest Hemingway
Once we have a war there is only one thing to do. It must be won. For defeat brings worse things than any that can ever happen in war.
Only a fool wants war, but once a war starts then it cannot be fought half-heartedly. It cannot even be fought with regret, but must be waged with a savage joy in defeating the enemy, and it is that savage joy that inspires our bards to write their greatest songs about love and war.
I will not attempt to deny the reasonableness and necessity of a party war; but in carrying on that war all principles and rules of justice should not be departed from.
The utter helplessness of a conquered people is perhaps the most tragic feature of a civil war or any other sort of war.
It's this patronizing thing that people have about if you're against the war everyone's lumped together. You know, the soldiers are not scholars, they're not war experts.
The men in Vietnam weren't allowed to fight the war with any kind of concern to win by the government. It was like a war of attrition.
Here's an easy way to see if a war movie is being truthful: If you see an explosion on a faraway hillside and the sound of the explosion and the detonation of the bomb happen at the same time - if they're putting the sound and the vision together in the same moment - they're going toward our cultural understanding of war, not the reality of war.
War is just to those to whom war is necessary.
With each newly minted crisis, US leaders roll out the same time-tested scenario. They start demonizing a foreign leader ... charging them with being communistic or otherwise dictatorial, dangerously aggressive, power hungry, genocidal, given to terrorism or drug trafficking, ready to deny us access to vital resources, harboring weapons of mass destruction, or just inexplicably "anti-American" and "anti-West." Lacking any information to the contrary, the frightened public ... are swept along.
It's this patronizing thing that people have about if you're against the war, everyone's lumped together. You know, the soldiers are not scholars; they're not war experts.
There is a moral and spiritual war for the souls of Americans. And this war must be waged by preaching the Gospel, prayer, and obedience to God's Word. — © David Jeremiah
There is a moral and spiritual war for the souls of Americans. And this war must be waged by preaching the Gospel, prayer, and obedience to God's Word.
Instead of tug o' war, let's play hug o' war.
It took us 50 months in Germany, post World War II to go from the end of the war to a national election.
Wal-Mart has become the whipping boy for political demagogues, unions and anti-traders. I suggest that they have the wrong target.... Wal-Mart exists and prospers because tens of millions of Americans find Wal-Mart to be a suitable source of goods and services..... unions and anti-traders should direct their outrage and condemnation at the tens of millions of Americans who shop at Wal-Mart and keep it in business.
I think Israel, as a number of commentators pointed out, is becoming an insane state. And we have to be honest about that. While the rest of the world wants peace, Europe wants peace, the US wants peace, but this state wants war, war and war.
The world is organised by the war economy and the war culture.
In my view, Germany could and should have made reparations for its aggression in World War I - but was the risk of renewed war worth forcing it to do so?
We have gone into a war, an unelected president sending us into a war that the Congress frankly had no right, I believe, to authorize.
I had my religious crisis after the war, not during the war.
What makes war interesting for Americans is that we don't fight war on our soil, we don't have direct experience of it, so there's an openness about the meanings we give to it.
An empire founded by war has to maintain itself by war.
If a war be undertaken...before the resources of peace have been tried and proved vain to secure it, that war has no defense, it is a national crime.
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