Top 250 Antiquity Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Antiquity quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
For my own part, I adhere to the maxim of antiquity, that the throne is a glorious sepulchre.
From antiquity, people have recognized the connection between naming and power.
Custom is often only the antiquity of error. — © Cyprian
Custom is often only the antiquity of error.
To appreciate present conditions, collate them with those of antiquity.
The economic concept of value does not occur in antiquity .
The nations of antiquity rolled away in the current of ages, Israel alone remained one indestructible edifice of gray antiquity... preserved by an internal and marvelous power.
Nothing but great antiquity can make graveyards interesting to me. I have no friends there.
Why will we be imposed on by antiquity?
Doctrine once sown strikes deep its root, and respect for antiquity influences all men.
If one discards the Bible as being unreliable, then he must discard almost all literature of antiquity.
Bread, milk and butter are of venerable antiquity. They taste of the morning of the world.
Damn the age. I'll write for antiquity.
Competition of praise inclineth to a reverence of antiquity. For men contend with the living, not with the dead. — © Thomas Hobbes
Competition of praise inclineth to a reverence of antiquity. For men contend with the living, not with the dead.
If the design of the building be originally bad, the only virtue it can ever possess will be signs of antiquity.
I was brought up in Florence, a beautiful medieval town whose rhythm is completely in antiquity.
I feel really connected to antiquity for some reason.
The Egyptians, by the concurrent testimony of antiquity, were among the first who taught that the soul was immortal.
Compared to the unleashed forces of warfare and of faith, Mount Vesuvius was kinder to the legacy of antiquity.
The discoveries of modern science do not disagree with the oldest traditions which claim an incredible antiquity for our race.
I transmit but do not create. I place my trust in the teachings of antiquity.
In antiquity, a woman might be an object of worship or desire, but never of love.
Mankind are apt to be strongly prejudiced in favor of whatever is countenanced by antiquity, enforced by authority, and recommended by custom.
The eyes indicate the antiquity of the soul.
That whole heroic notion of the women warriors known as Amazons is extremely appealing. It was appealing in antiquity, and, throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, they're always portrayed as heroic, courageous, and the equals of men, and that's just extremely attractive and has been since antiquity.
It hardly needs explaining at length, I think, how much authority or beauty is added to style by the timely use of proverbs. In the first place who does not see what dignity they confer on style by their antiquity alone?... And so to interweave adages deftly and appropriately is to make the language as a whole glitter with sparkles from Antiquity, please us with the colours of the art of rhetoric, gleam with jewel-like words of wisdom, and charm us with titbits of wit and humour.
The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is that they do not go far enough into antiquity.
It is one proof of a good education and of true refinement of feeling, to respect antiquity.
The antiquity and general acceptance of an opinion is not assurance of its truth.
A little skill in antiquity inclines a man to Popery.
Antiquity breached mortality with myths. Narcissus is vocabulary. Hermes decorates A cornice on the Third National Bank.
You're familiar with the tragedies of antiquity, are you? The great homicidal classics?
Antiquity was perhaps created to provide professors with their bread and butter.
There is indeed the possibility that the evolutionary process has, in gray antiquity, bred into us an excess of aggression.
If we look backwards to antiquity it should be as those that are winning a race.
It is an unscrupulous intellect that does not pay to antiquity its due reverence.
...the holy men sat in an atmosphere reeking of antiquity, so thick with the dust of ages that you can't see through it -nor can they.
Pride in boasting of family antiquity, makes duration stand for merit.
We have a mistaken notion of antiquity, calling that so which in truth is the world's nonage. — © Joseph Glanvill
We have a mistaken notion of antiquity, calling that so which in truth is the world's nonage.
To be ignorant of the lives of the most celebrated men of antiquity is to continue in a state of childhood all our days.
Ideas that are at odds with the inherited collective wisdom of antiquity are always, on their face suspect.
It is with antiquity as with ancestry, nations are proud of the one, and individuals of the other; but if they are nothing in themselves, that which is their pride ought to be their humiliation.
A great value of antiquity lies in the fact that its writings are the only ones that modern men still read with exactness.
The telephone is an antiquity - you never know who is calling, there is no image, it is an outmoded product which constantly disrupts work.
But the appeal to antiquity is both a treason and a heresy. It is a treason because it rejects the Divine voice of the Church at this hour, and a heresy because it denies that voice to be Divine. How can we know what antiquity was except through the Church? ... I may say in strict truth that the Church has no antiquity. It rests upon its own supernatural and perpetual consciousness. ... The only Divine evidence to us of what was primitive is the witness and voice of the Church at this hour.
Avoid the profane novelty of words, St. Paul says (I Timothy 6:20) ... For if novelty is to be avoided, antiquity is to be held tight to; and if novelty is profane, antiquity is sacred.
Antiquity! thou wondrous charm, what art thou? that being nothing art everything? When thou wert, thou wert not antiquity - then thou wert nothing, but hadst a remoter antiquity, as thou calledst it, to look back to with blind veneration; thou thyself being to thyself flat, jejune, modern! What mystery lurks in this retroversion? or what half Januses are we, that cannot look forward with the same idolatry with which we for ever revert! The mighty future is as nothing, being everything! the past is everything, being nothing!
Rameswaram has, since antiquity, been an important pilgrimage destination.
From now back to antiquity, its (Tao's) name has not been lost. Thereby, see the origin of all. — © Laozi
From now back to antiquity, its (Tao's) name has not been lost. Thereby, see the origin of all.
The university must be retrospective. The gale that gives direction to the vanes on all its towers blows out of antiquity.
Antiquity! I like its ruins better than its reconstructions.
Of all the rabbinic sages of antiquity, perhaps none was more influential or famous than Rabbi Akiva.
Yes, ever since antiquity, the day after Friday has been Saturday.
Antiquity is a species of aristocracy with which it is not easy to be on visiting terms.
With the history of Moses no book in the world, in point of antiquity, can contend.
In matters pertaining to the care of life there has been no marked gain over Greek and Roman antiquity.
Antiquity is full of the praises of another antiquity still more remote.
The great men of antiquity were poor.
The game of chess is the most fascinating and intellectual pastime which the wisdom of antiquity has bequeathed to us.
However alert we are, antiquity remains an unknown, unanticipated galaxy.
Fame is the inheritance not of the dead, but of the living. It is we who look back with lofty pride to the great names of antiquity.
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