Top 1200 Apart Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Apart quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
One could pick apart love, examine every filament of attraction, and still it would never be fully explained. It simply was.
There have been bumps, but everything has happened for a reason - maybe apart from the loss of some loved ones - and we have always tried to find a positive from it.
Apart from my dad, James is the most driven man I've ever met. They both have the attitude that there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead. — © Chloe Madeley
Apart from my dad, James is the most driven man I've ever met. They both have the attitude that there's plenty of time to sleep when you're dead.
You can't just drive with no brakes and think that everything is going to go great, and the minute something goes bad, you fall apart.
We don't have to live in a world where everyone reacts perfectly the first time around, and if you don't, everything falls apart, and no one speaks to you ever again.
Apart from a small minority, teenage boys fall into three distinct categories: macho, metro, or just plain muddled.
Occasionally, well-intentioned legislation can fall apart because of a few misplaced words or technical language that was left out.
I might have added zeros to my bank balance and followers to my Instagram account, but apart from that, I still lead a middle-class lifestyle.
I go to these horror conventions all the time, and these audiences get so deep into it. They've pulled apart every movie fifty ways from Sunday.
It's hard to think of a single human function that technology hasn't somehow altered, apart perhaps from burping. That's pretty much all we have left.
The most convincing argument against early parenthood is that you are in a relationship that is likely to fall apart before that child grows up.
I was so obsessed with football that you could say I was taking the goal home with me at night. And then one day the system fell apart.
There is a certain comfort that comes from feeling intellectually apart from phenomena. That you have the luxury of time to reflect or apply scholarly thinking to art and culture.
The school must be "a genuine form of active community life, instead of a place set apart in which to learn lessons". — © John Dewey
The school must be "a genuine form of active community life, instead of a place set apart in which to learn lessons".
Parting they seemed to tread upon the air, Twin roses by the zephyr blown apart Only to meet again more close.
Those truly linked don't need correspondence. When they meet again after many years apart, Their friendship is as true as ever.
Wimbledon is the world's most boring tournament. There's hardly anything to do apart from tennis. You constantly find yourself yawning - there's no entertainment here.
I've done quite a bit in England. I've won the majority of trophies and awards that there is to win, apart from top goalscorer... which is hard as a defender.
Reading poetry and watching cricket were the sum of my world, and the two are not so far apart as many aesthetes might believe.
Safety is relative. You can be so close to shore that you can practically feel it under your feet, when you suddenly find yourself breaking apart on the rocks.
What kind of man would put a known criminal in charge of a major branch of government? Apart from, say, the average voter.
There's always a race against time. I don't think for one moment that life gets better. How can it? One's body starts to fall apart.
I suspect that young adults crave stories of broken futures because they themselves are uneasily aware that their world is falling apart.
I'm off everything apart from the fags and the coffee. I don't know if it's worked. It works up until you take your first drink.
I am not an optimist. I'm a very serious possibilist. It's a new category where we take emotion apart and we just work analytically with the world.
Accommodation of mental structures to reality implies the existence of assimilatory schemata apart from which any structure would be impossible.
Lev Nussimbaum was born in October 1905, the moment when the tolerant, haute capitaliste culture of Baku began to fall apart.
Apart from a very close circle of friends, few people know my true self, and it's normal, I never put it into my music.
When we are parted, let me lie In some far corner of thy heart Silent, and from the world apart, Like a forgotten melody
These powers of imagination and creativity are among the few things that set us apart from the rest of life on Earth. But they make all the difference.
When someone is in our tribe, I think it's particularly easier for us to tell them apart, because we're used to their facial features.
All men by nature desire to know. An indication of this is the delight we take in our senses; for even apart from their usefulness they are loved for themselves...
Debate is almost non-existent and no one is apparently accountable to anybody apart from their political party bosses. It is bad news for democracy in this country.
Stars are extremely far apart. We cannot imagine any way currently available to get to the nearest one, besides the sun.
It's hard to pull apart empathy from compassion. What is really clear is that we innately care for other people at least to some extent.
I think Bush has capitulated on affirmative action and government spending. Apart from that, he's OK, I guess. About the same as Howard Dean.
Funny enough, apart from when I was at school, I've always gone out with younger men - I was even married briefly to one prior to Angus.
A rill in a barnyard and the Grand Canyon represent, in the main, stages of valley erosion that began some millions of years apart. — © George Gaylord Simpson
A rill in a barnyard and the Grand Canyon represent, in the main, stages of valley erosion that began some millions of years apart.
Enrique Muricano isn't afraid to try something new, to take risks, to possibly fail, and in turn, set himself apart.
Thought Has joys apart, even in blackest woe, And seizing some fine thread of verity Knows momentary godhead.
I think outsiders sometimes produce the best fictional perspectives on reality because they're set apart from it, so they have a unique view from the border.
It took a lot for me to feel mentally stable after giving birth and, physically, my body felt torn apart.
The Republican consciousness has no integrity and it falls apart once you check it out. If you're a Christian, why would you want to fry this dude?
I think the hero in our generation is not the individual but the pair, two people who together add up to more than they are apart.
You really ought to read more books - you know, those things that look like blocks but come apart on one side.
The American people expect the United States to keep terrorists where they belong, apart from civilized society and outside of America's borders
I'm an old English major from way back, so I do have fun tearing apart texts and trying to find the hidden secrets and the subtexts in there.
A great man, tender of heart, strong of nerve, boundless patience and broadest sympathy, with no motive apart from his country.
A rapid bolt will rend the clouds apart, and every single White be seared by wounds. I tell you this. I want it all to hurt. — © Dante Alighieri
A rapid bolt will rend the clouds apart, and every single White be seared by wounds. I tell you this. I want it all to hurt.
No one's ever completely broken. It's just a matter of how much has to fall apart before the ember of life is exposed to air.
Sometimes you have to let your life fall apart and let it come back together on its own and learn to care for yourself in a different way.
I find it more than a little disingenuous to act as if keeping slaves was something that set Thomas Jefferson apart from all mankind.
True friendship is an unconditional, unselfish, reciprocal service not by lips, but heart to never let its in-built trust to ever fall apart.
One thing we've learned about space is that the human body starts to fall apart after relatively short exposures to microgravity.
I like taking things apart and putting them back together. Tinkering. I'd be a professional tinkerer. Tinkerbell. I think that's what they're called.
Apart from sharing my tips on toys or snacks, I'm open to hearing new ideas from other moms. I want to learn, too.
It is good to realize that falling apart is not such a bad thing. Indeed, it is as essential to evolutionary and psychological transformation as the cracking of outgrown shells.
And there it is: Even though we’re standing in the same patch of sun-drenched pavement, we might as well be a hundred thousand miles apart.
A person of wisdom is not one who practices Buddhism apart from worldly affairs but, rather, one who thoroughly understands the principles by which the world is governed.
And if it all falls apart, I will know deep in my heart, the only dream that mattered had come true. In this life, I was loved by you.
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