Top 366 Applications Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Applications quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
It's strategic for us - lots of people will develop applications in .NET.
Couples should be required to submit applications to have a child.
I had received my first establishment grants in response to applications filed the year before. To the pages of baffling forms I had simply attached a handwritten note saying, 'I make dances, not applications. Send the money. Love, Twyla.
It's difficult for any single company to develop all the applications and services. — © Ma Huateng
It's difficult for any single company to develop all the applications and services.
There was no surge in 501c4 applications in 2010.
Life will be much more exciting when we stop creating applications for mobile phones and we start creating applications for our own body.
Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.
The FCC banned throttling for good reason, namely that Internet service providers should not bias their networks toward some applications or classes of applications. Biasing the network interferes with user choice, innovation, decisions of application makers, and the competitive marketplace.
Very little mathematics has direct applications - though fortunately most of it has plenty of indirect ones.
Workday is constantly looking into the future and, you know, building applications that stay modern and relevant.
Design is more important than technology in most consumer applications.
The ability to send applications by post allows fraudsters to apply in false or stolen identities without fear of arrest and to make multiple applications in the hope of getting one through. It allows the possibility of passports being applied for with the photographs of people who are outside the U.K. and seeking to enter illegally.
Ajax is an important development for Web applications, and its importance is only going to grow.
FEMA says that it does not factor in previous losses into its decisions on applications to redraw the flood zones. — © Bill Dedman
FEMA says that it does not factor in previous losses into its decisions on applications to redraw the flood zones.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my research has been the opportunity to study the potential applications of a new catalyst.
As science is more and more subject to grave misuse as well as to use for human benefit it has also become the scientist's responsibility to become aware of the social relations and applications of his subject, and to exert his influence in such a direction as will result in the best applications of the findings in his own and related fields. Thus he must help in educating the public, in the broad sense, and this means first educating himself, not only in science but in regard to the great issues confronting mankind today.
Whilst worthy in themselves, applications shouldn't be the only way to drive basic research.
someone was telling me that no more applications were being accepted for the position of God.
We certainly hope that Facebook allows users to connect with their friends on Path and with any other partner applications in the future.
At every juncture, advanced tools have been the key to a new wave of applications, and each wave of applications has been key to driving computing to the next level.
When you live in a networked environment, it's possible to separate data from applications.
Administrators and scientists are excited by buckyballs for their own sake, and if they turn out to have practical applications, so much the better.
It is hard to think of practical applications of the black hole. Because practical applications are so remote, many people assume we should not be interested. But this quest to understand the world is what defines us as human beings.
You see people doing Java-based internal applications all over the place, regular desktop applications that are sort of front-ends to the things in the back, or standalone things.
New applications will have to deal with big data. We have to analyze it on the fly, so we have to have a system that is transactional and analytical at the same time. We cannot have a multi-stage system. This is too slow for modern applications.
In essence, Chrome OS is the GNU/Linux operating system. However, it is delivered without the usual applications, and rigged up to impede and discourage installing applications.
I think Movable Type is a really good product for certain applications.
We have two programs dealing with bulletproof vests, two different systems of actually distributing bulletproof vests from the federal government. Two sets of applications, two different sets of personnel to approve those applications.
We'll continue to expand our footprint... Oracle's Fusion cloud applications for HCM, CRM and ERP all have a new simplified user interface and an integrated social network that makes our enterprise applications as easy-to-use and familiar as Facebook, while enabling better collaboration and teamwork among your employees and your customers.
I think operating systems work best if they're free and open. Particular applications are more likely to be proprietary.
We usually don't have applications in mind. They come later.
The first serious applications were in triterpenoid chemistry.
One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you lose control.
We want to embed Zoom into all workflow applications. That's our direction.
If Microsoft ever does applications for Linux it means I've won.
As a rule, software systems do not work well until they have been used, and have failed repeatedly, in real applications.
Industrial hemp is a safe substance with many practical commercial applications.
Unless you go on discovering new applications of the law of nonviolence, you do not profit by it.
Each justice hires their own clerks, and applications are made individually to the justices. It isn't a group decision. — © Sandra Day O'Connor
Each justice hires their own clerks, and applications are made individually to the justices. It isn't a group decision.
It is not a coincidence that Fusion middleware and applications have the same name. We knew what we needed it to be.
It's never the end game. Facebook is now a platform upon which all kinds of applications are being built it's definitely not it.
Thin applications and small amounts in the right places is kind of the way to go with metallics for every day.
I was one of the first people to join Facebook in February of 2004, and launched one of the inaugural applications on the platform in May 2007.
As a planning board commissioner, I have to review the applications for development throughout the city, and the bulk of those applications have been for the waterfront. I think the progress the waterfront has made is amazing.
Web GIS provides us with a whole new window into our information through applications that are easy, 3D, and analytic. These applications are not just casual things, but reach deep into geographic knowledge and apply it.
In essence, Chrome OS is the GNU/Linux operating system. However, it is delivered without the usual applications, and rigged up to impede and discourage installing applications. I'd say the problem is in the nature of the job ChromeOS is designed to do.
I've always believed that you need to find interactive applications on the Internet.
Well Web services are nothing more than a way for users to interact with applications.
The greatest mathematicians, as Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, always united theory and applications in equal measure. — © Felix Klein
The greatest mathematicians, as Archimedes, Newton, and Gauss, always united theory and applications in equal measure.
In America, we have bible-reading applications: every single one of those applications asks permission to turn on your microphone, your camera; it wants permission to read your e-mails and the right to send e-mails wherever it chooses.
Enthusiasm - a distemper of youth, curable by small doses of repentance in connection with outward applications of experience.
There are many applications for which film is going to be better, for a very long time.
I designed and developed an unbelievable number of applications early in my life.
There are no such things as applied sciences, only applications of science.
I never sought nor gained personal benefit in school or job applications based on my heritage.
Oracle's latest database, version 12c, was specifically designed for the cloud. Oracle 12c makes all your Oracle applications multitenant applications without you having to make any changes whatsoever to your applications.
By lowering the barrier to create new digital currency applications, we'll see an explosion in the number of ideas tried. We'll invest in, partner with, or build a number of new applications in this space, including replacements for many of the services people use in finance 1.0.
When we deal with questions relating to principles of law and their applications, we do not suddenly rise into a stratosphere of icy certainty.
We're not interested in applications where you're spying on people.
Applications for loans would be judged on a nation's social justice record as well as its economic efficiency.
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