Top 476 Arabia Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Arabia quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
When I was fighting, there was no boxing in Saudi Arabia because it was forbidden.
Lawrence of Arabia, British Beatlemania.
Saudi Arabia is, of course, the keystone of OPEC. Saudi Arabia has had the distinction of remaining stable through all the escalating tumult of recent decades, reliably pumping out its roughly 10 million barrels a day like Bossy the cow in America's oil import barn.
Saudi Arabia is the mother and father of political Islam. — © Jamal Khashoggi
Saudi Arabia is the mother and father of political Islam.
I think no country is going to be immune from the Arab awakening because the Arab awakening is driven by deep human longing for dignity, for justice and for freedom. I think that applies to young people in Saudi Arabia as much as to young people in Egypt, Tunisia, or Yemen, or Libya, or Syria. If I were in Saudi Arabia, I would be getting ahead of this and looking for ways to appreciate those aspirations and align my country with them.
Traditionally, all the kings of Saudi Arabia have been sons of the founder of Saudi Arabia, and they've gone from one son to the next.
Saudi Arabia is an important country to the United States.
I think the real target of al-Qaeda is Saudi Arabia by the way. They hate us and we're a vehicle to get at Saudi Arabia. I think Osama bin Laden really wants to topple that regime and have his people move in, but that's a whole other story.
I'm rooting for Saudi Arabia getting a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council.
Saudi Arabia is one of India's most valued strategic partners.
We have developed a case of oil addiction in Saudi Arabia.
We have accomplished our mission of stopping Iraq's drive to take over Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Middle East. We should begin to reduce our forces in Saudi Arabia, ever so slowly, and look to a more multinational force to keep the peace.
I would not exchange my life of ease and quiet for the riches of Arabia.
I covered the first Gulf War in Saudi Arabia and Israel for ABC News. — © Leslie Cockburn
I covered the first Gulf War in Saudi Arabia and Israel for ABC News.
Saudi Arabia is a puritanical state that claims a monopoly of wisdom and virtue.
My family moved to Saudi Arabia from Glasgow when I was 15. Being a 15-year-old girl anywhere is difficult - all those hormones and everything - but being a 15-year-old girl in Saudi Arabia... it was like someone had turned the light off in my head. I could not get a grasp on why women were treated like this.
I was a teenager in the 1970s and grew up in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia has allowed training on its soil of American forces.
Saudi Arabia isn't just a conservative country with different values we shouldn't judge. It is a modern Gilead.
Today President Obama is in the Middle East. He met the new king of Saudi Arabia. Obama also met Saudi Arabia's first lady, the second lady, third lady, and fourth lady.
I feel great about coming to Saudi Arabia.
I went to Saudi Arabia in 2010, and spent most of my time in Jeddah and the King Abdullah Economic City.
... And if Europe gives Arabia a railway, Arabia gives Europe an idea - which I think balances the account.
Saudi Arabia is the bulwark of our relationship, especially when it comes to Iran, and without the partnership of Saudi Arabia and our other Gulf allies, we would not be able to have the maximum economic pressure campaign that we have.
So, I think even in Saudi Arabia there is movement. And we have to remember that over the years they've stabilized the oil price and that is tremendously important for the economies of the world. I think we have no choice but to work with the government of Saudi Arabia.
Americans want to democratise us. OK, but why not go and democratise Saudi Arabia. Are we anything like Saudi Arabia? No, we are far from that. So why aren't they democratising Saudi Arabia? Because they are bastards, but they are their bastards.
Whether we like it or not, we don't choose Saudi Arabia's leaders. They do.
If you ask a Saudi Imam why women in Saudi Arabia can't drive, he'll say, 'Because Islam demands it.' But that's absurd, because - first of all - Islam demands no such thing; and secondly, the only country in the world in which women can't drive is Saudi Arabia. The inability to understand the difference between a cultural practice and religious belief is shocking among self-described intellectuals.
I move countries every three or four years. I was born in London, and we lived in Canada. Then we lived in Saudi Arabia until the Gulf War broke out, when we were forced to leave. Then we hop-scotched for a while from Holland back to Canada back to Saudi Arabia. Then there was D-day, so we had to get out again.
The people of India and Arabia have interacted across the waters between them for thousands of years.
If production does not increase in Iraq in an exponential way between now and 2015, we have a very big problem, even if Saudi Arabia meets its obligations. The figures are very simple, you do not need to be an expert. It is enough to know how to do a subtraction. China will grow very quickly, India also, and even Saudi Arabia projections of the 3 Mb/day will not be enough to meet the rise of Chinese demand.
America is the Saudi Arabia of coal.
The smell of gunpowder is sweeter to me than all the perfumes of Arabia.
India is the Saudi Arabia of 21st century.
Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of feminism.
Most dramatically, and perhaps least noticed, is the violence inside Saudi Arabia itself.
I'm telling you, you can't compare Saudi Arabia to other countries.
Saudi Arabia has proved to be the growth engine for Wipro.
15 of the 19 [September 11th] hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. — © Michael Moore
15 of the 19 [September 11th] hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.
I want to produce champions from Saudi Arabia and throughout the region.
Saudi Arabia supplies much oil to the U.S. And it is the world's largest consumer of American weaponry.
The Crown Prince has said he needs to broaden political participation in the governing of Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia must return to fully supporting the Syrian revolution and to ally with the Turks.
Japan, Germany, South Korea, these are very rich, powerful countries. Saudi Arabia, nothing but money. We Americans protect Saudi Arabia. Why aren't they paying?
Saudi Arabia has supported Wahhabi madrasas in poor countries in Africa and Asia, exporting extremism and intolerance. Saudi Arabia also exports instability with its brutal war in Yemen, intended to check what it sees as Iranian influence.
Saudi Arabia has stability. The social contract and the political contract between the king and the rulers and the royal family and the ruled people in Saudi Arabia is very strong and the bondage is so solid.
Saudi Arabia is defined and represented by its Islamic stature.
Saudi Arabia has historically attempted to influence politics in Beirut.
I have never connected with 'Gone With the Wind.' 'Lawrence of Arabia' leaves me cold. — © Stephen Hunter
I have never connected with 'Gone With the Wind.' 'Lawrence of Arabia' leaves me cold.
India considers Saudi Arabia a center of stability in the region. The security and stability of the Gulf region and that of the Indian subcontinent are interlinked. Bilateral security cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia will contribute to regional stability and in addressing the common threat of terrorism in the region.
India is going to be the 21st century's Saudi Arabia in terms of human resources
If we want Saudi Arabia to progress, we have no choice but to embrace change.
Lawrence of Arabia is the ultimate movie, deeply cinematic.
300 years after the rise of Islam there were Zoroastrians in Iran. The Muslim armies never forced people to accept Islam. It was only within Arabia that God ordered the idolaters to have a choice of either embracing Islam or fight against Muslims, because He wanted to remove this terrible idolatry that exited there. But outside Arabia where Islam met Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and Hindus, they were given a choice by and large. That's why many Christians and Jewish communities survived in the Muslim world, but gradually many of them embraced Islam for different reasons.
I believe Saudi Arabia is the only Muslim country in which churches are prohibited.
Wipro Arabia is a joint venture company with Dar Al Riyadh, a well-diversified group in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia will have to decide its own path, and I don't know if it will decide a path like any other nation in the region or if it will design something that is unique to Saudi Arabia.
I can't imagine David Lean justifying why he went to the desert to shoot 'Lawrence of Arabia.'
It is quite difficult to establish a clear-cut cause-and-effect relationship, as the causes are manifold and closely connected. It is simply not correct to link the level of democracy to prosperity. It is absolutely clear that the economic wealth of Saudi Arabia exceeds the performance of the Czech Republic. But apparently democracy is quite stable in the Czech Republic, which cannot be said about Saudi Arabia. As we delve into the past, we must not forget about the existing model of society.
You want to change Saudi Arabia? You send something like WWE.
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