Top 1200 Artistic Temperament Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Artistic Temperament quotes.
Last updated on October 6, 2024.
I never had any doubts about my ability. The problem was getting into so many scrapes because of my erratic temperament.
Hillary's [Clinton] been doing a good job of portraying [Donald] Trump as unqualified, not the right temperament.
When I did have a little bit of commercial success, it really didn't suit my temperament at all. I'm a terrible public person. — © Juliana Hatfield
When I did have a little bit of commercial success, it really didn't suit my temperament at all. I'm a terrible public person.
In many aspects of government, as in the tech world and investing, brains and temperament smash experience and seniority out of the park.
Illusion, Temperament, Succession, Surface, Surprise, Reality, Subjectiveness,--these are the threads on the loom of time, these are the lords of life.
No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles, nor to prescribe in any way the character of the questions investigated. Neither may a government determine the aesthetic value of artistic creations, nor limit the forms of literacy or artistic expression. Nor should it pronounce on the validity of economic, historic, religious, or philosophical doctrines. Instead it has a duty to its citizens to maintain the freedom, to let those citizens contribute to the further adventure and the development of the human race.
Senator [Ted] Cruz is not qualified to be president because he doesn't have the right temperament and acted like a maniac when he arrived in the Senate.
Any one may do a casual act of good-nature; but a continuation of them shows it a part of the temperament.
My parents' generation didn't have any understanding of psychology or emotion or individual temperament. In fact, they were slightly embarrassed by all those words.
Like the crow among mankind are the Zanj [African Blacks] for they are the worst of men and the most vicious of creatures in character and temperament.
I think one of the things about parents and children is there are the accidents of temperament. There's no guarantee that just because you are related you'll have anything in common.
I'm a conservative kind of person. I don't think rightwing is quite the same thing. But I acknowledge my conservatism of temperament.
The smartest person in the United States Senate, and he knows it, is John Sununu. Thank God he had his mother's temperament.
In the modern world, the anxious temperament does offer certain benefits: caution, introspection, the capacity to work alone. These can be adaptive qualities. — © Robin Marantz Henig
In the modern world, the anxious temperament does offer certain benefits: caution, introspection, the capacity to work alone. These can be adaptive qualities.
I'm not a violent person, never was, but I have this temperament that I've always displayed. I guess it has to do with my tradition and being Italian, we're very outgoing with our emotions.
Most of my friends wonder why I get these roles that are so masculine and tough. I think it's my Polish temperament that comes up.
Liberation also means that even though I'm a woman I have masculine parts of my temperament which I can safely explore and integrate into my experience.
Everybody knows that England is the world of betting men, who are of a higher class than mere gamblers: to bet is in the English temperament.
I may remind you that history is not a branch of literature. The facts of history, like the facts of geology or astronomy, can supply material for literary art; for manifest reasons they lend themselves to artistic representation far more readily than those of the natural sciences; but to clothe the story of human society in a literary dress is no more the part of a historian as a historian, than it is the part of an astronomer as an astronomer to present in an artistic shape the story of the stars.
The physiological signs, of getting on in age, are enervatingly apparent. What creeps up on you insidiously are the changes of temperament.
Reading requires a loner's temperament, a high tolerance for silence, and an unhealthy preference for the company of people who are imaginary or dead.
A conductor should reconcile himself to the realization that regardless of his approach or temperament the eventual result is the same-the orchestra will hate him.
We must select the illusion which appeals to our temperament, and embrace it with passion, if we want to be happy.
Some have the temperament and tastes of genius, without its creative power. They feel acutely, but express tamely.
Quite frankly, I don't want someone with the temperament of a middle school pubescent boy in the president's office.
Ding has a fantastic all-round game. His temperament is also at a very high level.
While tenderness of feeling and susceptibility to generous emotions are accidents of temperament, goodness is an achievement of the will and a quality of the life.
It is the bane and the balm of individual perception that 'objective' reality is seen through the filter of each person's temperament.
I have a theatrical temperament. I'm not interested in the middle road - maybe because everyone's on it. Rationality, reasonableness bewilder me.
There is something very quiet and reserved and pessimistic about Obama's temperament that is deeply un-American. There are those people who claim, "Oh, he wasn't born here" - all that is nonsense.
If writers possess a common temperament, it's that they tend to be shy egomaniacs; publicity is the spotlight they suffer for the recognition they crave.
Only individuals with an aberrant temperament can in the long run retain their self-esteem in the face of the disesteem of their fellows.
It is amusing to detect character in the vocabulary of each person. The adjectives habitually used, like the inscriptions on a thermometer, indicate the temperament.
No one connected intimately with a writer has any appreciation of his temperament, except to think him overdoing everything.
There are a number of issues that I disagree vehemently with Mr. Trump on. I question whether he's got the temperament to serve as president.
When superstition is allowed to perform the task of old age in dulling the human temperament, we can say goodbye to all excellence in poetry, in painting, and in music.
Temperament, you'll find, is highly dependent on time of day, weather, frequency of naps, and whether one has had enough to eat.
In architecture, to do anything beyond object form is often treated as something extra-disciplinary - something outside the discipline that has nothing to do with art. So I'm making it clear that this is an artistic choice. It's not everyone's artistic choice. Some people should choose only to make object form because that's what gives them pleasure. But there are people for whom aesthetic pleasure comes from doing something else, and why would you deny that choice? It's another autonomous choice.
History thus becomes largely a study of character. Insight into temperament is hardly less important than the probing of "original materials." — © Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
History thus becomes largely a study of character. Insight into temperament is hardly less important than the probing of "original materials."
For more than twenty years by my own work and personal initiative, I have gathered from all the old streets of Vieux Paris photographic plates, 18 x 24 format, artistic documents of the beautiful civil architecture of the 16th to the 19th century: the old hôtels, historic or curious houses, beautiful facades, beautiful doors, beautiful woodwork, door knockers, old fountains This vast artistic and documentary collection is today complete. I can truthfully say that I possess all of Vieux Paris.
When you see a singer on stage who is 100% committed to the personality, character and temperament of the role being sung, it's truly awesome and very powerful.
Those who knew Lincoln described him as an extraordinarily funny man. Humor was an essential aspect of his temperament. He laughed, he explained, so he did not weep.
It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.
It's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country [America].
I don't possess a filmi temperament. I do feel sometimes that it is not my cup of tea. So I stick to people who I vibe with mentally.
All I want to do now is prove my temperament is not a problem and get people talking about my football again.
My temperament is not inclined toward more self-promotion than is absolutely necessary for my professional well-being.
No one imposes things on anyone in Europe. That's not my notion, nor is it my temperament. The EU has always functioned under the banner of respect, equilibrium and trust.
At any debate, you want viewers to have learned something they didn't know before - whether it's about the candidates' temperament, policies, or preparedness for office.
I am by temperament an optimist, and I thought from the beginning that there was much to be written about suicide that was strangely heartening. — © Kay Redfield Jamison
I am by temperament an optimist, and I thought from the beginning that there was much to be written about suicide that was strangely heartening.
I don't have the talent, the temperament, or the patience to be a great chef. I'd much rather order from someone who can really do it. I love restaurants. They make my life better.
A lot of composers before me have been on this mission to change the world by getting off equal temperament, and I'm definitely one of those.
When did the word 'temperament' come into fashion with us? Perhaps it came in when we discovered that artists were human beings.
I'm not really a happy person. It's a question of temperament. I have a tendency toward melancholy. You can feel quite happily melancholic.
...the power-loving temperament is more dangerous when it either prefers or is forced to operate in what is materially a void. Wehave everything to dread from the dispossessed.
It requires the feminine temperament to repeat the same thing three times with unabated zest.
Such is the active power of good temperament! Great sweetness of temper neutralizes such vast amounts of acid.
It has been argued that British girls are incapable of deep feeling or brilliant acting owing to their lack of temperament. This, I am positive, is not true.
Early on in my career I had a lot of bad press about my temperament, but I was only a young lad then.
I think it takes a unique temperament for a lawyer who wants to go to a start-up, because generally, by nature, it's a high-risk environment.
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