Top 527 Assault Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Assault quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
I think that there should be an assault weapons ban.
It can be the level of sexual assault is relatively low. What was described on the plane by Ms. Leeds, it would very likely satisfy that definition. She said that he reached under her skirt and fondled and groped her. That type of thing would satisfy the definition for sexual assault.
I've had people say to me, 'Well, I enjoy going to the firing range and using the assault weapons.' But the pleasure derived from that compared to the horrendous damage that it can do, we believe that the damage warrants banning assault weapons.
Innovation comes only from an assault on the unknown. — © Sydney Brenner
Innovation comes only from an assault on the unknown.
I was stricken by news and television pictures coming from the United States this morning. It is impossible to fully comprehend the evil that would have conjured up such a cowardly and depraved assault upon thousands of innocent people. There can be no cause or grievance that could ever justify such unspeakable violence. Indeed, such an attack is an assault not only on the targets but an offense against the freedom and rights of all civilized nations.
We must remind ourselves that an assault on any one of our liberties and freedoms is an assault on all.
There is no reason for anybody to have an assault weapon.
This is a matter of vital importance to the public safety ... While we recognize that assault-weapon legislation will not stop all assault-weapon crime, statistics prove that we can dry up the supply of these guns, making them less accessible to criminals.
A bold, vigorous assault has won many a faltering cause.
Military-assault weapons have no place in civilian hands.
All movies assault the viewer in one way or another.
It is true that the vast majority of gun deaths in America are not the consequence of the use of an 'assault weapon.' But that begs the question of whether assault weapons have any real utility either in terms of any sporting or self protection needs.
I'm the original co-sponsor of an assault weapons ban.
You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership. — © Dwight D. Eisenhower
You don't lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership.
I do not consider the AK to be the best-ever assault rifle.
I also believe that upending ingrained ideas about what assault is a gun to the head, a stranger, a parking lot and what consent looks like a woman who gives a no really means yes is very messy. And part of the messiness is some students - and yes, usually these are liberal students - over-determining the definition of assault.
And it's time as a country that we have an assault weapon ban.
The assault weapon ban in this country should be reinstated.
Undermining the rule of law is an assault on the government of the United States.
Be critical of these institutions that we love, whether they be our sports teams or the criminal justice system. Be critical of what the police department is doing about sexual assault. Be critical of why prosecutors are not prosecuting sexual assault.
The welfare state is an assault on families.
I understand the lifelong scars born by women who are victims of assault and abuse.
Bill Cosby was charged with sexual assault. No matter the outcome of this case this moment is an important public acknowledgement that even though many years have passed, there`s still the responsibility to take charges of sexual assault seriously.
The ban on assault weapons has decreased gun violence in Baltimore not one iota. That's because few, if any, of the shootings were done with assault weapons.
It can't only be men who are the focus of assault prevention. Women should be too. To say that that puts the blame on victims to have to prevent their own assault is crap and has to be treated as crap.
At the root of the assault on our liberties is, in fact, an assault on our character--an assault that assumes that we are not good enough to be free, and that aims to make sure that we are no longer strong enough, courageous enough, disciplined enough to be a free people.
I supported the assault weapon ban.
Let our position be absolutely clear: An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force.
Reinstating the federal assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed. This would leave millions of assault weapons in our communities for decades to come.
I like to believe that my best hits border on felonious assault.
The nature of the issues facing U.S. students is a bit more complicated in the U.S. because the assault on the social state, until recently, has been more incremental [i.e. the stripping of public services and so forth], whereas in Britain with the rise of the conservative-liberal government, it was immediate and bold in its assault on the social state and higher education.
Who needs a bullet piercing, armor piercing bullet to go hunting? Who needs an assault rifle to go hunting? You can't even use the prey that you kill with an assault rifle if you indeed do it.
Deadly assault weapons have no place in Massachusetts.
The American dream is under assault.
In football the object is for the quarterback, also known as the field general, to be on target with his aerial assault, riddling the defense by hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz, even if he has to use the shotgun. With short bullet passes and long bombs, he marches his troops into enemy territory, balancing this aerial assault with a sustained ground attack that punches holes in the forward wall of the enemy's defensive line. In baseball the object is to go home! And to be safe! I hope I'll be safe at home!
All our silences in the face of racist assault are acts of complicity.
You should not have assault rifles in your home.
Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.
Apoplexie and lethargie,
As forlorn hope, assault the enemy. — © Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas
Apoplexie and lethargie, As forlorn hope, assault the enemy.
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.
Words ought to be a little wild, for they are the assault of thoughts on the unthinking.
I believe that sexual assault - if this is possible - was even more underreported when I was in school.
Injustice anywhere is an assault on all of us. That means that we all can get busy.
The people that are proposing banning assault weapons, well, first of all they're already banned. Assault weapon is a fully automatic, those are already banned.
We would get rid of assault weapons. There would not be an assault weapon in the United States, whether it's for a show or someone having it in a collection.
In the physical world, we would never blame the victim of the assault for that assault taking place, but yet we do so all the time in the cyber world. I think that's completely misguided.
The masculine spirit is under assault. It's obvious.
There's no reason anyone needs to have an assault weapon.
Hee that would be a Gentleman, let him goe to an assault. — © George Herbert
Hee that would be a Gentleman, let him goe to an assault.
Dementia is, after all, a symptom of organic brain damage. It is a condition, a disorder of the central nervous system, brought about in my case by a viral assault on brain tissue. When the assault wiped out certain intellectual processes, it also affected emotional processes.
There is an all-out assault now on the Christian community in this country.
No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.
Assault weapons ban reintroduced.
Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons' menacing looks, coupled with the public's confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.
The new source of divisiveness is the assault of secularism on religion.
I know people get upset and go, 'They're going to take away the assault weapon'. But who needs an assault weapon? Like, really, unless you're carrying out an assault.
Poverty arises and persists where corruption is endemic and enterprise is stifled, where basic fairness provided by the rule of law is absent. In such circumstances, poverty is an assault against human dignity, and in that assault lies the natural seed of human anger
I have been under assault by the liberal media in the United States.
You could say that the paparazzi and the tabloids are sort of the 'assault weapons' of the First Amendment. They're ugly, a lot of people don't like them, but they're protected by the First Amendment - just as 'assault weapons' are protected by the Second Amendment.
The worst form of violence is the assault on uniformed personnel.
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