Top 833 Athletic Scholarships Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Athletic Scholarships quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
I work out hard, and I do things that I feel make me better throughout the race and after the race. And I feel better mentally because of working out, being prepared and being in great shape. Driving the car, I think with reflexes and things throw at your so quickly, you have to make adjustments - the feeling of your car, the heat. Some tracks can be tough on your neck and arms, and other tracks, not so much. I think there's a lot there that definitely takes some athletic ability, and I think that helps being athletic and being prepared like that. It helps me for sure.
You need to support human development and human capital as much as possible. And we've had 25 years of programs, great programs. We supported 125,000 surgeries. We fund 15,000 scholarships every year for college and higher education. We gave bicycles for rural areas. We gave laptops.
I went to the University of Arizona on a full athletic scholarship for gymnastics, where I competed and got 9th in the nation at the NCAAs. — © Denise Austin
I went to the University of Arizona on a full athletic scholarship for gymnastics, where I competed and got 9th in the nation at the NCAAs.
Difficult as it was to hear, slavery has benefited descendants like me - I believe there is a superior athletic gene in us.
America has the best athletic programs. Even when the Soviet Union existed, that was Mickey Mouse compared to the U.S.
I was athletic growing up and that was, of course, a big part of my household, but it wasn't something that I was necessarily passionate about.
I had no musical or athletic ability, and I wasnt particularly good looking. Comedy was something I could do for attention.
I had no musical or athletic ability, and I wasn't particularly good looking. Comedy was something I could do for attention.
I have a lot of confidence in my game. I'm not the flashiest guy, not the most athletic. I'm just solid. And I've always tried to do everything right.
Coming from an athletic background, the scientific aspect is a really big part of understanding beauty and how the body works.
I'm trying to be in the best shape of my life. I'm getting stronger and more athletic to help rebound and to guard bigger opponents.
I tend to do well against big 4s who are real skilled because I'm tall, lanky and athletic.
In Russia, show the least athletic aptitude and they've got you dangling off the parallel bars with a leotard full of hormones. — © Victoria Wood
In Russia, show the least athletic aptitude and they've got you dangling off the parallel bars with a leotard full of hormones.
Being a non-athletic person, I had to strengthen my core, arm and leg muscles before learning the wrestling moves.
I was always a real athletic kid. Then when I got older, I just figured it was part of life to keep training.
My problem with most athletic challenges is training. I'm lazy and find that workouts cut into my drinking time.
Outcasts may grow up to be novelists and filmmakers and computer tycoons, but they will never be the athletic ruling class.
I wanted to be a second baseman for the Chicago Cubs. Problem is that my athletic abilities in my mind are greater than what my body can accomplish.
My dad was a good athlete. My mom had longevity. There were some athletic genes that certainly got passed down.
I'm still an athlete at heart, so I always want that comfort and something that feels like an athletic shoe.
It is simply not consistent with either my character or my confidence in my God-given athletic ability to cheat in any way.
It's hard to dance after a certain age. All those athletic things - like looking up at my kneecaps - they're just not there anymore.
I'm not as athletic as other players, but I like to think I'm versatile. I've become kind of a smart big man.
We all have different athletic strengths, but I bring a mentality, a physical toughness, an attitude, that they do not have, that helps me with the athleticism.
Under Armour is new, aggressive, slick, classic but athletic - kind of how I always wanted to be perceived.
Living is like training for an athletic event. You have to have goals and challenges; you need to exercise and eat right.
I have no personal agenda in whether or not a library keeps 'Whale Talk' or 'Athletic Shorts' or any of my books shelved.
My mother was a champion high-jumper. My three brothers are basketball players. We've all been very athletic.
I've renewed four times with Athletic. I've done what I wanted, I've shown confidence in the club and them in me.
You can teach anybody wrestling moves, hopefully, if they have an athletic bone in their body. However, the ones that are going to make money and be different are the ones with personality.
The reality is, I'm not 24 or 34 anymore. Things are going to be different when I prepare for and when I compete in an athletic endeavor.
I've seen a lot of athletic juggernauts throughout high school, college, even the NFL who can't play the game.
I really want to test my athletic ability, my toughness, and my skills against those guys who are in my ballpark size-wise.
Loving entertainment but having our athletic talent, WWE seemed like the perfect fit for us.
I was an athlete, so I have kind of an athletic sensibility towards writing. I can work for many long hours without fatiguing.
I was not particularly bright, I wasn't very athletic, I was a little too tall, odd, funny looking, I was just really weird as a kid.
As far as golf being athletic, I would say, go try it, let's see how well you do. It's a hard game.
In college you can get away with things based off your athletic ability versus some of the other players. — © Justin Cole
In college you can get away with things based off your athletic ability versus some of the other players.
Training with the equipment and protocols at Athletic Republic really helped me improve my speed and first-step explosiveness.
My message is, you can accomplish anything, not just on the athletic field, if you're willing to work pay the price. It doesn't matter what your age.
At Nike, designers both created and communicated the brand, transforming a company that made shoes into a purveyor of athletic heroism.
For next several years PSU can focus on rebuilding its athletic culture, not worrying about whether it's going to a bowl game.
I'm always doing something new. I took a fencing class - that was awesome. And I do a lot of my own athletic work or stunts.
I have outlived most of my more athletic contemporaries who jogged, golfed and squashed themselves into coronary occlusion.
I owe a lot to sports. My athletic ability made the transition from modeling to wrestling very easy.
If you want to be an engineer, doctor or scientist in today's world, you need athletic ability in the body and mind.
People are already p*ssed off at me because I'm athletic and beautiful; to be smart in addition to that... it's like, too much.
I'm the athletic director around here. The AD. That really stands for 'Andrew's Dad.' That's how everybody knows me nowadays. — © Oliver Luck
I'm the athletic director around here. The AD. That really stands for 'Andrew's Dad.' That's how everybody knows me nowadays.
I'd like to put on record my sincere thanks to everyone at Wigan Athletic for the tremendous support they showed me during my time there.
I would still like to get more athletic and have players that can really cover what's going on in the game.
A baseball club is part of the chemistry of the city. A game isn't just an athletic contest. It's a picnic, a kind of town meeting.
I want people to perceive me as a guy who wants it. That I play the game with passion and desire. That I'm athletic, that I'm fast, and I'm relentless.
Messi simply cannot be stopped by yourself. Ronaldo is easier because he is more about athletic prowess.
I was a center. I was quite athletic, I could shoot okay and I trained a lot. I played with the national team in Iceland.
In many ways, I feel I'm still as physically fit as I was 20 years ago because I've always been athletic.
I was the youngest of seven kids and I would not have been able to go to college without an athletic scholarship.
I grew up in an non-athletic family, where my parents were interested in music, in literature, in education and art.
You can't be a great player without playing both ends of the floor. And that's what I do - I really focus in, and my athletic ability helps me.
It's very hard for students not to be in debt unless they've got big scholarships or rich parents. And it's called investing in your future, but like any investment it's risky because your future is an unknown quantity. However, if you don't invest in your future, you may be flipping hamburgers for the rest of your life. So it's a real dilemma.
I was nervous about doing 'Scottsboro Boys' because I'm not a trained dancer, and there is a lot of very athletic dancing involved.
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