Top 577 Attempting Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Attempting quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Attempting to get at truth means rejecting stereotypes and cliches.
Serving and attempting to inspire others is a responsibility, not a choice.
I don't have a philosophy of caricature. I'm not even sure I am a caricaturist, in the strictest sense of the word - I don't really exaggerate much. For a while, recently, I was thinking of attempting a reverse-caricature of Donald Trump; he certainly already appears to be a caricature of himself. I wondered about de-caricaturizing him, scaling back his whole face and hair and visual excess, and attempting to shed light on him that way.
Demons wait at crossroads attempting to influence our decisions. — © April Smith
Demons wait at crossroads attempting to influence our decisions.
When you use music to worship you are not attempting to entertain.
I'm somewhat of a raptivist but I wasn't attempting to make a socio-political statement as much as I was attempting to voice for the voiceless whatever ideas that came to mind if I was in that situation.
Science should always be in the business of attempting to disprove itself.
The truth is that there is no journey. You are right now what you are attempting to be. You are right now where you are attempting to go.
You are attempting to be logical, I suspect, and logic has little to do with government, and nothing at all to do with military administration.
It is by attempting to reach the top in a single leap that so much misery is produced in the world.
Every religion is the product of the conceptual mind attempting to describe the mystery.
In attempting to explain geological phenomena, the bias has always been on the wrong side; there has always been a disposition to reason á priori on the extraordinary violence and suddenness of changes, both in the inorganic crust of the earth, and in organic types, instead of attempting strenuously to frame theories in accordance with the ordinary operations of nature.
We are attempting, by this Constitution, to abolish factions, and to unite all parties for the general welfare.
Leftist organizations are aggressively attempting to redefine America in their own Godless image. — © Jerry Falwell
Leftist organizations are aggressively attempting to redefine America in their own Godless image.
Arguing, in the sense of attempting to convince others, has gone out of fashion with conservatives.
attempting to find in motion what was lost in space.
Only the impossible is worth attempting. In everything else one is sure to fail.
Ego is constantly attempting to acquire and apply the teachings of spirituality for its own benefit.
By the time you have your protagonist attempting to assassinate the Pope, you've sort of signaled that everything is on the table.
First, In showing in how to avoid attempting impossibilities. Second, In securing us from important mistakes in attempting what is, in itself possible, by means either inadequate or actually opposed to the end in view. Thirdly, In enabling us to accomplish our ends in the easiest, shortest, most economical, and most effectual manner. Fourth, In inducing us to attempt, and enabling us to accomplish, object which, but for such knowledge, we should never have thought of understanding. On the ways that a knowledge of the order of nature can be of use.
I have been drawn to stories that are attempting to turn suffering into beauty.
It is strange to reflect how much energy is thrown away in attempting to know the unknowable.
I can think of nothing more gallant, even though again and again we fail, than attempting to get at the facts; attempting to tell things as they really are. For at least reality, though never fully attained, can be defined. Reality is that which, when you don’t believe in it, doesn’t go away.
We learned not to let the fear of failure stop us from attempting to fulfil our dreams - whether that dream involved a change in career, attempting to set world records, or helping young people.
I have spent years representing victims of racial profiling and police brutality and investigating patterns of drug law enforcement in poor communities of color - and attempting to help people who have been released from prison attempting to 're-enter' into a society that never seemed to have much use to them in the first place.
Persons attempting to find a motive in this narrative will be prosecuted; persons attempting to find a moral in it will be banished; persons attempting to find a plot in it will be shot. BY ORDER OF THE AUTHOR per G.G., CHIEF OF ORDNANCE
Stop trying to change reality by attempting to eliminate complexity.
Attempting to identify with the source is an idea. You are already that.
If you are attempting the impossible, you will fail.
I'm against very wealthy ­people attempting to or influencing elections. But as long as it's doable I'm going to do it.
I always want to be the best at whatever I'm attempting to do.
By attempting the impossible one can attain the highest level of the possible.
Joseph Mandell and I began by attempting to make chromatography of DNA work.
It was tough attempting to be social with people who'd rather pretend you didn't exist.
Despotic rules are attempting to deprive women of their rights.
Attempting to understand consciousness with your mind, is like trying to illuminate the sun with a candle.
Taking 1,000 meetings attempting to get backing to do clothing. is well known that a vital ingredient of success is not knowing that what you're attempting can't be done.
I like the fact that major studios have been attempting horror films recently. — © Richard King
I like the fact that major studios have been attempting horror films recently.
It doesn't seem to be worth wasting a lot of energy on attempting to rewrite the past.
Attempting to grapple with improving end-of-life care is a political third rail.
I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them.
You must hear the birds song without attempting to render it into nouns and verbs.
I see myself as attempting to break ground. I definitely am trying to create my own genre here... I'm attempting to tell stories in a very new and entertaining way.
The most reliable ways to make oneself miserable are attempting to change people and not attempting to change circumstances.
There is dissatisfaction in all of us. Some of us take out that dissatisfaction by attempting to ruin whatever you are attempting to do. This is a fact of life.
If I had more skill in what I'm attempting, I wouldn't need so much courage
The person attempting to travel two roads at once will get nowhere.
It is by attempting to reach the top at a single leap that so much misery is caused in the world. — © William Cobbett
It is by attempting to reach the top at a single leap that so much misery is caused in the world.
We're not attempting to circumcise rules.
He moved in a way that suggested he was attempting the world speed record for the nonchalant walk.
As a kid, I spent a lot of my mental energy hiding who I was and attempting to fit in.
Creativity is a powerful force for anyone attempting to heal themselves.
The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by human parasite.
Spirituality is committing suicide. Consciousness is attempting to will itself out of existence.
I think, when I write, one of the things that I'm really attempting to do is I'm attempting to humanize my characters.
There's a big mistake the left has made with talking to religious people, which is attempting to talk them out of their interpretations of the Bible, attempting to have theological debate with them. When I'm on right-wing whackjob radio, when people call up to inform me that I'm going to hell, I concede the point. "I'm going to hell. Yes. Can you leave me alone now?"
As the situation developed, the futility of attempting suicide in the middle of a hospital became apparent.
You will not grow without attempting to do things you are unable to do.
I know of no better life purpose than to perish in attempting the great and the impossible.
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