Top 540 Awaken Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Awaken quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.
Awaken its powers, and it will respect itself.
To awaken to the absolute view is profound and transformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of true non-duality. If emptiness cannot dance, it is not true emptiness. If moonlight does not flood the empty night sky and reflect in every drop of water, on every blade of grass, then you are only looking at your own empty dream.
My appointed work is to awaken the divine nature that is within. — © Peace Pilgrim
My appointed work is to awaken the divine nature that is within.
When you awaken, your manhood will be taken.
We should awaken feelings of respect for each other. In other words, awaken the desire to kill selfishness.
We can think for ourselves and we can awaken the world to a greater consciousness.
Give space to life. Give time to sprout your potential - the potential to awaken the beauty in you. Awaken the beauty of your heart - the beauty of your spirit. There are infinite possibilities.
Music must awaken people to do their duty as citizens and act.
Use whatever has come to awaken patience, understanding, and love.
To awaken human emotion is the highest level of art.
Advent's intention is to awaken the most profound and basic emotional memory within us, namely, the memory of the God who became a child. This is a healing memory; it brings hope. The purpose of the Church's year is continually to rehearse her great history of memories, to awaken the heart's memory so that it can discern the star of hope.
I awaken today, appreciating everything in sight, and I give thanks.
Insofar as poetry has a social function it is to awaken sleepers by other means than shock. — © Denise Levertov
Insofar as poetry has a social function it is to awaken sleepers by other means than shock.
We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them.
May we awaken from the dream that we are different.
Everyone in Russia must awaken the citizen within himself.
May we awaken from forgetfulness and realize our true home.
You have dreamed me into your dream to awaken you from the dreams of life, death and separativity.
Softly and kindly remind yourself, ''I cannot own anything.'' It is a valuable thought to keep in mind as you struggle to improve your financial picture, worry about investments, and plan how to acquire more and more. It is a universal principle which you are part of. You must release everything when you truly awaken. Are you letting your life go by in frustration and worry over not having enough? If so, relax and remember that you only get what you have for a short period of time. When you awaken you will see the folly of being attached to anything.
If emptiness is empty, how can something be borne or awaken from it?
I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.
If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself, if you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is negative in yourself. Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.
Some people awaken spiritually without ever coming into contact with any meditation technique or any spiritual teaching. They may awaken simply because they can't stand the suffering anymore.
If you say to someone who has ears to hear: "What you are doing to me is not just," you may touch and awaken at its source the spirit of attention and love. But it is not the same with words like, "I have the right..." or "you have no right to..." They evoke a latent war and awaken the spirit of contention.
A person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing you to grow. Without them, it sleeps- seldom to awaken. The sleeper must awaken.
Meditation means to awaken new dimensions within you.
We celebrate the past to awaken the future.
the sleeper must awaken.
Your full potential can only be awaken by the spirit of a powerful and positive attitude.
We are here to awaken from our illusion of separateness.
You can't be more alive than you are—but you can awaken to what living is.
The public is a hibernating bear, hard to awaken and fond of honey.
When we dead awaken ... we see that we have never lived.
There's a saying that you can't awaken somebody who's pretending to be asleep.
The nourishment of Cezanne's awkward apples is in the tenderness and alertness they awaken inside us.
If there are people you haven't forgiven, you're not going to really awaken. You have to let go.
Preaching means to awaken the real inclination to serve God.
What would Prince Charming have for occupation if he had not to awaken the Sleeping beauty? — © Simone de Beauvoir
What would Prince Charming have for occupation if he had not to awaken the Sleeping beauty?
As we awaken individually, we will act more powerfully collectively.
I believe that educating people to awaken into full consciousness is the most important thing we can do.
You can never awaken using the same system that put you to sleep in the first place.
It seems to be almost a law of physics, that the winds of change awaken fear and fundamentalism.
Which is more difficult, to awaken one who sleeps or to awaken one who, awake, dreams that he is awake?
Life and death are of supreme importance. Time swiftly passes by and opportunity is lost. Each of us should strive to awaken. Awaken. Take heed, do not squander your life.
The world we are born into-this complicated, difficult, hauntingly touching world-is the one whole thing. It is the world we awaken in, and awaken to.
The guru cannot awaken you; all that he can do is to point out what is.
I remember my father saying that you're about to awaken when you dream that you're dreaming.
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. — © Albert Einstein
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
I have come not to teach but to awaken.
The role of an artist is to awaken the deep life urge that is already in every person.
Non-co-operation is an attempt to awaken the masses to a sense of their dignity and power.
I see my life as an unfolding set of opportunities to awaken.
My job is to awaken possibility in other people.
Anthroposophy does not want to impart knowledge. It seeks to awaken life.
Awaken and rejoice. Awaken and be alive. Awaken to the possibility of being fulfilled.
It is not until you awaken and become fully present that you will realize that you have not been present. It is not until you awaken that you will realize you have been asleep, dreaming that you are awake.
On the Road that I have taken, one day walking I awaken, amazed to see where I've come, where I'm going, where I'm from.
If there is no contradictory impression, there is nothing to awaken reflection
To awaken quite alone in a strange town is one of the pleasantest sensations in the world.
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