Top 1200 Awesome Things Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Awesome Things quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
I've always said that I would love to finish in the NBL. It is where I started, and it would be awesome to finish in front of family and friends.
I appear African-American, so it's not until I start talking that people go, 'Hold on, there's something not right here.' But it's an awesome conversation starter. I open my mouth, they get curious, and I say, 'Got a few minutes? Have a seat.'
The original lineup, we got on stage, we had a great chemistry, it was awesome, and then when we left the stage, we never talked to each other. There's a lot of bands that way. Who cares? What's wrong with it?
Surfing soothes me, it's always been a kind of Zen experience for me. The ocean is so magnificent, peaceful, and awesome. The rest of the world disappears for me when I'm on a wave.
Things don't weigh me down any more. I confront things, and I move on. I don't dwell on things; I don't let things simmer under the surface. I am where it starts and where it ends. I have the power in my life to be happy.
I think it would be cool to maybe do something with Ed Sheeran. That would be awesome and interesting. He writes amazing songs, and I could easily hear Backstreet Boys sing 'Shape Of You.'
Our evangelical culture tends to take the awesome reality of a transcendent god who is worthy to be feared and downsize Him so He could fit into our "buddy system." The way we talk about Him, the way we pray, and, more strikingly, the way we live shows that we have somehow lost our sense of being appropriately awestruck in the presence of a holy and all-powerful God. It's been a long time since we've heard a good sermon on the "fear of God." If God were to show up visibly, many of us think we'd run up to Him and high-five Him for the good things He has done.
There are still many places I haven't seen that I'd like to travel to. I've never seen the Pyramids, and I'd love to explore the culture in North India. I think walking in the Andes would also be awesome.
I don't know what fire is made of - hell nobody does. All I know is that fire is awesome. I'm not a pyromaniac, but I am a pyroenthusiast. — © Daniel Tosh
I don't know what fire is made of - hell nobody does. All I know is that fire is awesome. I'm not a pyromaniac, but I am a pyroenthusiast.
The first acting I ever did was an Italian commercial. Once I did that, I said, 'this acting thing is awesome.'
Being different is awesome! All of those who are different are more interesting than those who are clamoring for acceptance because they follow the path.
I have myself been on the other side of the table being a participant of a singing talent hunt. Hence, it is weird but awesome at the same time to judge a pool of talent that our nation has.
You don't need money to look fabulous. There are so many awesome new designers, so many designers doing collections for mass retailers.
I think that as women sometimes, we put ourselves secondary because we kind of lose ourselves and the part of us that makes us awesome.
Just because I'm confident and will tell you that I'm awesome and that I'm great, I'm all of the sudden the bad guy? Why am I always the bad guy?
I love Instagram and Twitter, and I think it's awesome that fans can connect with their favorite artists, but it also gives them a chance in that comment box to say what they really feel about them.
When I came to America I thought, 'Wouldn't it be awesome to get into one movie?' And then I get cast in 'Bridesmaids' as my first job here and it's such a huge movie.
Maybe I'm just not that humble but our script is awesome. Like Jason is so into the Muppets and such a fan. I'm such a fan of Muppets.
When it's your own thing there's a lot more pressure to make it awesome, since these people bought tickets specifically for you. Whereas at the festivals, you're one of many acts on a bill so I find it's less pressure.
I love the Coen brothers. They're so brilliant, and they always surprise you in one way or another. 'A Serious Man' was awesome. I like stuff like that, that kind of throws you for a loop. It takes you on a journey that is unexpected.
I love challenging films, really. I'd prefer to do some gritty, challenging roles. That would be awesome and really fun.
I don't think I'm naturally a good person. I think some people have an innate goodness to them, and I am sort of proud of the fact that I kind of keep myself in check, probably because I have awesome parents.
I love doing big movies. It's awesome! You have all these toys. The thing I like about this movie is, like they always say, directors have the biggest train sets! Don't tell anyone, but I'd do this for free.
Remakes are awesome, especially when it honors yet adds a new component or dimension to the original. But truthfully, we have so many stories, lives and subjects to explore that I'd love to keep pushing towards new knowledge.
I had one girl tell me last night that I'm the greatest thing ever, that she wants to aspire to be me. Just stuff like, 'You're my idol. I love you.' It's awesome. It's what it's all about.
It's just that if you're not disruptive everything seems to be repeated endlessly - not so much the good things but the bland things - the ordinary things - the weaker things get repeated- the stronger things get suppressed and held down and hidden.
Men are awesome, but they're pretty easy to figure out; women are way more complicated, and way more interesting. — © Judy Greer
Men are awesome, but they're pretty easy to figure out; women are way more complicated, and way more interesting.
Los Angeles is a weird mixture of every influence that Europe has dropped in its melting pot. It is hot, arid, picturesque, seething, banal, sometimes plain pleasant, and sometimes awesome.
I love Chicago. It was an awesome place to grow up. It's a big city but it doesn't feel like one. I can't imagine that if I had kids I would raise them anywhere else besides Chicago.
I wish we could just pick up and do 'Kenan & Kel: The Grown-Up Years,' getting everyone back working together. I feel like it would be an awesome moment for everybody.
To me, the housewife who puts her teacups unwashed in the sink because her husband won't wash them, is political. Every act is political: the things you do, as well as the things you omit doing; the things you refuse to do; the things you fail to do; the things you say, as well as the things you don't say.
We got trapped in the limo during a thunderstorm on our way to the reception. The bride wanted to wait for the storm to pass before they went in. It was actually an awesome chance for the couple to have some quiet time together after their ceremony.
Knicks fans are great. New York fans in general are awesome. They're passionate as hell, they know the sports, they know the game. — © DeAndre Jordan
Knicks fans are great. New York fans in general are awesome. They're passionate as hell, they know the sports, they know the game.
Unfortunately, once a person who is willing to act against the interests of the United States assumes the awesome powers of the presidency, the laws and investigative techniques we use in ordinary national security situations are woefully inadequate.
The labor part wasn't so great, but seeing [my daughter] for the first time was pretty awesome. I mean, how does it get better than another actual person popping out of your stomach, you know?
My father is an architect, so I often think like a designer or an architect. I remember when I was admiring buildings, I would look up at them and see this perspective and this awesome power of the monument in front of me.
There are other people on the Internet. It's awesome. You get all the benefits of 'other people' without the body odor and the eye contact.
I think that's awesome to have a former player in the GM role, somebody that not only understands the game of football but has played the game of football.
It's awesome to have the fans come up and say, 'Hey, Duck, what's up?' When people call me Devlin, it catches me by surprise.
People criticised me for using too many exclamation marks and the word 'awesome' too much, but that's just me.
Thanks for not freaking out," I said. "Oh, I'm freaking out," Paul promised, his eyes wide. "I just think it's awesome!
I still, to this day, get people talking about Curry Man; for a character that hasn't wrestled, technically, since 2008. So, it's cool to think that that part of my career is still respected and enjoyed and it's awesome.
It's easy to lose sight of God when life is sweet and easy, but there is something awesome about despair, and it is the closeness of God when we are at our weakest.
When a government goes to war, particularly a democracy, it is the most solemn and awesome responsibility of our leaders - to decide to send our kids to go off and kill and die for us.
Working on a movie like 'Prince of Persia' was awesome. It was great fun to be an action hero and to jump around, running off walls and fighting and having great quippy lines.
At an early age, it was always trying to root for the Sooners. When Jason White won, it was awesome running around my living room like I won it. I've always had fun watching the Heisman ceremony.
You can't analyze God. He is too awesome, too big, too mysterious. — © C. S. Lewis
You can't analyze God. He is too awesome, too big, too mysterious.
Role models are fine. Roll models are better. Anyone who can do a forward roll is pretty awesome in my book.
I've been a huge fan of Chris Martin forever; it'd be awesome to work with him. He's really kind, and he's been really encouraging when we've met.
'Paranoia' was pretty awesome because it was the cast of 'Air Force One,' Gary Oldman and Harrison Ford back together, pitted against each other again, so that was pretty neat.
Being with a man incapable of telling a lie – a whole lot of awesome. Being with a man who could taste when you lied – sucked the big one.
I'm not able to make amazingly perfect, precious pieces of content, but I get to make awesome spontaneous content that's frequently ephemeral.
There are three things we cry for in life: things that are lost, things that are found, and things that are magnificent.
When I was 13, I told my dad I needed to record myself because I sounded awesome, even though I didn't. By 18, I was a lot better. Then I got a publishing deal, so I was writing songs for other people professionally.
I had to do something special coming in. I didn't do it, so I had to do it in the playoff. Winning the Mercedes is awesome. Winning three times is a dream come true.
You have this idea that you think is awesome. You want to have that broadest group you possibly can. You don't want to just talk to 1 type of person and learn that, you want to get familiar with the space.
I think having a visionary CEO is awesome, and visionary leadership is one thing, but you also need checks and balances on whether this company can withstand a very honest and critical look at itself.
I really liked it. It was awesome - my first tabloid story. If you're going to have a tabloid story written about you, it might as well be with Johnny Depp.
The world is mystical, mysterious, powerful, brutal and awesome... it has a surreal logic, and moves in patterns, some of which can be unearthed and illuminated - on condition that I am listening - with my spirit, heart, eyes and guts on a single axis.
I love it at our shows when there's the big, tough, punk guys standing next to the weird teenagers and the gay guys. It's so weird, and it's so awesome.
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