Top 1200 Bad Writing Quotes & Sayings - Page 4

Explore popular Bad Writing quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
It is bad enough to be bad, but to be bad in bad taste is unpardonable.
Because I'm a woman writing about women who do bad things, that's somehow very 'other.' When men write that, it's called a novel. It's just a book.
One of the things I had to learn as a writer was to trust the act of writing. To put myself in the position of writing to find out what I was writing. — © E. L. Doctorow
One of the things I had to learn as a writer was to trust the act of writing. To put myself in the position of writing to find out what I was writing.
A novel with a bad middle is a bad book. A bad ending is something I've just gotten in the habit of forgiving.
I continued writing the bad plays which fortunately nobody would produce, just as no one did me the unkindness of publishing my early novels.
Writing can come naturally to some. Still, when it comes to good writing, this is true: Easy reading is damn hard writing.
I would argue that stupidity is born out of bad reading, bad teaching and bad thinking!
For me, most of the anxiety and difficulty of writing takes place in the act of not writing. It's the procrastination, the thinking about writing that's difficult.
The secret to writing is just to write. Write every day. Never stop writing. Write on every surface you see; write on people on the street. When the cops come to arrest you, write on the cops. Write on the police car. Write on the judge. I'm in jail forever now, and the prison cell walls are completely covered with my writing, and I keep writing on the writing I wrote. That's my method.
To say 'He played bad' is different from 'He is a bad player.' You understand? I make a mistake. It does not mean I am a bad person.
Our bad luck is that our writing is linear, while we think circularly.
I vicariously lived the life of an independent producer from the time I was four years old. And what was always important was writing, writing, writing.
I was very in my own head as a kid. But I liked it there! I was just writing poetry, writing stories, writing plays. I think I was quite strange. But I was happy.
Whether it's writing a monologue or writing standup or writing a screenplay or writing a play, I think staying involved in the creation of your own work empowers you in a way, even if you don't ever do it. It gives you a sense of ownership and a sense of purpose, which I think as an actor is really important.
When you are writing a song for something else, if you are doing something for money, I always think that's bad luck. — © Chad Kroeger
When you are writing a song for something else, if you are doing something for money, I always think that's bad luck.
I think that's one of the maybe under-discussed aspects of process - the difference between a good writing day and a bad one is the quality of the split-second decisions you made.
Nobody told all the new e-mail writers that the essence of writing is rewriting. Just because they are writing with ease and enjoyment doesn't mean they are writing well.
Today's business model is bad for people, bad for the economy and bad for stability and democracy.
When writing isn't going well-then the bad thing about being a writer is that I also have the freedom and flexibility to do something badly, and no one else can fix it for me.
If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it.
Really, how bad is eating a piece of cake? Being bad is murdering someone. That's bad. Don't do that.
If I find myself just not feeling like writing songs anymore, I think I'll drop it. There's enough bad, insincere music out there. I don't need to contribute to that.
I have to say that writing about my writing process is more daunting than writing non-fiction.
I always tell audiences when I talk about writing: Writing isn't something I do; writing is something that I am. I am writing - it's just an expression of me.
Writing, for me, when I'm writing in the first-person, is like a form of acting. So as I'm writing, the character or self I'm writing about and my whole self - when I began the book - become entwined. It's soon hard to tell them apart. The voice I'm trying to explore directs my own perceptions and thoughts.
It is a singular reaction, this sitting still and writing, writing, writing, or ruminating at length, which is much the same, really.
If we're honest, most of us would accept that a bad boss is a little bit like a bad father or a bad husband ... you find that he tends to do more good than harm. He might be a bad boss but at least he's employing someone while he is in fact a boss.
When I met Judd Apatow, he told me I should start writing screenplays. They'd be really bad at first, but the more I did it, the better I'd get.
I went to Marion College for writing and I was kicked out of the writing school. I was asked to leave the writing program because I was corrupting the other students.
In the course of my research, I've read a lot of incredibly bad books - mostly by academics. I'm puzzled as to just why their writing is so terrible. These are smart people, after all.
I don't know if I am a good, average, or bad writer, but I write fast. Everything I observe, my experiences and imagination come together while writing.
You shouldn't have standards that inhibit you from writing It really doesn't make any difference if you are good or bad today. The assessment of the product is something that happens after you've done it.
Most of the time, you're writing for radio, you're writing for a label, you're writing to stick a hit, and you end up coming out with something that isn't necessarily genuine.
Hamburger bad fries bad, coca-cola bad….There I said it. Drink your water people.
Close encounters are bad. Bad for the animal, as it causes stress, and bad for me for exactly the same reason.
The first time I tried to write was when I was 14, after I got an electric guitar. I put a song together, and it wasn't that bad! The writing came natural to me.
I guess I just feel bad that I'm still going on bad dates when I should really be in a bad marriage by now.
It's becoming apparent that I like bad boys. That's one of my problems. They've all been bad boys. You're one too. You're a bad boy. But, I think you're a good bad boy.
If the day's writing has been particularly good or particularly bad, a glass of scotch will be involved. — © Stephen J. Dubner
If the day's writing has been particularly good or particularly bad, a glass of scotch will be involved.
Your writing is never as good as you hoped; but never as bad as you feared.
Writing is a key differentiator. I've used it for 14 years. Writing will not just lead to differentiation. Writing is the credibility you need to create buyer confidence
If you go to a big city anywhere in the world and you need a doctor, just ask me. I can tell you who's good and who's bad. I've even considered writing a guidebook.
All my life I have painted pictures so that certain people would drop dead when they looked at them, but I have not succeeded yet. The worst painting cant hurt you, but a bad driver can kill you, a bad judge can send you to the chair, a bad politician can ruin an entire country, That is why even a bad painting is sacred.
The process of re-writing and writing and re-writing means that you may have a brilliant phrase, but over time it distills and distorts and changes.
All writing is by the grace of God. People do not deserve to have good writing, they are so pleased with bad. In these sentences that you show me, I can find no beauty, for I see death in every clause and every word. There is a fossil or a mummy character which pervades this book. The best sepulchers, the vastest catacombs, Thebes and Cairo, Pyramids, are sepulchers to me. I like gardens and nurseries. Give me initiative, spermatic, prophesying, man-making words.
I'm more of a songwriter. I love writing songs. I love writing my songs. It's always been writing for me, and it makes it different when you're writing for yourself.
A bad day on the course doesn't have to mean a bad night and a bad week and you get to scream at your agent.
Most of the time you're writing for radio, you're writing for a label, you're writing to stick a hit, and you end up coming out with something that isn't necessarily genuine.
The most important thing in writing is to have written. I can always fix a bad page. I can't fix a blank one.
I really like writing for specific projects. It's a whole different way of writing when you have certain guidelines and a theme you're writing to. It's very inspiring.
Right now-whether you're in writing courses getting "paid" in credit for writing, or burdened and distracted by earning a living and changing diapers-figure out how to make writing an integral part of your life. Publication is good, and gives you the courage to go on, but publication is not as important as the act of writing.
I love writing. I never feel really comfortable unless I am either actually writing or have a story going. I could not stop writing. — © P. G. Wodehouse
I love writing. I never feel really comfortable unless I am either actually writing or have a story going. I could not stop writing.
L.A. is like an oil rig. It's not pretty. It's awful. The air is bad, the view is bad, the people are bad.
There's too much bad. The worst is mediocre. Bad is easy. There's high quality, there's pornography, and then there's bad.
I'd like to think I am a good coach but I've called bad plays. I've coached bad practices. I've made bad substitution choices.
If there's anything I'm keen to get better at in my writing, then it's the writing of prose as opposed to the writing of dialogue.
I figure I wrote 37 songs in 20 years, and that's not exactly a full-time job. It wasn't that I was writing and writing and writing and quit.
Writing has to do with truth-telling. When you're writing, let's say, an essay for a magazine, you try to tell the truth at every moment. You do your best to quote people accurately and get everything right. Writing a novel is a break from that: freedom. When you're writing a novel, you are in charge; you can beef things up.
I don't know if it's good or bad, but when I first started writing I imitated the narrative thrust of a movie. And as I worked, I learned what you can do in fiction that you can't do in movies, and vice-versa.
When the loo paper gets thicker and the writing paper thinner, it's always a bad sign, at home.
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