Top 1200 Basic Training Quotes & Sayings - Page 5

Explore popular Basic Training quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
You can improve in every stage of your career, and even in training, after training, analysing your game, you can do a lot of stuff to make steps, and that's also a major point of becoming a top player.
I'm a modern coach when it comes to training. I pick a lot of things up and I watch a lot of training sessions and follow a lot of leagues around the world.
I never expected to do what I can, but with my coaching staff and my training and coming to terms with my own ability and my own talent and realizing the potential that there is, I've decided that I want to make a run for it. I'm training, and I'm fighting for a title.
Many bodybuilders sell themselves short. Erroneously attributing their lack of satisfactory progress to a poverty of the requisite genetic traits, instead of to their irrational training and dietary practices, they give up training. Don't make the same mistake
I got amazing training both with Theatre Sports... back in Edmonton, Alberta - I can't give those people enough credit - and the daytime drama I did. Incredible training, both of them.
Since weight training involves repetitions, a great deal of energy must be exerted. Therefore, weight training should be practiced only every other day. — © Bruce Lee
Since weight training involves repetitions, a great deal of energy must be exerted. Therefore, weight training should be practiced only every other day.
I never cheat in training. I owe it to myself and family to give it everything I have, all the time. To be honest, I hate every minute of training. But the rewards of giving your all and having it translate into great things on the pitch are the reasons why it's all worth it.
When I came to Mumbai to act and it didn't work out for me for few years, I thought I will go back to training but casting room has been a great training space for me.
One of the great rules of design is do something basic right. Then everything gets much more right of itself. But if you do something basic wrong - if you make what I call a Type 1 Error - you can get nothing else right.
The only thing you can do is have "job training" for people for the new jobs that we're gonna create after the job you have leaves for Mexico. Job training? Are you kidding? That's what schools are! That's the never-ending promise of liberalism.
Because religious training means credulity training, churches should not be surprised to find that so many of their congregations accept astrology as readily as theology, or a channeled Atlantean priest as readily as a biblical prophet.
Because I enjoy training, obviously what comes with that is if you haven't been training, or you're not feeling like you're in great shape, then the last thing you want to do, like anyone, is to be seen by millions half naked.
There is only one thing worse than training employees and losing them, and that's not training them and keeping them
When you're competing, you have to wear a sleeve that goes all the way down to your wrist. When you're training, you usually don't wear long-sleeved leotards, so there's a difference between training and competing.
I leave Medicare alone. I create a new system for everyone under 65 where they get health care as a right. It's a basic plan. We roll Medicaid into that, but then we allow people to have choices and get private insurance to supplement that basic government plan.
The basic skills of math, English and writing are not enough, ... You must develop a basic system of values to form and guide the use of these skills. The true test will not be what you learned in college, but how you used what you learned.
I travel and climb about eight months a year. That's pretty great training in itself. When I am home, I do a lot of bouldering, gym climbing, and specific strength training in a effort to get stronger for climbing.
In 1989, I started the National Association of Business Women. We incorporated microfinance and different job training for women. We did a survey, with USAID, that found women lacked training, credit and information.
I was training most nights and was missing out. I was coming back from school and wanting to go out with my mates, but I had to go training.
I think magic, whether I'm holding my breath or shuffling a deck of cards, is pretty simple. It's practice, it's training, and it's - It's practice, it's training and experimenting, while pushing through the pain to be the best that I can be.
I know everyone thinks Dad is a little bit crazy with his training, because we train a lot harder and do more kilometres and stuff than most pentathletes. Training is full-on. It's seven or eight hours a day.
The great thing about fairy tales and myths is that they go beyond character. They're not about character. They're about more basic things. They're about basic fears or longings or desires or fantasies, and stuff like that.
The growth of technology is such that it is not possible today for a nuclear physicist to switch into medical physics without training. The field is now much more technical. More training is needed to do the job.
The basic tenet of black consciousness is that the black man must reject all value systems that seek to make him a foreigner in the country of his birth and reduce his basic human dignity.
In training, don't be afraid to be an oddball, eccentric, or extremist. Only by daring to go against tradition can new ways of training be learned. The trick is recognizing quickly when a new approach is counterproductive.
You just go out there, you've got to keep training, keeping training as hard as you can and keep winning fights. The only thing that's real is the fight. Everything else is fake.
My brother has the potential to become one of the top guys within Strikeforce. He had a very busy personal life; therefore, he wasn't training as hard as he should, but if he's going to pick up his training, he will be a danger for every fighter.
My colleagues and I took a stand in our work several years ago that we would not look for the magic bullet, because there is none. These are just basic problems requiring basic work. Nothing magic about it.
This new England we have invented for ourselves is not interested at all in education. It is only interested in training, both material and spiritual. Education means freedom, it means ideas, it means truth. Training is what you do to a pear tree when you pleach it and prune it to grow against a wall. Training is what you give an airline pilot or a computer operator or a barrister or a radio producer. Education is what you give children to enable them to be free from the prejudices and moral bankruptcies of their elders.
To my mind this is what shamanic training must really be, is mnemonic training. If you want to bring the stuff back you have to train yourself to bring it back.
Finally my dream came true in that there was a possibility that I could travel to the International Space Station. I've gone through the medicals and the training and now I'm officially, by the Russian Space Federation, a cosmonaut in training.
Spend at least some of your training time, and other parts of your day, concentrating on what you are doing in training and visualizing your success.
All the circuit training, it's cardio circuit training, so everything you're doing, you're still running up your heart rate. You're burning, I think, triple the amount of calories than if you were just weight lifting.
No organization, let alone one that is in the business of war and defending Singapore's sovereignty, can realistically promise zero fatalities or training incidents even as the public must insist on the strictest training safety parameters for the SAF, and MINDEF strives for the same.
If there's competition in training, then the training is intense, and then you have the pressure of a weekend that if you don't put in good performances, then your place is maybe up for grabs.
You need good training partners - because you’re only as good as your training partners - and a strong desire to always get better.
Vocational training is the training of animals or slaves. It fits them to become cogs in the industrial machine. Free men need liberal education to prepare them to make a good use of their freedom.
My brother-in-law skipped work to get me to training. Our family get us through. We'd get the train, a bus and sometimes even walk to training.
Jesus Christ is our supreme commander, but He operates only through His word, which is unquestionably a training manual. However, He has many interpreters, and few people see the Bible as a true training manual.
Bubbles are incredibly basic. We think of them in that way just because they're a kid's toy. But I think it's more basic than childhood, something primal - the liquid, the flow, the shapes. We were liquid at one point in our development.
I definitely get down on myself. I needed to work on my self-talk. The same way you do footwork drills and cardio training, I had to do self-talk training. — © Rose Namajunas
I definitely get down on myself. I needed to work on my self-talk. The same way you do footwork drills and cardio training, I had to do self-talk training.
My basic view of things is - not to have any basic view of things. From having been exceedingly dogmatic, my views on life have gradually dissolved. They don't exist any longer.
I have a song called 'Training Wheels,' and it's about being in love with someone and taking it to the next level by taking off the training wheels.
It's not like I have media out there when I'm training. I'm training the same. I'm putting in the same work.
I worked with a mime coach. I did weapons training. I did weight training.
You have to have good training partners and not people who crank on things. There's a difference between cranking on it and catching it, holding it and making the guy work out. You have to be selective with your training partners for sure.
Because I'm training so much, I always have a lot of energy. Once I've finished training, I come home and have some down time, and then I realise it's 12:30 A.M. and I should have been in bed 2 hours ago. That can get annoying.
I just feel lucky to have had my training at Juilliard. Even though it is a 'classical' training programme, they also prepare you for all mediums. They don't teach specific techniques or subscribe to a specific school of thought about acting.
It's tough, you know, when you're thin and you don't put on muscle mass that easily. What you've got to remember is that you really have to eat a lot and you have to work your body out with basic exercises like deadlifts and squats and the bench press - the workouts that are basic in form but work a large group of muscles.
Underlying the preaching of the Puritans are three basic axioms: 1. The unique place of preaching is to convert, feed and sustain, 2. The life of the preacher must radiate the reality of what he preaches, 3. Prayer and solid Bible study are basic to effective preaching.
For many people, and particularly in communities of color, the basic bargain of America - that if you work hard and play by the rules, you can share in the nation's prosperity - has become a raw deal. That's what President Obama's opportunity agenda is all about - making good on our country's half of the basic bargain.
I hadn't trained to be a coach. That takes great training. Being an assistant under a Coach Lombardi or a Tom Landry or whoever, that prepares you to do a better job when you become a coach. I hadn't received that training. It showed.
I've made some films for the military that are teaching things like cultural awareness and leadership issues, that sort of stuff. And try to, in essence, look at what training they're doing and say, 'This is how you can improve the training from a humanistic point of view.'
I just enjoy training. I enjoy being there, enjoy coming into games and training sessions where I can feel that I'm as good or better than the players I have to play against or with.
I love fighting. One thing that is the key to that is I always love training. I love to. And I never drink before, no alcohol in my life, no smoke, nothing. I love training.
I'm doing mental training as well. So, you know, body, mind, and spirit - everything is being addressed, every single day. Generally I'll have three training sessions a day.
As an undergraduate at Columbia, I went to the engineering school. I had a great deal of training in engineering and mathematics as well as subdiversified training. And then I went to the California Institute of Technology to do my Ph.D. in applied math.
I don't have a problem putting on or cutting weight. I would adapt my training if I'm training for a Light Heavyweight fight by using different techniques and by wearing a weight vest to get used to the extra fighting weight.
The BEST training program in the entire world will be a DISMAL FAILURE if people fail to hold up their end of the deal. The success of ANY training program is ultimately the trainee's responsibility.
Government investment unlocks a huge amount of private sector activity, but the basic research that we put into IT work that led to the Internet and lots of great companies and jobs, the basic work we put into the health care sector, where it's over $30 billion a year in R&D that led the biotech and pharma jobs. And it creates jobs and it creates new technologies that will be productized. But the government has to prime the pump here. The basic ideas, as in those other industries, start with government investment.
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