Top 844 Battles Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Battles quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Great battles are won with artillery.
Young women today often have very little appreciation for the real battles that took place to get women where they are today in this country. I don't know how much history young women today know about those battles.
Some things You have to let be lost Some battles, some battles You have to leave unfought. Then the truth just wastes away In all we dare not say. And in all we can't explain But I faithfully remain.
I seek solutions, not battles. — © Kate Brown
I seek solutions, not battles.
We honor our heroic and patriotic dead by being true men, as true men by faithfully fighting the battles of our day as they fought the battles of their day.
A person of knowledge and power never goes out looking for battles. All their battles are within.
All battles are won before they start.
This is now a global war on terror and, indeed, it is important, it is imperative that we win in the battles in Afghanistan and that we win in the battles in Iraq. And as the gentleman from Georgia has mentioned, this is not something that is going to be quick and easy.
Don’t keep fighting battles that are already lost.
I bear the wounds of all the battles I avoided.
Battles are lost or won in 15 minutes
The great battles, the battles that decide our destiny and the destiny of generations yet unborn, are not fought on public platforms, but in the lonely hours of the night and in moments of agony.
You have to pick your battles on set.
What we do battle with is so small, what battles us is so large. — © Rainer Maria Rilke
What we do battle with is so small, what battles us is so large.
Sometimes it was easier to swim with the current rather than fight against it. There was always a shallow pool somewhere ahead. Memories are like battles, and battles can go one way or the other. You can stand and fight, no matter what pains run from you wounds; or you can turn tail and run, knowing then that the enemy will follow and without mercy hunt you down. We had so many dreams as children. Where do they all go when we grow? Are they swallowed up by the mundane things of everyday life? Or do we lose them, leave them behind us in the dust, for new children to find and take up?
Wars are not won by fighting battles; wars are won by choosing battles
Battles are won and lost before they are fought.
The greatest battles are fought in the mind.
Most of life's battles are won or lost in the mind.
Victory in physical battles requires strength, muscles, and skill; but the fight is never tougher and victory is never sweeter than in the battles over self.
Battles are won in the hearts of men.
The appetites of the body were private battles.
We don't take on battles so small we know we can win, we take on battles so big we dare to dream of winning them.
We're involved right now in some very significant legal battles and it would be the wrong thing for me to do to step out in the middle of those battles.
Your battles inspired me - not the obvious material battles but those that were fought and won behind your forehead.
Intelligent martial arts is not getting in battles and winning them. Intelligent martial arts is avoiding battles because battles use up energy, and you can get hurt no matter who you are.
Battles decide everything.
You've got to stand up and do your own battles. My daddy taught me that a long time ago, that you fight your own battles. The only way to shut everybody up is to win.
There is something about military history that fascinates me. You find that many battles have been lost by people with very good military background when they fought battles in a battleground they didn't understand. I have seen that in business, too. You have to look at a marketplace like a battle-ground.
You know, you pick and choose your battles.
I was reminded as I was reviewing my life, that I have been in too many conflicts, too many wars, political battles, military battles, civil strifes in government. And always one lesson stands out and that is, those whom you fight most passionately often turn out to be your best friends.
Hedda Hopper was a better direct opponent to [Dalton] Trumbo. We wanted to use Trumbo's battles to represent the larger battles, so the audience could understand the personal sacrifice he went through and the personal damage to his family. The choices were about who were the best representations of his antagonists, which is why we chose as we did.
Battles are followed by years of famine.
It hit me that an Apache resistance would be a wonderful, you know, it would be a wonderful metaphor for Jewish-American soldiers to be using behind enemy lines against the Nazis because the Apache Indians... were able to fight off for decades both the Spaniards and the Mexicans and the U.S. Cavalry for years because of their - they were great guerrilla fighters. They were great resistance fighters. And one of their ways of winning battles was psychological battles.
Three millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Beside, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of Nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us.
Pick your battles, and accept yourself for who you are.
Battles in the Legislature can be tough.
You gotta choose what battles you can win.
With a good heart, you can win many battles! — © Mehmet Murat Ildan
With a good heart, you can win many battles!
All battles are first won or lost, in the mind.
I went through a lot of battles in high school.
Battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won.
Not even Ares battles against necessity.
Each generation thinks it fights new battles. But the battles are the same. Only the people are different.
The battles that count aren't the ones for gold medals. The struggles within yourself - the invisible, inevitable battles inside all of us - that's where it's at.
I'm worried about the world because there's chaos in the Middle East, and I think the Iranian deal [to lift sanctions] is going to continue the Shia-Sunni battles, the Persian-Arab battles.
My Paintings are Battles.
Lawsuits are not pink teas. They are battles.
It is not big armies that win battles, it is the good ones. — © Maurice de Saxe
It is not big armies that win battles, it is the good ones.
Ronald Reagan's well documented final battles with Alzheimer's disease were fought with the same conviction and courage that his many public battles were fought.
I do not fight battles that cannot be won. Do not confuse that with cowardice.
I'm a lover, not a fighter. No battles for me.
Battles are not won by strength alone!
My wife says, "You're an idiot! Why do you Google your name and all you're doing is looking for trouble?" Because I'm thin-skinned. Because I don't like to be mischaracterized. I just don't. If someone is going to criticize what you've written and you believe in what you've written then you should respond. Now do I sometimes fall in the gutter myself and look silly doing it? Of course. Some battles I win, some battles I lose.
You never know what battles people fight.
I'd like to think that I'm a calm and sweet person. I tend to be very playful at home with my children, but in life... we have to fight our battles - our work battles, our political battles, our personal battles - and we're focused.
Some people are fighting much, much more important battles and much bigger battles, and if we get the chance to put a smile on their face for ten seconds, it's so worth it.
I've always embraced battles that are a daily occurrence.
I've been reading and researching various aspects of history - Dickens' London, Nelson's sea battles, Magellan's nautical explorations, the weapons and battles and key figures of the American Civil War - for most of my life. I pick up a book here or there or see a documentary or talk with an expert in the subject, and my curiosity about the one area of study and discovery always leads to another.
In the intervals between battles, the Warrior rests.
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