Top 783 Be Courageous Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Be Courageous quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
Faith is reason grown courageous.
Every time you make the hard, correct decision you become a bit more courageous, and every time you make the easy, wrong decision you become a bit more cowardly. If you are CEO, these choices will lead to a courageous or cowardly company.
It isn't courageous to go forth when you don't know the dangers. But it's very courageous to go forth when you do. — © Marianne Williamson
It isn't courageous to go forth when you don't know the dangers. But it's very courageous to go forth when you do.
If you look for truth, you have to be courageous.
If you feel afraid, you can make yourself courageous by acting courageous. If you are feeling unhappy, by deliberately acting happy you can induce happy feeling. If you are lacking in enthusiasm, by simply acting enthusiastic you can make yourself enthusiastic.
this is what I know about courage: You don't have to think about courage to have it. You don't have to feel courageous to be courageous. You don't sit down and say you're going to be courageous. At the moment of action, you don't see it as a courageous act. Courage is the most hidden thing from your eye or mind until after it's done. There's some inner something that tells you what's right. You know you have to do it to survive as a human being. You have no choice.
My mother was really courageous.
I became more courageous by doing the very things I needed to be courageous for-first, a little, and badly. Then, bit by bit, more and better. Being avidly-sometimes annoy-ingly-curious and persistent about discovering how others were doing what I wanted to do.
Be courageous, but not foolhardy. Walk proud as you are.
Living well is a courageous act.
In a sense, all of us have the capacity to be courageous.
I think Assange has been very courageous. I've also defended Bradley Manning. I think they've been tremendously courageous in telling the truth, and the public has the right to the truth.
It's fear that makes an act courageous. — © Denise Hunter
It's fear that makes an act courageous.
The courageous have fears that cowards never know.
Pay no attention to the less courageous.
Honestly, I have s much respect for single moms or anybody who finds themselves a single mother, but to even choose to be single mother is just so courageous to me. It is such a hard job to raise a child and be everything to that child without a partner. It's just admirable and courageous and brave and every other valiant word I can think of. I don't know if I could do it on my own.
To be courageous , you have to have an army of people holding you.
Always be courageous and strong, and don't fear.
Of what use is a dream if not a blueprint for courageous action.
We all admire the courageous person and quite often consider the individual who lacks courage, a coward. However, that is not how Earl Nightingale saw it. He said the opposite of courage was not cowardness, it was conformity. The next time you are encouraged to fall into line, to be a sport and everything in you says no - be courageous and go your own way. There is no compensation in conformity.
I am drawn to courageous women.
It's a courageous thing to do something that doesn't have rules or limits.
There's only one requirement of any of us, and that is to be courageous. Because courage, as you might know, defines all other human behavior. And, I believe - because I've done a little of this myself - pretending to be courageous is just as good as the real thing.
I actually do enjoy the Kardashians' show, and I know that other people do enjoy it, but at the same time, they want to make fun of it. Like, I know that girls are watching that show - I'm just the only one courageous enough to say it. Other people are courageous in acts of war, but I'm courageous in my love for the Kardashians.
The history of God's people is not a record of God searching for courageous men and women who could handle the task, but God transforming the hearts of cowards and calling them to live courageous lives.
Many survivors insist they're not courageous: 'If I were courageous I would have stopped the abuse.' 'If I were courageous, I wouldn't be scared'...Most of us have it mixed up. You don't start with courage and then face fear. You become courageous because you face your fear.
I never think that anything I do is courageous.
I think to be courageous, you have to be afraid. For me, it feels very courageous when I go skiing because I'm very, very afraid to ski. It's dangerous! I feel very scared. But when I'm acting, I don't feel very scared.
Well, Kevin Downes is the producer of Mom's Night Out. He was a fellow actor with me in the movie Courageous. He plays my police partner and we have been friends for several years. He came and helped me on Courageous and said 'Would you come help me on Mom's Night Out?'
We need more citizens that are committed and courageous.
There are two merits that glorify a person: being courageous for a man and being virtuous for a woman. Besides these two, there is another merit that glorifies both man and woman: so much loving the homeland to an extent with being ready to sacrifice his/her life, if needed. Turks are such courageous and virtuous people. That is why you can kill a Turk but you can never defeat them.
One isn't born with courage. One develops it by doing small courageous things-in the way that if one sets out to pick up a 100-pound bag of rice, one would be advised to start with a five-pound bag, then 10 pounds, then 20 pounds, and so forth, until one builds up enough muscle to lift the 100-pound bag. It's the same way with courage. You do small courageous things that require some mental and spiritual exertion.
Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best.
I think my mum is courageous.
The courageous conversation is the one you don't want to have.
I am consistent rather than courageous.
Be courageous! Have faith! Go forward.
Be bold, be courageous, be your best. — © Gabrielle Giffords
Be bold, be courageous, be your best.
I'm afraid of everything. I'm not a naturally courageous person.
The strong survive, but the courageous triumph.
Be courageous. It's one of the only places left uncrowded.
I always believe that when you're not courageous, you become cunning.
It is difficult to constantly make courageous choices.
Be courageous when the mind deceives you Be courageous In the final account only this is important
You become courageous by doing courageous acts...Courage is a habit.
Courageous? Courageous would have been admitting weakness and leaving Dauntless, no matter what shame accompanied it. Pride is what killed Al, and it is the flaw in every Dauntless heart. It is in mine.
I don't feel particularly courageous.
There are times when it is more courageous to be cowardly. — © Norman Reilly Raine
There are times when it is more courageous to be cowardly.
I meet my fears with excitement. They are an excuse to be courageous.
The vicious cycle of violence is real. But if people simply stopped listening to their ignorant parents, their biased religions, their corrupt government and the prejudicial media, change would be quite easy. All it takes is courageous, fearless, unique individuals to make substantive change in this world. Unfortunately, there are very few courageous and fearless people.
To be heroic is to be courageous enough to die for something.
Because of a great love, one is courageous.
To be courageous is to be a voice for the voiceless
When in doubt, do the courageous thing.
He is the truly courageous man who never desponds.
I'm always embarrassed when people say that I'm courageous. Soldiers are courageous. Policemen are courageous. Firemen are courageous. I just have a thick hide and disregard what silly people say.
For me, Caitlyn Jenner is such a huge role model. She's really making a difference in our society by just being brave and sharing her story. People say she's not brave and courageous, but to me, she is so brave and courageous.
It is courageous to occasionally admit that there are certain things one can't do.
I don't bother writing about Fox News. It is too easy. What I talk about are the liberal intellectuals, the ones who portray themselves and perceive themselves as challenging power, as courageous, as standing up for truth and justice. They are basically the guardians of the faith. They set the limits. They tell us how far we can go. They say, 'Look how courageous I am.' But do not go one millimeter beyond that. At least for the educated sectors, they are the most dangerous in supporting power.
Find that courageous yes. Fight for that confident no.
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