I try to seek out and surround myself with people who just percolate fresh, original, and creative ideas.
They've tried to manufacture other Marilyn Monroes and they will undoubtedly keep trying. But it won't work. She was an original.
No matter how successful the remake is, it seems to me it's forgotten quickly after and it's the original that still lives on.
I was a huge fan of the original Red Dawn. America and brothers, you can't beat that in my world. I think there's nothing greater.
My original inspiration was my mom: a few years after the death of my dad, she started dating one my teachers!
I watch a lot of classic movies - my TV guilty pleasures are 'The Wonder Years' or the original 'MASH' show.
I work off of my early demos. I'll keep adding on top of that, but I usually gravitate towards whatever that original idea was.
Fur only looks good on its original owner. Be comfortable in your own skin, and let animals keep theirs.
MACE, n. A staff of office signifying authority. Its form, that of a heavy club, indicates its original purpose and use in dissuading from dissent.
Valentine's Day gifts like teddy bears, chocolate and perfume are SO lame. How about be thoughtful and original?
'Star Wars Rebels' brings back the banter and faster pace that the original films were famous for.
There is no question that what we are seeing - the horrible advance of ISIS - goes back, if you will, to the original sin of the invasion of Iraq.
Great innovators and original thinkers and artists attract the wrath of mediocrities as lightning rods draw the flashes.
He called for military supremacy, no welfare and cultural rebirth. It was a nice speech, but it sounded a lot better in its original German.
Intellectuals ... regard over-simplification as the original sin of the mind and have no use for the slogans, the unqualified assertions and sweeping generalizations.
David Cronenberg is the most provocative, original, and consistently excellent North American director of his generation.
I was a huge fan of the original Star Trek, and I'd never even dreamed that I would someday be captain of a starship...
The majority of business men are not capable of an original thought, simply because they cannot escape the tyranny of reason.
Theory of the true civilization. It is not to be found in gas or steam or table turning. It consists in the diminution of the traces of original sin.
I think it was when I was 12 when I entered a singing competition. I sang my own original song for an audience of 1,000 people.
I feel like when I went back to my original hair color, a little bit of an edgier side came out.
Accidents often produce the best solutions… only you can recognize the difference between an accident and your original intent.
I was a huge fan of the original 'Star Trek,' and I'd never even dreamed that I would someday be captain of a starship.
There was a fear among the original framers that the federal government would be so strong that they might destroy the state militias.
You must capture and keep the heart of the original and supremely able man before his brain can do its best.
Whether I do an original film, a dance, or a remake of my dad's hit songs, I have always been compared to him.
To be fair to ourselves, in almost every original script, the timing is actually worked out down to the minute.
The science of pure mathematics, in its modern developments, may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit.
In general, if a couple cannot expand their original rules and boundaries to accommodate personal growth, the relationship disintegrates.
Sinfully acquired wealth may remain for ten years; in the eleventh year it disappears with even the original stock.
Hey, every once in awhile the secondary form works better than the original but it's certainly a rarity.
I'm always looking for a fresh perspective because it's fun to tell stories that are original and new in some way.
I'm a pathetic haggler and often give more than the original price out of a misplaced sense of duty.
Our original plan when we founded Waze was to sell the data, and we could keep it ad-free that way.
The translator's task is to create, in his or her own language, the same tensions appearing in the original. That's hard!
I always say that my favorite game was Original Adventure, published by both Microsoft and Apple Computer back in 1980.
You will have written exceptionally well if, by skilful arrangement of your words, you have made an ordinary one seem original.
My great-grandparents came from Poland. Interestingly enough, they were named Adam and Eve. But I do not believe they are the original.
The original deal we made was that Walker would be treated like a regular movie, rather than an arthouse thing.
Thus, races arose from an original coding which God pulled out as needed for adaptation to the environment.
My original dream was to become a singer-songwriter, so I sent a video of myself playing the piano and singing to all the big agencies.
People always talk about the lyrics of Leonard Cohen, but I like his melodies. They are very defined and original.
Plants are the original chemists. Their sophistication makes DuPont and Monsanto look like little kids with chemistry sets.
Paul Brunton was a great original and got to a place of personal evolution that illumines the pathways of a future humanity.
I don't know if there will ever be an ideal way of selling an original picture. Because everything you're doing, you're inventing.
I read the other day some verses written by an eminent painter which were original and not conventional.
I think that my original drive as an entrepreneur was precisely that desire to get away from the image of the shipping magnate's son.
If you want your children to bring original ideas into the world, you need to let them pursue their passions, not yours.
There are a lot of disadvantages with the YouTube stigma, because no one wants to be known as just a cover band. It's all about the original music.
Lexicographer: a writer of dictionaries, a harmless drudge, that busies himself in tracing the original, and detailing the signification of words.
Reverb does that thing where you make one sound and it grows to 20 times its original size and fills everything up.
The original and brilliant idea of an MBA was the opportunity for students to study the theory and application of business and management principles.
[T]hat is the triumph of history - truth absolute is not at hand; the original with which to match the copy does not exist.
Fox-terriers are born with about four times as much original sin in them as other dogs.
If you're lucky enough to use something you see in a dream, it is purely original. It's not in the world - it's in your head. I think that is amazing.
The stories about the life and teachings of Jesus were mainly told in Greek, the original language of the gospels.
Just because there is a problem doesn't mean that we have to solve it, if the cure is going to be more expensive than the original ailment.
Thus God alone is the primary Unity, or original simple substance, from which all monads, created and derived, are produced.
Once the mind has been expanded by a big idea, it will never go back to its original state.
The spacious firmament on high,
And all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heavens, a shining frame,
Their great Original proclaim.
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