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Top 1200 Bear Quotes & Sayings - Page 8
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Last updated on December 12, 2024.
Philosophy teaches us to bear with equanimity the misfortunes of others.
Life will not bear refinement. You must do as other people do.
There is no doctrine of the Reason which will bear to be taught by the Understanding.
Once you have tasted conviction, you can’t bear to keep swallowing complacency.
But I may be one who does not care Ever to have tree bloom or bear.
Nothing happens to any man that he is not formed by nature to bear.
I want to be good. I can't bear the idea of my soul being hideous.
Perhaps you've only grown up when you can bear not being understood.
What are you doing here? (Devyn) I love you, too, Pookie Bear. (Zarina)
Ridicule is often harder to bear than self-denial.
No burden is so heavy for a man to bear as a succession of happy days.
This thou must always bear in mind, what is the nature of the whole.
In a bear market, you have to use sharp countertrend rallies to sell.
Women are the ones that bear the greatest burden. We are also the ones who nurture societies.
When a man learns to love, he must bear the risk of hatred.
No one will dare maintain that it is better to do injustice than to bear it.
Women that bear children must exist in Zululand only.
Bear in mind that you should conduct yourself in life as at a feast.
Though authority be a stubborn bear, yet he is oft let by the nose with gold.
They couldn't bear the idea of death being a big black nothing.
There is but one philosophy and its name is fortitude! To bear is to conquer our fate.
We bear, all of us, the misfortunes of other people with heroic constancy.
No man ever distinguished himself who could not bear to be laughed at.
We must each of us bear our own misfortunes.
No more good must be attempted than the nation can bear
They who have steeped their soul in prayer can every anguish calmly bear.
Bear in mind how valuable a secular Turkey is for the world.
How much harder it is to bear one's splendor than one's miseries!
So when I'm in that teddy bear suit, I'm like a creepy, sexy baby.
We're a heart attack away from losing the right to bear arms.
Without virtue it is difficult to bear gracefully the honors of fortune.
the wolf may fight the bear but the rabbit always looses
Art isn't anecdote. It's the consciousness we bring to bear in our lives.
I find the weight of air/Almost too great to bear.
I'm drawn to characters who bear similarities to the protagonists in myths and legends. (...)
I've always sensed for myself an obligation to bear witness to my time.
For of all hard things to bear and grin, / The hardest is knowing you're taken in.
They who have steeped their souls in prayer Can every anguish calmly bear.
Don't hate me forever, Arty," whispered Holly. "I couldn't bear that.
It's counterproductive and self-destructive to bear grudges with people that are negative.
No thought is born in me that does not bear the image of death.
Mr. Bear, you know in the eyes of the Lord, we're both beasts.
There is not a particle of life which does not bear poetry within it
Unless you bear with the faults of a friend you betray your own.
Until we know that we can bear the unbearable, we're always running scared.
To hold a testimony, one must bear it often and live worthy of it.
If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today
Rivers are highways that move on and bear us whither we wish to go.
Those ills are easiest to bear with which we are most familiar.
The Lord doesn't give a person more than he knows they can bear.
Anyone can deal with victory. Only the mighty can bear defeat.
Were it not for my little jokes, I could not bear the burdens of this office.
If you cannot patiently bear correction, endeavor to avoid fault.
Sometimes pain is easier to bear alone than happiness.
He is not well bred, that cannot bear ill breeding in others
Woman's honor is nice as ermine; it will not bear a soil.
I'm a fine artist working in a commercial arena, so that's my cross to bear
A dead grief is easier to bear than a live trouble.
No government power can be abused long. Mankind will not bear it.
The public is a hibernating bear, hard to awaken and fond of honey.
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