Top 1101 Beating Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Beating quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Never give up: There are certain times that you think, 'OK, you have beaten me down to my knees. And now the challenge is, I am on my knees and you keep on beating me down. And the question is, are you going to keep beating me all the way to the ground or will I find a way to struggle my way back on to my feet.'
It's a difficult place being on top because, for me, beating the Average Joe has no significance, but for the Average Joe, beating me could be the biggest match of his life, potentially.
The fact is, I'm really happy that Kenny Monday's around. You've got to have people who are worth beating. He's worth beating. — © Dave Schultz
The fact is, I'm really happy that Kenny Monday's around. You've got to have people who are worth beating. He's worth beating.
Dear God, help me. Do not forget me on this tiny cinder lost in a galaxy that is lost–a heart no bigger than a speck of dust beating, beating against death, against meaninglessness, against guilt, against sorrow.
We all understand that this isn't about me beating you and you beating me. It's about each individual competing against himself.
These close games that we're losing, the teams are not beating us. We're kind of beating ourselves.
Raindrops are beating, a large puddle is forming, there on the balcony. It all floats in Emptiness, in purest Transparency, with no one here to watch it. If there is an I, it is all that is arising, right now and right now and right now. My lungs are the sky; those mountains are my teeth; the clouds are my skin; the thunder is my heart beating time to the timeless; the rain itself, the tears of our collective estate, here where nothing is really happening.
Three years is a lifetime in Hollywood. If your career starts slipping in L.A., you can really feel it. All of a sudden, the people that you were beating for a part start beating you.
I like beating old standardbearers of the N.F.L.
The advantage of beating a mute is he can't tell on you.
Good morning, daddy! Ain't you heard The boogie-woogie rumble Of a dream deferred? Listen closely: You'll hear their feet Beating out and beating out a - You think It's a happy beat? Listen to it closely: Ain't you heard something underneath like a - What did I say? Sure, I'm happy! Take it away! Dream Boogie Hey, pop! Re-bop! Mop! Y-e-a-h!
Country music is a form letter. You fi ll in the blanks. You move from one broken heart to the next one and from this marriage to that divorce, from a beating here to a beating there.
I would not see our candle blown out in the wind. It is a small thing, this dear gift of life handed us mysteriously out of immensity. I would not have that gift expire... If I seem to be beating a dead horse again and again, I must protest: No! I am beating, again and again, living man to keep him awake and move his limbs and jump his mind... What's the use of looking at Mars through a telescope, sitting on panels, writing books, if it isn't to guarantee, not just the survival of mankind, but mankind surviving forever!
I'll quit competing when my heart quits beating — © Michael Jordan
I'll quit competing when my heart quits beating
I'm fighting and beating great fighters.
Beating Roger Federer is a match I will remember for years to come. All my respect to him. Federer is arguably the greatest player to have ever played our sport, so beating him at Wimbledon was really special.
Beating Madrid is not impossible.
It's hard to comprehend beating Barcelona 8-2.
I am thinking it right but beating it wrong.
Beating Chris Eubank in 1997 was a great win and the toughest fight of my life, and beating Jeff Lacy was great, too. But Mikkel Kessler topped it, winning all the belts and fighting in front of all those fans in my home town.
The only reason I want to climb up the rankings - beating the champion and beating guys in the top five - those are the guys that get the endorsements and get the most money and get paid the most. That's the only reason why.
Beating John Landy was my defining race.
As one of the dumb, voiceless ones I speak. One of the millions of immigrants beating, beating out their hearts at your gates for a breath of understanding.
I prefer beating Real Madrid to beating Manchester City!
My spleen burst. I remember feeling my heart beating really fast. Beating right out of my chest.
Beating the tea party gang is more important than who does the beating.
It was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners. It was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating. A number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their [the communists' ] terms. It was a deal; we preached and they beat us. We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us, so everyone was happy.
I started rapping towards the end of middle school. In high school, with a lot of my friends, we would make beats and just start rapping - beating on the wall, beating on the table and freestyling.
I'm looking for laughs, you know? If it take me to flip over a table, if I have to go physical comedy, I will do it. But whatever the joke needs at that particular time, is where I'm dedicated to. I'm not into beating somebody down and beating myself up. I don't do insults and things like that. I don't do it - I'm a storyteller.
Music is one of the ways that God has of beating in on man.
One reason why I started fighting was because of my family, and with that, you gotta pay the bills, but I enjoy beating people up in the first place, you know, so it plays hand in hand. Beating up, and getting money!
It is a noteworthy fact that kicking and beating have played so considerable a part in the habits which necessity has imposed on mankind in past ages that the only way of preventing civilized men from beating and kicking their wives is to organize games in which they can kick and beat balls.
Be still my non-beating heart.
And have I not told you that what you mistake for madness is but over-acuteness of the sense? --now, I say, there came to my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I knew that sound well, too. It was the beating of the old man's heart. It increased my fury, as the beating of a drum stimulates the soldier into courage.
Just to be clear, Ray Rice was not fired for beating his wife. He was fired because a video of him beating his wife was released.
I can't build myself by beating somebody down.
They don't give you gold medals for beating somebody. They give you gold medals for beating everybody.
Over what guilty spirit to not hear the beating, to not hear the beating, but only tears of perfect moan, only tears of perfect moan. — © Lou Reed
Over what guilty spirit to not hear the beating, to not hear the beating, but only tears of perfect moan, only tears of perfect moan.
If I got a beating for something, I usually deserved it.
You're not going to beat the meanness out of a mean dog. You start beating a mean dog, it's gonna become more mean. You start beating racists, they're gonna become more racist.
Like a heart, and I wish mine wasn't beating.
I'm not going to stop beating up on the unions.
The beating heart of the universe is holy joy.
Beating heroin is child's play compared to beating your childhood.
Beating Newt Gingrich in a popularity contest is like beating Stephen Hawking in 'Dancing with the Stars.'
When I was a kid, beating England was incredible; it always had greater repercussion than beating anyone else.
I can't deny that Jerry Springer supposedly beating us didn't affect me. There was a point where I felt like, Golly, you work so hard, you try so hard and the people say they want meaningful television and then Jerry Springer ends up beating you. It was disturbing.
I'm beating down the Internet as we speak.
I felt I was beating a rainbow to death — © Yann Martel
I felt I was beating a rainbow to death
What I learned: if you've done something you think the public is going to react badly to, you can't delay it, hide from it, or ignore it. You have to address it head on and take your beating. Always take your beating.
If you have a beating heart, that's good enough.
Look at Mexico. Many, many factories, many plants. Nabisco's now moving to Mexico, their big Chicago plant. You look at Ford is building one of their biggest factories in Mexico, one of their biggest assembly plants in Mexico. So Mexico is not only beating us at the border, they are also beating us at trade.
The thing that's most enjoyable to me is not actually beating someone [in the game]. It's the process of coming up with the blueprint of beating that I enjoy. That's a huge flip, so for me I enjoy building. I enjoy coming up.
All those golden autumn days the sky was full of wings. Wings beating low over the blue water of Silver Lake, wings beating high in the blue air far above it . . . bearing them all away to the green fields in the South.
You're not beating when you lose, you're beaten when you quit.
I'm beating all the weakness out of myself, beating all the give-up out of myself, I'm beating the lack of cardio, I'm beating the lack of confidence - any sign of weakness that's in my heart, I'm getting rid of it
I was so intent as a young lawyer on beating the men at their own game that I didn't take any real maternity leave with my three younger children. It is only looking back that I realise I wasn't beating the system but reinforcing it.
My heart was beating out of my chest.
It's a prizefight. Get off the stool, take your beating, go back to your corner, rest, and take a beating again. Believe in your own talent. Marry well.
I was trying to help you, so I was beating wrong.
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