Top 1200 Became Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Became quotes.
Last updated on September 17, 2024.
Consequences lost all purchase when they became mad. And desperation, when pressed beyond anguish, became narcotic.
Children are amazingly adaptable. What would be grotesquely abnormal became my normality in the prisoner of war camps. It became routine for me to line up three times a day to eat lousy food in a noisy mess hall. It became normal for me to go with my father to bathe in a mass shower.
I prayed. God became more than faith. He became knowledge, and I appealed to him. Then I became ashamed. Why hadn't I embraced him so thoroughly before? — © Jeremiah Denton
I prayed. God became more than faith. He became knowledge, and I appealed to him. Then I became ashamed. Why hadn't I embraced him so thoroughly before?
I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me.
I listened as the words became sentences and the sentences became pages and the pages became feelings and voices and places and people.
Where do we say that a cell became a blade of grass, which became a starfish, which became a cat, which became a donkey, which became a human being? There's a real lack of evidence from change from actual species to a different type of species.
The real way I became a model is I won a genetic lottery, and I became the recipient of a legacy.
In the beginning the church was a fellowship of men and women centering on the living Christ. Then the church moved to Greece where it became a philosophy. Then it moved to Rome where it became an institution. Next, it moved to Europe, where it became a culture. And, finally, it moved to America where it became an enterprise.
For me, if 'Maryland' became half of what 'Searchin' My Soul' became, as far as radio play goes, I would be thrilled.
I became a vegetarian after I became aware of factory farming and slaughterhouses and the torture and inhumane handling of all these animals.
He became fubar in the classic way, which is to say that he was the victim of a temporary arrangement that became permanent.
If you have a lawyer, sometimes you can get out of trouble. I've gotten into a lot of trouble because I didn't have a lawyer. I've also had some bad lawyers, too. But the good ones, the ones I liked, they became me. They became whatever situation I was involved in. When I felt pain, so did they. When I succeeded, so did they. They became me. They became whatever the situation was that they became involved with.
My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien. — © Leonard Nimoy
My folks came to U.S. as immigrants, aliens, and became citizens. I was born in Boston, a citizen, went to Hollywood and became an alien.
Normally as a director, you do look at other films and things that are relevant. But with this film, it became impossible because I became so aware of the camera placement.
I grew up in a difficult environment, but I became a Christian as a teen. My mom and my sister soon became Christians also.
I don't have any great pickup lines. I was never an extrovert, so I always had to have someone meet me halfway. If she was interested, we'd come together, and if not ... When I became a movie actor and became well-known, it took care of itself. Maybe that's why I became an actor.
I was a child who went about in a world of colors... My friends, my companions, became women slowly; I became old in instants.
Music became so commercialized that I just didn't want anything to do with it. I renounced the industry before it became the fashionable thing to do.
I was fortunate to be connected with bands who later became pioneers for certain genres of music scenes. And my art went along with them for that ride and became associated with it.
No mirror ever became iron again; No bread ever became wheat; No ripened grape ever became sour fruit. Mature yourself and be secure from a change for the worse. Become the light.
Our Times, a Brief History: As televisions became flatter, People became rounder.
We had no sleep or days off or anything like that and then, when the band became big, Hendrix became a star and looked down at us lot.
Dreams became issues of East versus West. Hopes became political rhetoric. Progress became a search for power and domination. Somewhere the truth was lost that people don't make war, governments do.
As the books grew bigger and more ambitious, the situations in question sometimes became political ones, and so it became necessary to start painting in the social background on a scale which eventually became panoramic.
I remembered, like, when 'Not When My Daughter' came out, I'm serious, I think dating for Iranian men became a lot harder. Dude's name, Shahrokh - became Tony. Mehsud became Mike.
The dot that became a speck that became a blob that became a figure that became a boy
Society's only real 'progressives' are the deviants and mutants. Look at evolution - fish who didn't deviate never became amphibians; frogs who didn't mutate never became reptiles; conformist snakes never became mammals , etc. Normal Humans will remain humans, and they'll be subjugated by the digital monsters of the next few millenia.
God went out of me as if the sea dried up like sandpaper, as if the sun became a latrine. God went out of my fingers. They became stone. My body became a side of mutton and despair roamed the slaughterhouse.
Acting became important. It became an art that belonged to the actor, not to the director or producer, or the man whose money had bought the studio. It was an art that transformed you into somebody else, that increased your life and mind. I had always loved acting and tried hard to learn it. But with Michael Chekhov, acting became more than a profession to me. It became a sort of religion.
Every wave of immigrants who came [to America] were treated pretty badly, but when they all finally became integrated, all of us became Anglo-Saxons.
As I became George professionally and everyone called me George, Yog became the name that people who knew me from before started to use. It became more valuable to me.
The new midlife is where you realize that even your failures make you more beautiful and are turned spiritually into success if you became a better person because of them. You became a more humble person. You became a more merciful and compassionate person.
When I became involved with Chris Timothy, it became a truly huge national scandal. It was out of all proportion and went on for months.
I loved my time on 'The Mindy Project' so much. It was only supposed to be half a year. It was really only supposed to be one episode, and then it became three episodes, and then it became half a year, and then it became a year and a half, and then it became two years.
But such occasions of excellence became less and less frequent. As her technique became sounder, [her] sincerity became less necessary.
When I started working for Rolling Stone, I became very interested in journalism and thought maybe that's what I was doing, but it wasn't true. What became important was to have a point of view.
Change is one of the only constants in Buddhism; as meditation became the way I breathed in the days, this became apparent.
Duncan became a legend before he became a player at Everton. — © Joe Royle
Duncan became a legend before he became a player at Everton.
In the 2000s, I became an artist. I started preserving and educating. I became more obsessed with making iPod playlists for people.
God became man, granted. The devil became a woman.
I was not ambitious as a child. My father encouraged me to enter competitions and contests, which became very much part of my life. I was not the typical teenager. I was very closed, shy and didn't hangout with my friends at disco's. My parents wanted me at home. Singing became my life, I traveled a lot on the job, and my job became my dream.
And we invested three hundred thousand dollars, became the lead investor and I became Chairman of the Board of Scientific Data Systems, as I was at Intel for a while.
If 'Buffy' the movie was the true love of my childhood, 'Buffy' the series quickly became the true love of my teenage years. It was everything I'd ever wanted in a show and more. 'Buffy' quickly became an obsession, and, shortly thereafter, became my gateway into an incredible, insane, indescribably wonderful new world: shared media fandom.
What [Nietzsche] calls slave morality is to him purely spite-morality; and this spite-morality gave new names to all ideals. Thus impotence, which offers no reprisal, became goodness; craven baseness became humility; submission to him who was feared became obedience; inability to assert one's self became reluctance to assert one's self, became forgiveness, love of one's enemies. Misery became a distinction
Christianity began in Palestine as an experience, it moved to Greece and became a philosophy, it moved to Italy and became an institution, it moved to Europe and became a culture, and it moved to America and became a business! We've left the experience long behind.
We became such darlings of a certain type of media. We became a package; we became easy to sell: these three golden nuggets that could pour out all the goods. It was all exposure in an almost violent way.
Acting became more than a profession to me. It became a sort of religion.
Sittin there wishin their problems became ours, cause we have nothin in common since I done became star. — © Drake
Sittin there wishin their problems became ours, cause we have nothin in common since I done became star.
Roger became a part of me, and when he went off the deep end and became a mad snake, I felt sorry for him.
That's how I became the damaged party boy who wandered through the wreckage, blood streaming from his nose, asking questions that never required answers. That's how I became the boy who never understood how anything worked. That's how I became the boy who wouldn't save a friend. That's how I became the boy who couldn't love the girl.
My brother Carl became a physicist; I became an economist.
Rock became an incredible commercial success, people just became bored with serious music, and it was forgotten.
On that terrible day, a nation became a neighborhood. All Americans became New Yorkers.
Al-Qaida became the new Soviet Union, and in the process, Bin Laden became a demonic, terrifyingly powerful figure brooding in a cave while he controlled and directed the al-Qaida network throughout the world. In this way, a serious but manageable terrorist threat became grossly exaggerated.
But as population became denser, the natural chemical and biological recycling processes became overloaded, calling for a redefinition of property rights.
This rose became a bandanna, which became a house, which became infused with all passion, which became a hideaway, which became yes I would like to have dinner, which became hands, which became lands, shores, beaches, natives on the stones, staring and wild beasts in the trees, chasing the hats of lost hunters, and all this deserves a tone.
You had to grow up sometime. The fellows who grew early, they were in jeopardy. They became the cops and the crooks, and the crooks became the gangsters. The crooks became the Al Capones.
It wasn't until I began to work out in earnest that I became aware of what I was eating. When I became more mindful about exercise, I became more mindful about eating.
Cinema is a technologically mediated dreamspace, a way to access, a portal to the numinous that unfolded in the fourth dimension, so cinema became sort of a waking dream where we can travel in space and time, where we can travel in mind. This became more than virtual reality, this became a real virtuality.
I grew up Jewish, became an atheist and a Marxist, and 28 years ago, at age 26, became a Christian.
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