Top 1200 Becoming Stronger Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Becoming Stronger quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I feel like no matter what I write about, I try to end up being the stronger person in the situation. Even in heartbreak, I feel like I'm a much stronger person because of that. I don't want to just write a sad song and still feel sad after that. I want to feel stronger and better.
Working with one of the best strength trainers in the world, I'm getting more dangerous. I'm getting stronger and stronger.
It's important to make a distinction between becoming more precise and becoming better. — © Adrian Tomine
It's important to make a distinction between becoming more precise and becoming better.
The first sign of your becoming religious is that you are becoming cheerful
Becoming an actor is like becoming a father. It's not hard to become one. Making a life of it is the challenge.
When you see what is happening with the social network, with Facebook, Twitter and co it is becoming obvious that the reputation of ourselves is becoming more and more important everyday. Image is becoming too much for me, and we are living in a virtual world and sometimes it is very easy to make mistakes. It is more difficult to take responsibility for our mistakes.
my mother insisted that I had to try things on to make sure they were becoming. Becoming what, I always asked.
And the voice grows stronger and stronger, and it’s my voice this time and it’s asking a question: How does she know?
Loving the process. I learn it over and again and in different ways. I'm speaking particularly to the musical process, but I definitely think that this lesson transcends. Loving the life process. Loving the process of becoming stronger by experiencing something that makes me feel unsteady. The process of speaking and living my truth and making my own path.
I really had little interest in becoming famous. When I write my book, it will be my guide to avoid becoming a rock star.
My whole thing is that guys are working out and getting legs stronger and getting the upper body stronger, and the ligaments just aren't quite able to keep up.
My brain gets stronger every day because I exercise it. The stronger it gets, the more money I can make.
When you have bad moments, you have to improve. You have to become stronger to deal with it, and I believe I have become stronger.
I think actors are meant to have crises of faith; I think it's part of the job. I think it makes you a stronger person and a stronger actor.
All the mistakes committed by artists are due to their having separated themselves from truth, believing that their imagination is stronger. There is nothing stronger than nature. With nature in front of us we can do everything well.
What we experience in our childhoods that comes to seem normal, or even inevitable, is that if you are placed in a hierarchy, you probably are immediately anxious about going further down and you're striving to go further up, so your energies get placed into becoming "more than," or at least not becoming "less than," instead of becoming "part of."
The stronger the reverence for natural life, the stronger grows also that for spiritual life. — © Albert Schweitzer
The stronger the reverence for natural life, the stronger grows also that for spiritual life.
By becoming self-aware, you gain ownership of reality; in becoming real, you become the master of both inner and outer life.
I don't believe in the school of hard knocks, although I've had them. All that stuff about whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger is so not true. Do you know what makes you stronger? When people treat you and your art with dignity.
Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple, and it is also that difficult.
Because the planetary culture is becoming ever more closely knitted together all its parts are becoming co-dependent.
We come together, we create our families, we chose our mates out of the desire to form a life together. Love takes many forms, wears many faces, but when it's real, when it touches your heart, you will know it and--with hope--embrace it. Love is stronger than hate, love is stronger than anger. Love is stronger than all artificial divisions that exist n our world.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger is so not true. You know what makes you stronger? When people treat you & your art with dignity.
Women who are stronger than the society allows them to be often feel a need for something stronger than themselves, and to dissolve into it.
Which is stronger, politics or love? is like asking, Which is stronger, exhaling or inhaling? They are two sides of the same thing.
A lot of Americans think we need to stand stronger. I don't disagree with that. But that doesn't mean you go picking fights with countries all around the world. That's not the way to be a stronger, more secure America.
I think that becoming a successful rock band is a little like becoming a professional athlete. Nobody plans on it.
The fear of becoming a 'has-been' keeps some people from becoming anything.
The truth is that in my job, becoming old and becoming extinct are one and the same thing.
The voodoo priest and all his powders were as nothing compared to espresso, cappuccino, and mocha, which are stronger than all the religions of the world combined, and perhaps stronger than the human soul itself.
Ecology and economy are becoming inextricably entwined, and the world is becoming more conscious of this fact.
what doesn't kill you make you stronger and stronger
Patriotism is usually stronger than class hatred, and always stronger than internationalism.
I do worry about the fact that science is becoming a slower process as society is becoming less patient.
When you are stronger, it helps. But ever since I have played football, I have been one of the smallest ones, and you have to try to compensate with other things because if you are faster or stronger, it helps you.
Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious.
So, rather than becoming multicultural, rather than becoming a person of several languages, rather than becoming confident in your knowledge of the world, you become just the opposite. You end up in college having to apologize for the fact that you no longer speak your native language.
I'm generalizing, but women, being so connected to life, tend to have stronger intuition is stronger because they are trained to be on the look-out and protect. Men do that too, but there's a different quality to women.
My work is getting stronger & stronger and more intense all the time.... I have such a rush of new energy & notions coming into my head, over my horizon like chariots of fire that all I want is freedom to step aside and execute them.
When I need to get into details, I like French. But when I want to do something stronger, English is better. The swear words are stronger in English. And on the court, 'Allez!' is light. 'Come on!' That's strong.
Each of us has a huge capacity to learn and to achieve. Being ever alert makes the task of becoming all we are capable of becoming so much easier. — © John Wooden
Each of us has a huge capacity to learn and to achieve. Being ever alert makes the task of becoming all we are capable of becoming so much easier.
It is general knowledge for anyone interested in color that subdued value, intensity and hue make for quieter, less adventuresome interiors. Stronger approaches need stronger knowledge, more experience and flair.
Becoming the reader is the essence of becoming a writer.
The story of Mary of Magdalene reminds us all of a fundamental truth...A disciple of Christ is one who, in the experience of human weakness, has had the humility to ask for his help, has been healed by him and has set out following closely after him, becoming a witness of the power of his merciful love that is stronger than sin and death.
A team that can build a stronger car, a stronger working environment. A team that has the possibility to create something, that would be interesting.
'Which is stronger, politics or love?' is like asking, 'Which is stronger, exhaling or inhaling?' They are two sides of the same thing.
I used to worry about becoming a father. But now, after becoming one, I am very happy.
In war, the stronger overcomes the weaker. In business, the stronger imparts strength to the weaker.
America is becoming a drug infested nation. Drugs are becoming cheaper than candy bars. We are not going to let it happen any longer.
To say that a thing has never yet been done among men is to erect a barrier stronger than reason, stronger than discussion.
We are increasingly becoming cyborg-like beings. We are becoming literally what we create. Biology, physics, and technology are evolving towards one and the same thing.
People don't win because they're physically stronger. It's because they're stronger between the ears. — © Alex Shaffer
People don't win because they're physically stronger. It's because they're stronger between the ears.
I'm wishing he could see that music lives. Forever. That it's stronger than death. Stronger than time. And that its strength holds you together when nothing else can.
I was thinking very carefully about going into education, becoming a teacher, maybe becoming a rabbi.
Because of the way tech is changing, and becoming cheaper and user-friendly, it's becoming easier to make films cheaply, maintaining quality.
The biggest thing for me is that I've managed to work through some difficult times, and those moments always make you stronger. It makes you a stronger person and a better player.
You have to make the shift from being a consumer in the economy to becoming an owner-and you do it by becoming an investor.
Nations are becoming less relevant in a world where everyone and everything is interconnected. The connections that matter most are again becoming more personal.
While I was in college becoming a good Catholic I was also becoming a writer - one haunted by Catholicism.
No matter how much we try to run away from this thirst for the answer to life, for the meaning of life, the intensity only gets stronger and stronger. We cannot escape these spiritual hungers.
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