Top 1200 Been In Love Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Been In Love quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
I have a very large shoebox overflowing with lyrics I've been writing and collecting since my teen years and into my late 20s, with lyrics from all walks of my life. Darkness, being in love, being heartbroken, finding yourself... and lyrics that I've been sitting on for, like, seven years, that I haven't done anything with.
I love cabdrivers. I love their unpredictable manners. I love the pictures of their families on the visors. I love the fact that most of them think I'm Martha Stewart.
Yes, I love going to fittings and talking about the history of a costume. For 'Versailles,' a play set in 1919, the costume designer told me that pocket squares had just been introduced. The tango was becoming fashionable in London, and dancers used them to mop their brows. I love to learn fascinating stuff like that.
If you want your life to be a small part of eternity, to be lucid even in the heart of madness, love... Love with all your strength, love as though it is all you know how to do, love enough to make the gods themselves jealous... for it is in love that all ugliness reveals its beauty.
The Cycle of True Love: First I see and think I love, then I say I know I love, today and forever more I decide to love. — © Michael Sweeney
The Cycle of True Love: First I see and think I love, then I say I know I love, today and forever more I decide to love.
I believe in free love and that's just how I feel. It's just my experience of being with different kinds of men and being born without a preference for a certain type of person. For me, that is my story in finding love in lots of different people, and that's been the second biggest influence in my music.
I don't know how long it has been since my ear has been free from the roll of a drum. It is the music I sleep by, and I love it.... I shall remain here while anyone remains, and do whatever comes to my hand. I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them.
Love appears and says: "You think you're heading towards a specific point, but the whole justification for the goal's existence lies in your love for it. Rest a little,but as soon as you can, get up and carry on. Because ever since your goal found out that you were traveling toward it, it has been running to meet you.
Love is always bestowed as a gift - freely, willingly and without expectation. We don't love to be loved; we love to love.
Love is easy, and I love writing. You can't resist love. You get an idea, someone says something, and you're in love.
I love British television. I love the irony, I love the authenticity and I love the roles I get put up for.
The only creative power I know is that of what might roughly be called 'love'; not of course a sentimental love: a far more impersonal and less individual emotion. I sometimes think that migratory birds may have it for each other. They fly in the same direction, and have never been seen to interfere with each other's flights.
I love horror, I love scary movies, I love thrillers. If things creep you out and spook you? I love it.
My chief occupation, despite appearances, has always been love.
Love a man, even in his sin, for that love is a likeness of the divine love, and is the summit of love on earth. — © Fyodor Dostoevsky
Love a man, even in his sin, for that love is a likeness of the divine love, and is the summit of love on earth.
I just love life. I love people. I love to write, that's my gift. I love to sing. I have a good attitude. I like to think I shine from the inside.
I love acting. I love singing. Eventually, I'd love to go on Broadway. I love New York so much.
I love scripts about relationships, and I love to see puppy love evolving into this mature love and communication.
I love running in Britain. It has always been good for me.
I love being at Kentucky. I love the fan base. I love the community. I love the people there. So it's like, why not stay until they make you leave?
After Leaving Las Vegas I did assume that things would get a lot easier than they've been. But it's just been a mirror of the way my career's been from the beginning, so for it to have changed would have been strange. My career has never been perfect.
He has been trying to sing Love into existence again And he has failed
I've never been passionate about just music, I've never seen myself going into music in that sense. My love for music has always been connected to the stories told through music, which is why I was drawn to theater and why I think 'Glee' is so powerful.
Love is the feeling we get when we recognize the positive attributes in another. You have to continually and actively watch for the best parts of someone else that will let you experience love. I like this definition of love because it's not just for the romantic lovers out there but the love of a friend, a mother, sibling - all kinds of love.
I am super lucky. I've been in the area where things have been changing and been part of the digital revolution, the magic of software, the internet, the computer, and now the cellphone... so it's been a great privilege.
That's what I love about songwriting - that you can write something about your own experiences and think it's completely specific to you, and then people can take away a completely different meaning for themselves. I really love that. I think you've been successful at writing a song when it has a larger life than yourself.
It cannot be, because the way man has treated woman has been basically wrong. Only between two equal persons is there a possibility of relationship, because fear is not there - one can be open, one can be true, one can be honest. Only between two equal persons, when there is no fear, is there love. Love arises when fear has left you. When fear is there, love cannot enter: they are never together.
Love songs in particular are so compelling because love is probably the strongest emotion you can have, and I think it's relatable to absolutely everyone, whether it's unrequited love or love.
love is a hawk with velvet claws love is a rock with heart and veins love is a lion with satin jaws love is a storm with silken reins
I don't think I'm the gift of the world - I just do what I do, and I love it and I've been lucky.
It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.
I've learned that 'love' is used a lot in the States for everything: 'I love that burger,' 'I love my shoes,' 'I love a friend.' To me, if it's overused, it loses meaning.
Love is patient. Love is kind. It bears all things. Love never fails. Love is as strong as death.
I'm a huge nerd, I admit to that. I love to play video games, I love to read, and of course, I've gotta still get my studies in and all. I love to learn. But I also love to do stop motion animation with my little Lego figures. I love to play around on the computer with that.
To love blindly is to love selfishly, because the goal of such love is not the real advantage of the beloved but only the exercise of love in our own souls.
I would love to have been a golfer or any individual sportsman.
Human love serves to love those dear to us but to love one's enemies we need divine love.
My desires are simply I love to teach, I love to be in uniform, I love to throw batting practice, I love to be with the kids.
I've been watching 'Dexter' recently; I love that show. It's my favorite.
But love me for love's sake, that evermore
Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity. — © Elizabeth Barrett Browning
But love me for love's sake, that evermore Thou may'st love on, through love's eternity.
I've never been in a love triangle. I would not want to be in that situation.
I love creating. I had been really into photography when I was in college.
There have been some dark times. But what I've realised is that I love this sport.
People love destroying mankind, for some strange reason. You make a movie about mankind's destruction, you're going to fill seats. People just love the idea. For a couple thousand years, we've been dreaming up how we're all going to disappear and fade away from this planet.
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love always forgives, trusts, supports, and endures. Love never fails. When every star in the heavens grows cold, and when silence lies once more on the face of the deep, three things will endure: faith, hope, and love.
I think Barack Obama has the overall right strategy and he's been right to resist bringing in massive numbers of American troops. The Iraqis would love to have Americans die for Iraq and the Syrians would love to have Americans die for Syria.
I love working on films and I'd love to do some interesting work, but if somebody asked me, 'Would you like 'Human Target' to continue to be picked up?' The answer is 'Absolutely!' I love working on this show. I love playing Guerrero. I love seeing where it's going.
I love the draft process. I love the regular season. I love preparing for the games. I just love football.
My love has always been the most important thing in my life.
I love making the big play. I love being out there with my teammates. I love the camaraderie. I can't say I always love practice. But it's a means to an end. — © Myles Garrett
I love making the big play. I love being out there with my teammates. I love the camaraderie. I can't say I always love practice. But it's a means to an end.
The power of love, as the basis of a State, has never been tried.
Sahaja Yoga is nothing but love, love, love. How much you love others is the main point.
My life certainly hasn't been ordinary: different is the word. It hasn't always been stable - except in the important things which are love and security within the family. Whenever there were strains at home, we could always communicate. The rule was that the younger you were, the louder you were allowed to scream. As the eldest, I just talked.
Love is such an objective thing. I mean, I can say I love my family, or I love my Diet Coke. So I guess, in different ways, yeah, I do believe in love.
With how well I have been playing, I have earned the love of the fans.
I love 'Sunset Boulevard.' I love the writing, I love the performances, I love the camera work. I think it's a perfect movie.
People who love each other don't bargain. Love has no such thing as business. Love has no conditions, because love does not obey time and space.
My father has been a constant source of love and strength in my life.
Love simply is. That is the testament of Athena or Sherine or Hagia Sofia - love is. No definitions. Love and don't ask too many questions. Just love.
The face of love is variable. I am able to love without demanding that my relationships assume the structures and forms I might choose for them. My love is fluid, flexible, committed, creative. My love allows people and events to unfold as they need. My love is not controlling. It does not dictate or demand. My love allows those I love the freedom to assume the forms most true to them. I release all those I love from my preconceptions of their path. I allow them the dignity of self-definition while I offer them a constant love that is every variable in shape.
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