Top 1200 Behavioral Change Quotes & Sayings - Page 20

Explore popular Behavioral Change quotes.
Last updated on October 11, 2024.
I am often asked about the difference between 'change management' and 'change leadership,' and whether it's just a matter of semantics. These terms are not interchangeable.
Not all revolutionaries set out to change the world per se; some set out to change their own worlds. And in so doing, they often change the way one person, or a few people, or whole communities, or entire nations or the world thinks and operates in some significant way.
When you repeat a new pattern often, you literally change the neural pathways in your brain. This shift helps true change settle in. — © Gabrielle Bernstein
When you repeat a new pattern often, you literally change the neural pathways in your brain. This shift helps true change settle in.
Power, as human beings exercise power, to me means the ability to change: the ability to change oneself, the ability to change one's community. And the positive use of power is transformation of self and community toward a higher ideal, toward a healed world.
People think that you have to do something huge, like go to Africa and build a school, but you can make a small change in a day. If you change Wednesday, then you change Thursday. Pretty soon it's a week, then a month, then a year. It's bite-size, as opposed to feeling like you have to turn your life inside out to make changes.
The moment I understood this - that my Parkinson's was the one thing I wasn't going to change - I started looking at the things I could change, like the way research is funded.
I think ideas only lead to change for intellectual people; and not even them. What really leads to change is experience. Life itself is the teacher.
The most profound security threat we face today is global warming....climate change has the capacity to change the way all of us live.
Any time you make a change, and a major change, as you try to establish something, there's a lot of question marks there on what's going to happen moving forward.
My mother informed me that the way to be a change agent to create change, the first line of defense, or however you want to phrase that, is politics and government.
Customs and convictions change; respectable people are the last to know, or to admit, the change, and the ones most offended by fresh reflections of the facts in the mirror of art.
Everybody wants to change the world. But I guess how we want to change it is a little bit more quietly than other bands.
If you want change, it has to be generational. We have this unbelievable opportunity to make that change. Entertainment enables us to entice and educate mass audiences into a shift of consciousness.
Breast cancer change you, and the change can be beautiful. — © Alyssa-Jane Cook
Breast cancer change you, and the change can be beautiful.
Know that positive change is possible. It might not happen right away, but if you change your broadcast to them, that can have an effect on how they view the world.
A change of heart leads to change in behavior, and a change in behavior leads to changing the world.
...a nation could change its way of life, its history, its technology, its art, literature, and culture, but it would never have a real chance to change its gestures.
Personal, inner change without a change in circumstances and structures is an idealist illusion, as though man were only a soul and not a body as well.
If you can't change reality, change your perceptions of it.
Anytime you have a negative feeling toward anyone, you're living in an illusion. There's something seriously wrong with you. You're not seeing reality. Something inside of you has to change. But what do we generally do when we have a negative feeling? "He is to blame, she is to blame. She's got to change." No! The world's all right. The one who has to change is you.
I've always had a saying, 'Change is good.' I don't shy away from it, I embrace it. Make the most out of everything. Sometimes change is a blessing in disguise.
What is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness.
Despite the apparent trappings of modest success in television and so on, I have always been an uneasy person. I can't change that. I can't change that part of my psychological makeup.
I think the mistake some people make is they try to change the man they love after they get married. You cannot change a person.
God grant me to SERENITY to accept what I cannot change the TENACITY to change what I may and the GOOD LUCK not to f*** up too often
You must accept that you can change and that a pattern of principles adhered to and used repeatedly will not only direct your life, but change it permanently.
It's the story of New York. Storefronts change and languages change, but at the end of the day, people come here to find opportunity like my family did.
Every emotion is connected with the breath. If you change the breath, change the rhythm, you can change the emotion.
When we find ourselves in the same situation repeatedly as a result of our conditioned responses, we must stop and do a new thing. The situation may look different. The route we take there may be altogether different. The lesson we must learn does not change. Get honest! Pay attention! Change what you do to create a change for yourself!
If you can't change it.. change the way you think about it
We must carefully examine change so that we are able to discard those aspects of change which would be detrimental to our way of life, and, at the same time, take advantage of those aspects of change which will enhance and improve our quality of life.
I guess what I like in my movies is where you see a character change by maybe two degrees as opposed to the traditional movie change of ninety degrees. I guess that always feels false to me in movies because that doesn't truly happen. Around me, at least in the life I live, I guess I don't see people change ninety or a hundred degrees. I see them change in very small increments. I think it's just a monitor I might have on myself as a writer to not make any false scenes.
If whites would vote their economic interests, not their racial fears, we the people who have the most need for change have the power to bring about that change nonviolently.
Success will be measured by change in the appallingly high levels of violence directed at women online and in the physical world, and change in the low levels of women's participation in public life.That change will require collective action, just as the changes so far have taken collective action.
Those of us from the Vote Leave team would never have gone to No10 to help if Boris hadn't told us that he is determined to change the Conservative Party - change its priorities and change its focus so it really serves the whole country. Most of us were not 'party people.' For us, parties are a means to an end - a means to improve lives.
Change your 'Nafs', change the world.
Change as change is mere flux and lapse; it insults intelligence. Genuinely to know is to grasp a permanent end that realizes itself through changes.
Our goal was to completely change transportation. Change traffic. And make it possible to get anywhere you want to go without owning a car. — © Logan Green
Our goal was to completely change transportation. Change traffic. And make it possible to get anywhere you want to go without owning a car.
Change is hard because people wear themselves out. And that’s the second surprise about change: What looks like laziness is often exhaustion.
I think art is the ability to change people with your work, to see things as they are and then create stories, images, and interactions that change the marketplace.
Accept what you can not change-change that which is unacceptable.
There's much you can't change, but there's something important you can change: you.
We can't change the world until we change ourselves.
I think it's overly simplistic to say that any one single strategy is going to really change the focus and change the trajectory of drug use.
Anyone who expects a person to change something as private and personal as who they hold in their arms at night needs to change their own judgmental attitude.
Whenever you bring up women's internal workings, guys want to change the subject. Unless, of course, they're trying to change the laws.
When we fly planes over countries, dropping bombs on the evil ones, I think we're doing something very similar to what's being done when the infidels are getting their comeuppance with planes going into buildings. So it's gotten to the point where if we are not healthy psychologically as a human society, we will not have a planet to live on. And that's what keeps me up at night, when I see so little focus on the behavioral side of these problems, and the idea that just politics, or just physical science, is going to solve this.
People can really change. When they're far away from each other, their hearts will change. It's so cruel that the only thing I can do is wait. - Mouri Ran
America can change its presidents, but the world doesn't change. — © H. W. Brands
America can change its presidents, but the world doesn't change.
We have a big platform we can use to make change in this country. It starts with going home to our own cities and making change there. It starts with encouraging people to vote and using our platform to talk to people with power in this country to create change.
Don't ask the world to change first.
I would, however, question the implication that there is some novelty in this beyond modalities [of Mikhail Bakunin], which naturally change as institutions change and develop.
I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I have to say that truth is what it is. We cannot change it, we cannot transform it. We cannot compromise with it. It is what it is, it has been what it has been, and it will be what it has been. So it doesn't change. What is needed is that we have to change. So, what is the truth? Truth is that you are not this body, this mind; you are not these emotions, intellect or conditionings. Nor you are ego. So what are you ? You are the pure Spirit.
I'm a proud person who happens to be deaf. I don't want to change it. I don't want to wake up and suddenly say, 'Oh my God, I can hear.' That's not my dream. It's not my dream. I've been raised deaf. I'm used to the way I am. I don't want to change it. Why would I ever want to change? Because I'm used to this, I'm happy.
Change is not always bad. Change can be good.
American society has a remarkable ability to resist change, or to take whatever change has taken place and attempt to make it go away.
Tragedy brings change, and that's what I'm interested in most - how people plunge into change and try to fight, then eventually move with it with grace.
When we change the way we communicate, we change society.
It's not like America's view of the Israeli-Palestinian struggle is going to change. There are some things that are going to change and some things that are not going to change.
One of the most courageous things we do is change. If everyone says you're wonderful every time you wear a red dress, and you change to yellow, that takes courage.
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