Top 1200 Beloved Family Quotes & Sayings - Page 18

Explore popular Beloved Family quotes.
Last updated on October 7, 2024.
Beloved," said the Glorious One, "unless thy desire had been for me thou wouldst not have sought so long and so truly. For all find what they truly seek.
Some respected and beloved brethren insist that the forming and organising of churches is, according to God's will, the only means of finding blessing in the midst of that confusion which is acknowledged to exist.
Our family makes us who we are, defines us totally. When you go to a therapist or have analysis, whatever reason you go in for, they will always bring you back to your family. We're strong or weak according to what family we have. You might have left them long ago, might not even talk to them, but something lingers; we have no choice.
I wouldn't say I'm fixated on describing any kind of relationship whether it is a father and a son, or a family. I don't like it when people say that I'm particularly following the same line or that I'm only interested in family dramas. I'm interested in human relationships. The most intimate, the most delicate, and the most intriguing relationships are those within a family.
People in my hometown seldom called me piao liang, [beautiful] because my smaller eyes were a far cry from the wide irises of the most beloved television actresses. — © Liu Wen
People in my hometown seldom called me piao liang, [beautiful] because my smaller eyes were a far cry from the wide irises of the most beloved television actresses.
Talent is hereditary; it may be the common possession of a whole family (eg, the Bach family); genius is not transmitted; it is never diffused, but is strictly individual.
We must all die. There's nothing terrible about death. But to live on after death, a soul, earthbound, a vampire--you don't wish any such fate for your beloved.
Boy meets girl. Boy marries girl. Boy and girl angst over which family they visit at Thanksgiving and which one in December and whether or not it's best to serve turkey or goose for the family feast. When first faced with the reality that the family you married into does things differently, the warmth of tradition can take on a chill.
Shortly after I was born he emigrated to Durban, where members of my mother's family had settled at the turn of the century, and the rest of the family followed soon thereafter.
I'm more into myself with my family, and my personal life is usually handled inside, it's not usually public, with opinions, comments, family members involved - them reacting to everything.
You are a Divine creation, a Being of Light who showed up here as a human being at the exact moment you were supposed to. You are the Beloved, a miracle, a part of the eternal perfection.
Fashion is a real passion in my family. I never even realised it was something glamorous until much later. For me, it was my family's job.
I have an enormous family because I'm from Montreal and my family's Catholic, so my dad has eight siblings and they all have kids and we all grew up in the same property on weekends and summers.
Puthagam' can be tagged as a complete family entertainer, and the reason I call it the same is because I always wanted to make films that I can watch with my entire family.
When liberals finally grasped the strength of popular feeling about the family, they cried to appropriate the rhetoric and symbolism of family values for their own purposes.
The beloved does not drink a single drop of water without seeing His Face in the cup. Allah is He Who flows between the pericardium and the heart, just as the tears flow from the eyelids.
The family's first, and the career is second. I could get fired from a show. As long as everything's okay with my family, it really would not bother me. — © Dick Van Patten
The family's first, and the career is second. I could get fired from a show. As long as everything's okay with my family, it really would not bother me.
I've said it many times before, but family is the most important thing to me, and I want a partner who feels that same importance in meeting family.
For me, the family is more important, of course! I don't want to change my family, or situation, for work. But I think it is possible for these things not to fight each other.
My very beloved and deceased third-grade teacher, Cliff Kehod, was the one that I really remember calling me Ike a lot. It just stuck. It is a dog's name, but I love dogs.
When you're dating, abstinence is a greater expression of love than making love, because you're doing what's best for your beloved, not just what feels good in the moment.
I have never felt any connection with my family. There is?I must say simply?something in me that is not in my family. That was not visible in my father or mother. I do not know its origin.
You finish a job and it's very emotional because you're working crazy long hours, and your work family is like a real family.
When I look back I can tell that after I started having a family, I certainly wanted to make games that could be played with all the family members.
If I could give one piece of advice, it would be 'If you're angry with a family member, talk to God about it, not the other members of your family.'
On his contract negotiations with the Devils: It's beyond money at this point. They're not even treating him as a member of their family, unless it's a dysfunctional family.
Love has features which pierce all hearts, he wears a bandage which conceals the faults of those beloved. He has wings, he comes quickly and flies away the same.
If ever thou shalt love, In the sweet pangs of it remember me; For such as I am all true lovers are, Unstaid and skittish in all motions else Save in the constant image of the creature That is beloved.
Lovers move like lightning and wind. No contest. Theologians mumble, rumble-dumble, necessity and free will, while lover and beloved pull themselves into each other.
I quite like the idea of family. That's probably the greatest achievement in the world. I've got a lot to achieve workwise - I'd love to direct - but family would be good.
I never saw, heard, nor read, that the clergy were beloved in any nation where Christianity was the religion of the country. Nothing can render them popular, but some degree of persecution.
Weren't you always distracted by expectation, as if every event announced a beloved? (Where can you find a place to keep her, with all the huge strange thoughts inside you going and coming and often staying all night.).
We don't have the family organization the way we used to. My father lives with us because we have the room. The greatest of all opportunities for our children is a complete family unit.
What's the reason I'm playing basketball? I do it because I love it, I do it because of my family, and that's it. I don't do it because of the money. I don't do it because of the fame. I just do it because I love it, and I do it for my family because my family enjoys it.
Love has the tendency of pressing together all the lights - all the rays emitted from the beloved object by the burning-glass of fantasy, - into one focus, and making of them one radiant sun without any spots.
'Lucky Us' ends with a description of a photograph of the novel's fictional family. I could never get enough of my own family photo albums.
For me, however, that beloved, glowing little word happiness has become associated with everything I have felt since childhood upon hearing the sound of the word itself.
Becoming the beloved is pulling the truth revealed to me from above down into the ordinariness of what I am, in fact, thinking of, talking about and doing from hour to hour.
I was the only one silly enough to carry it on to the professional level, but I would say most of my family - and my extended family - are storytellers. And really, that's just what acting is.
In 1927, my father descended the heights and took his place as the newly appointed water boy for his beloved New York football Giants. — © Jane Leavy
In 1927, my father descended the heights and took his place as the newly appointed water boy for his beloved New York football Giants.
Camphor Cinema is nothing but an extension of family - courteous, kind, joyous and focused. It is like a close-knit family working hard for a celebration.
I wonder if what makes a family a family isn't doing everything right all the time but, instead, giving a second chance to the people you love who do things wrong.
Ron Howard is the family patriarch. When he gave orders, directions, or suggestions to family members, they were not to be questioned. It was considered wrong to disagree with him.
When I have a family someday, I'll probably adopt. Adoption has always been something close to my heart. There are so many kids out there who really need a family.
There's no way to measure or properly express what a family like mine can mean. Mom, Dad, Cooper, Eli, extended family, you are the best.
My whole family is extremely blue collar - teachers and police officers probably make up half my family. My father was a garbage man.
Fetty Wap's not one person. Fetty Wap consists of a tight family. When I go out as Fetty Wap, I represent the whole family. The family is RGF [Fetty's original label, RGF Productions].
The history of fiction is about family - an inexhaustible subject for literature. We are creatures driven by emotions that are on high display in intimate relations - inside the family.
I'm really happy in Liverpool and the club feels such a family. I feel great, I have a nice house and my family have been here from the beginning so they could help me.
The happy life does not mean loving what we possess, but possessing what we love." Possession of the beloved, St. Thomas holds, takes place in an act of cognition, in seeing, in intuition, in contemplation.
I was not very keen on joining the family business... there were 14 family members working together, and it worried me that I would not have enough individuality.
Only the pun remains. The pun, beloved of Shakespeare, children and tabloid headline-writers, is normally eschewed in the modern, sophisticated circles in which I move.
What we often take to be family values--the work ethic, honesty, clean living, marital fidelity, and individual responsibility--are in fact social, religious, or cultural values. To be sure, these values are transmitted by parents to their children and are familial in that sense. They do not, however, originate within the family. It is the value of close relationships with other family members, and the importance of these bonds relative to other needs.
In one family, all goes by two and two. If a member of it has any interest, he or she will confide it to some one other; but the rest know nothing. In another family, all feel what touches one; nothing is kept dark from the father and mother, brothers and sisters--all share. This family habit is by far the better, it strengthens the tie between the members, and makes the home one home.
I was going to be the head wrangler at a ranch in Wyoming, and the reason I didn't take the job is because I couldn't have my family there - the family had to stay in town. I just wasn't willing to do that.
I felt like you can write forever, but you have a short time to raise a family. And I think a family is a lot more important than writing. — © Ken Kesey
I felt like you can write forever, but you have a short time to raise a family. And I think a family is a lot more important than writing.
Great lovers will always be unhappy, because, for them, love is of supreme importance. Consequently they demand of their beloved the same intensity of thought as they have for her, otherwise they feel betrayed.
I think I was raised in a solidly upper-middle class family who had really strong values and excess was not one of the things that my family put up with.
I have a natural tendency to feel well about the world, I suppose, one way or another. But then there is the problem of pain. There are things like [Abraham] Lincoln's beloved little boy dying.
But with two boys and a new puppy, we don't get out much. We're usually home doing stuff together as a family, like watching 'Modern Family.'
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