Top 692 Bend Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Bend quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
I bend and do not break.
Everything starts with yourself / with you making up your mind about what you're going to do with your life. I tell kids that it's a cruel world, and that the world will bend them either left or right, and it's up to them to decide which way to bend.
Bend color names which should be made of neon or copper tubing. Place an object on a surface - trace the object - then bend the object - leaving some part of it attached.
Appeasers will always try to get the least dangerous person to bend to the most dangerous person. This is one of the main problems in dysfunctional relationships. The more mature and rational you are the more you are victimized because, they are aware that you're not going to be as aggressive, destructive, or possibly as abusive and so you are the one who has to bend. You're the one who has to change and this constant rapping of rational people's souls around the prickly irrationalities of other people are what appeasers are constantly doing.
Time is not a line but a dimension, like the dimensions of space. If you can bend space you can bend time also, and if you knew enough and could move faster than light you could travel backwards in time and exist in two places at once.
When we're in our right minds, we are hopeful. Because the arc of the moral universe does bend toward justice, nature does bend toward healing, and the heart does bend toward love.
I bend but do not break. — © Jean de La Fontaine
I bend but do not break.
What we end up calling history is a kind of knife, slicing down through time. A few people are hard enough to bend its edge. But most won't even stand close to the blade. I'm one of those. We don't bend anything.
If I can not bend Heaven, I shall move Hell.
I've always found ways to bend the rules.
Never bend over for a Christian.
The storms will come and the winds will rise and the gusts will threaten to pull you from your roots. Let the winds come. Let them rage and know that you will not break in the breeze, you will bend. Bend. Always bend because you are made of more strength than you know, because you are better than the breaking.
If you're feeling sluggish, do a back bend.
Nature has a funny way of breaking what does not bend.
We must never bend too much.
We want the digital world to bend to your physical life, your real emotional life as a person, and we don't want you to bend to computers.
Sometimes you have to bend with the breeze or you break. — © Steve McQueen
Sometimes you have to bend with the breeze or you break.
Film is a collaborative business: bend over.
It is funnier to bend things than to break them.
Around the child bend all the threeSweet Graces: Faith, Hope, Charity.Around the man bend other faces;Pride, Envy, Malice, are his Graces.
I bend, but I do not break.
Never, even as a child, would I bend to a rule.
Never bend the rules. You bend the rules a little bit and then it's a slippery slope.
Prayer doesn't bend God's arm but it's guaranteed to bend our hearts toward His will. Worry less. Pray more.
Well-makers lead the water (wherever they like) ; fletchers bend the arrow ; carpenters bend a log of wood ; wise people fashion themselves.
Bend down, bend down. Excess is the only ease, so bend. The sun is in the tree. Put your mouth on mine. Bend down beam & slash, for Dread is dreamed-up-scenes of what comes after death. Is being fled from what bends down in pain. The elbow bends in the brain, lifts the cup. The worst is yet to dream you up, so bend down the intrigue you dreamed. Flee the hayneedle in the brain's tree. Excess allures by leaps. Stars burn clean. Oriole bitches and gleams. Dread is the fear of being less forever. So bend. Bend down and kiss what you see.
What doesn't bend, breaks.
For me, playing hurt was a battle in itself: a mind-over-matter head game I refused to lose. Often, I was barely able to bend my knees or elbows, flex my feet, make a fist, bend forward or turn my head. Heck, it hurt to blink.
They got a lot of kids now whose uniforms are so tight, especially the pants, that they cannot bend over to pick up ground balls. And they don't want to bend over in television games because in that way there is no way their face can get on the camera.
But you have to learn to bend a little," "Or you'll brake." -Clarissa Fray
I'm not in "Bend and Snap." But, I will say that when I first heard they were making Legally Blonde into a musical, I thought, Well, of course, there's going to be a bend and snap number, because it's just, I think, one of the most natural moments in the movie to expand into a musical number.
Lord, bend me, or I shall rot. Lord do not bend me too much, for I shall break. Lord bend me too much, who cares if I break!
You've got to bend with the wind or you're broken.
So, the next time you're out working on your game and they pass you the rock, don't just take it to the hole. Take it to the next level. Don't just bend rims. Bend expectations. Let them see you and feel you and by the very virtue of your love, the truth in your game, they will hear you. Let your game speak.
Four circles to the kissing come, The smaller are the benter. The bend is just the inverse of The distance from the centre. Though their intrigue left Euclid dumb There's now no need for rule of thumb. Since zero bend's a dead straight line And concave bends have minus sign, The sum of squares of all four bends Is half the square of their sum.
I can bend paper clips into the shapes of small animals.
Bend and you will be straight.
You can bend reality, but you cannot break it.
You can bend, but never break. Stay Unbreakable!
One day can bend your life.
People, they don't know how to bend; they just break.
Statesmen have to bend to the collective will of their peoples or be broken. — © Woodrow Wilson
Statesmen have to bend to the collective will of their peoples or be broken.
Success! to thee, as to a God, men bend the knee.
Rhianna don't want you to give her what you think that she wants. She needs you to give her something that's fresh. So you have to bend your voice and bend your personality and bend the music to make sure it sounds like it's new to everybody.
The arc of the moral universe may bend towards justice, but it doesn't bend on its own.
The longer you delay, the more your sin gets strength and rooting. If you cannot bend a twig, how will you be able to bend it when it is a tree?
First you look for discipline and control. You want to exercise your will, bend the language your way, bend the world your way. You want to control the flow of impulses, images, words, faces, ideas. But there's a higher place, a secret aspiration. You want to let go. You want to lose yourself in language, become a carrier or messenger.
Just stand. Bend. Balance.
My reason is not framed to bend or stoop: my knees are.
In the context of general relativity, space almost is a substance. It can bend and twist and stretch, and probably the best way to think about space is to just kind of imagine a big piece of rubber that you can pull and twist and bend.
Imagination allows you to bend the rules of the temporal world.
I've been around the bend in corporations. — © Indra Nooyi
I've been around the bend in corporations.
Ninety-nine and nine-tenths of the earth’s volume must forever remain invisible and untouchable. Because more than 97 per cent of it is too hot to crystallize, its body is extremely weak. The crust, being so thin, must bend, if, over wide areas, it becomes loaded with glacial ice, ocean water or deposits of sand and mud. It must bend in the opposite sense if widely extended loads of such material be removed. This accounts for … the origin of chains of high mountains … and the rise of lava to the earth’s surface.
It is not we as individuals, then, who must bend uncomfortably around the institution of marriage; rather, it is the institution of marriage that has to bend uncomfortably around us.
The truth isn't going to bend itself to suit you.
I worry about Zimbabweans. They bend, they bend, they bend, they bend - where do the people break? How long can they go on scrounging for food in garbage dumps and using the moisture from sewage drains to plant vegetables?
When I left Queen's my future seemed to stretch out before me like a straight road. I thought I could see along it for many a milestone. Now there is a bend in it. I don't know what lies around the bend, but I'm going to believe that the best does.
Learn to bend. It's better than breaking.
Everything starts with yourself, with you making up your mind about what you're going to do with your life. I tell kids that it's a cruel world, and that the world will bend them either left or right, and it's up to them to decide which way to bend.
I bend my knee to no man. Unless I choose to.
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