Top 1200 Best College Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Best College quotes.
Last updated on October 8, 2024.
All the way through my high school and college there was never a doubt in anybody's mind the ACC was the best conference.
At best, most college presidents are running something that is somewhere between a faltering corporation and a hotel.
After my 12th, my parents moved to Bangalore while I moved to Mumbai to study Economics at Sophia College. Much unlike other girls who managed to evade the curfew and organised the slips to get out of college, we would attend college and were interested in academics.
I read one Jane Austen in college and didn't like it at all and told everyone how much I disliked it. I read 'Northanger Abbey' sophomore year in college and hated it. I didn't read good Austen until after college, maybe a couple years out.
I'd like to see college debt levels drop by a lot, but I'm not quite sure what the best way to do that is. — © Kevin Drum
I'd like to see college debt levels drop by a lot, but I'm not quite sure what the best way to do that is.
My schooling was disrupted by the shortage of labor during World War I. It meant foregoing high school. Then, late in 1921, I entered upon a short course in agriculture at South Dakota State College. I managed to enter college in 1924, and I was permitted to complete my college work in three years.
In fact, black students with college degrees are twice as likely to be unemployed as white students with college degrees. So, to say there there is not an issue for black Americans and Latinos in terms of the opportunity that college is supposed to create would be wrong.
The College Athlete Right to Organize Act is the first step in bringing college sports into the 21st century by ensuring college athletes have the right to collectively bargain across teams and conferences, and that they are able to advocate for rights, protections, and compensation commensurate with the value they undeniably provide.
In high school and college, I did not have any Christian friends except my best friend Sarah, who I actually 'brought to Jesus.'
People told me that I was the best-looking girl in my college. But it was only after I won a beauty pageant in 2002 that I became confident.
I think college is an absolute. In this world you have to learn how to learn and get in the habit of always wanting to learn. Some kids have that out of high school and may be able to do the college equivalent of home schooling. Most kids can't. So I highly recommend going to college.
It's college basketball and there's a certain amount of uncertainty. As an assistant coach, you do the best job you can to win.
My best friend from college engineered my record. He and I keep in touch on just a purely one-music-fan-to-another basis.
Then I left that school and I went to Cerritos College, which was in southern California; they had one of the best big band programs in the country at the time.
The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education. — © Jodi Rell
The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education.
A lot of people talk about the Fab Five, and they were wonderful, one of the best teams you'll ever see in college basketball. But the '89 team is the best one to ever play at Michigan in my opinion because they won the national championship. Winning a championship is winning a championship.
College is the best thing that can ever happen to you," my father used to say, and he was right, for it was there that I discovered drugs, drinking, and smoking.
If the goal is to dramatically improve college completion rates, not college-going rates by itself but college completion, it's not just a college problem. We need a big focus on early childhood education. Our early childhood education system is pretty good in this country. Not enough students have opportunity. And, very discouragingly, they lose their advantage because they go to poor schools after that. So, let's focus on our babies.
You go for the best talent available, wherever it is. You fish it out. That's how I've scouted all my career. Doesn't matter where it is - international, domestic, college, anywhere.
I'll tell you the truth - I went to a women's college, Barnard, the most selective college for women in America today. If there's one thing I came out of Barnard with, because it was a women's college and a great institution of higher education, it was fearlessness.
I had three jobs in college. The best day of my life was when I paid off my student loans, on my own.
I think what I wanted mostly to experience in college is playing college basketball and learning.
A traditional college education works for many students, but for others, this path isn't the best choice.
And once I was in college, about - maybe the end of my first semester of my sophomore year, I realized that college just was not my jam and that I felt like I was learning more when is actually on set. And I think a lot of that had to do with - I was working while I was in college. I was on "227," so I didn't get a chance to really be immersed in the culture of my school.
In college I received the Best Actor award for four consecutive years under Calicut University.
In college, I prided myself on defense and guarding the best player every night.
When I was in college, my high school best friend and I had a terrible falling-out. It was entirely because of Facebook.
I can see a day soon where you'll create your own college degree by taking the best online courses from the best professors from around the world - some computing from Stanford, some entrepreneurship from Wharton, some ethics from Brandeis, some literature from Edinburgh - paying only the nominal fee for the certificates of completion.
I was always kind of a school person - my parents were teachers, and my grandparents were immigrants, so their big thing was, 'Go to college, go to college, go to college.'
College isn't the only answer. Reading is a college that you can and should attend all your life.
As much as progressives hate the Electoral College - and we can argue its flaws all day long - in 2020, the Electoral College is the only game in town. There's not going to be some miracle where it's not the rule book. The winner of the Electoral College is president. Doesn't matter how many popular votes you get.
If you're not in college and you don't know a cofounder, the next best thing I think is to go work at an interesting company.
There was a girl I was best friends with at college; I always used to kiss the boys she liked. I'd like to apologise to her.
Improv changed my life in the best way. I gained so much confidence and really learned how to use my sense of humor to do something other than make sarcastic comments to the TV, though that remains one of my best skills. I stayed in Chicago for college mainly to continue doing improv, which was an awesome decision for me.
The saving of empty beer and liquor bottles is a strange college phenomenon. I bet most of you college students reading this right now have some empties on a shelf in your room. Everyone knows how much college kids like to drink, do we really need to display it? It's a good thing, though, that this trend stops after college. Wouldn't it be weird if your parents had empty wine bottles up on their bedroom wall?
Breastfeeding has been one of the best experiences of my life. I love it! I can't stop! I think I'm going to breastfeed him until he goes to college! I'm hooked!
The people who know Ted Cruz best despise him, including his former college roommate.
During college, I didn't really have an interest in what I was studying. It was during college that I first stumbled into forming an underground band where I was the lead vocalist. I had always had an ear for music, but nothing more than that. And that good ear of mine led me to learn and play a lot of instruments while in college.
Please don't misunderstand, I actually enjoyed the hecticness and the opportunity to cover women's college basketball. But the reality is as a young broadcaster the vast majority of my games came in men's college basketball and my viewership as a fan came in men's college basketball because that was what was available to me.
I went to college in the Air Force, and I went to college at the University of Maryland, who had college campuses on Air Force bases. — © Carl Hart
I went to college in the Air Force, and I went to college at the University of Maryland, who had college campuses on Air Force bases.
'Jane Eyre,' when I think of that book, it conjures up the best moments of college English courses. Literature is extraordinary, especially when you have a good professor.
When should a college athlete turn pro? Not until he has earned all he can in college as an amateur.
I feel I have proved myself as one of the best receivers in college football from Day 1. I believe I can easily make that next step to the NFL and do the same.
As I said, I had this fabulous college education. At college I met the man to whom I've been married for 34 years and who is the father of those three kids. I seriously considered going to another college, and my life would have been completely different in every way.
Addressing the Columbia crew after winning the intercollegiate regatta: I congratulate you most heartily upon the splendid victory you have won, and the luster you have shed upon the name of Columbia College. I thank you for the Faculty of the College, for the manifest service you have done to this institution. . . . I am convinced that in one day or in one summer, you have done more to make Columbia College known than all your predecessors have done since the foundation of the college by this, your great triumph.
I dreamed of playing in college one day, but the bigger dream was to play against the best talent.
I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out.
New York is a highly educated city. People who are educated generally go to college. People who go to college who are men love college football.
But you know, where did the Brontes go to college? Where did George Eliot go to college? Where did Thomas Paine or Thomas Jefferson or George Washington go? Did George Washington go to college? This idea which we now have that people ought to have these credentials is really ridiculous. Where did Homer go to college?
When I look at what I'm doing today, I see [the] roots in my college life. I was the online editor of my college paper and an active member of the Harvard Computer Society. I abandoned a summer internship at the Washington Post due to injury and instead did theatre. I found my comedic voice through satirical newsletters in college.
These people in the establishment have been telling us they're the ones to fix everything and everything they've tried to fix, they've botched - TARP, the recession fix such as the stimulus bill. Look at the college - college education is an impediment because of how much it costs. A college education is no longer a step up.
I definitely want to continue being an actress. I love it. The reason I'm going to college is because I do want knowledge in another field. College isn't the college experience for me. I'm not going to be in a sorority. I'm not going to network. I'm not even really going to make my lifelong friends.
I was still auditioning when I was in college, but I wasn't really giving it the old college try. I was giving college the old college try. — © Alden Ehrenreich
I was still auditioning when I was in college, but I wasn't really giving it the old college try. I was giving college the old college try.
I changed my diet drastically. In college, I was a typical college guy who ate junk food all the time. When you're in college, your metabolism is through the roof. I felt like my body started to change when I was 22 or 23, so I started meeting with a nutritionist and it completely changed everything.
Without the AJGA, it would be very difficult for the college coaches to find us. Every junior golfer around the country knows about the AJGA and knows that's the way to get to college. And the way to get beyond college.
I've got a heart like a college prom. Each one I dance with seems the best of all.
For anyone who's had a transition in their life - heading off to college, parents sending their kids off to college, people getting out of college and heading off into the workforce. Those are major transitions.
I have a few uniforms - depending on whether I'm going to a college campus or meeting a head of state. But clean and easy works best for me.
You know what's sad about this? Not the gambling, but the best way to reach college athletes is the Cartoon Network.
No one, though has to go to college to make or understand or enjoy art. Wonderful artists and critics - some of the best - have educated themselves.
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