Top 1200 Best Night Of My Life Quotes & Sayings - Page 15

Explore popular Best Night Of My Life quotes.
Last updated on October 23, 2024.
I've seen the same thing emerge in the research around the interaction of sleeping and moving and eating: if you get a good night's sleep, you are significantly more likely to make the right choices about what you eat the next morning, you're more likely to work out, you're more likely to get a better night's sleep the next night.
I can look at myself in the mirror every night knowing I've never ever pretended to be someone I know I'm not for the sake of showbiz industry. I believe that it's important to live by your truth in order to be able to sleep peacefully when you rest your head at night. I've gone off and taken breaks, not necessarily by choice, but life has a way of giving you breaks, even when you don't want them, especially in this industry. So, I've had a chance to raise my children and to be a mom, and to come back to do more in film and television. I really cannot complain.
Watching live actors onstage, in something that changes night by night, real people picking up cues from each other, it concentrates you on the process rather than the result.
I always choose to remember the moment that was the best of Jeanne Cooper - those photos where she's in that wild dress triumphantly hoisting up the Emmy the night she finally won the damn thing. She was so proud, so happy.
The best-case scenario is everything goes perfect and smooth, but we're also a new and weird show. So all my conversations were, "Hey last night didn't go perfect but we kind of know what we've got in store for everybody episode-wise."
You’re my best friend, Shmuel,’ he said. ‘My best friend for life. — © John Boyne
You’re my best friend, Shmuel,’ he said. ‘My best friend for life.
For forms of government let fools contest; Whate'er is best administer'd is best. For modes of faith let graceless zealots fight; His can't be wrong whose life is in the right. In faith and hope the world will disagree, But all mankind's concern is charity.
Forever, it was just soccer - passion, life, love. Then I got married, and I had to transfer some of my energy. I want to be my best for my country, but I also made a really big promise and choice to be the best in my marriage. That has not always been the easiest thing to manage.
And to have spent the night sleeping and awoken regretful, is better than to have spent the night standing (in prayer) and awaken impressed with oneself!
I can see lights in the distance trembling in the dark cloak of night Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing a waltz on All Souls Night.
The town is silent. The night boils with eleven stars. Oh starry starry night! This is how I want to die.
The best leaders are the best notetakers, best askers, and best learners.
I actually prefer night shoots to days. I prefer being up. It's easier for me. I'm more of a night person.
Be contented with what you possess in life; be thankful for what does not belong to you, for it is so much less care; but try to obtain what you need, and make the best of every moment of your life.
The moon shines bright. In such a night as this. When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees and they did make no noise, in such a night.
Well, I can’t help going to see Sibyl play, even if it is only for an act. I get hungry for her presence; and when I think of the wonderful soul that is hidden away in that little ivory body, I am filled with awe." "You can dine with me to-night, Dorian, can’t you?" He shook his head. "To night she is Imogen," he answered, "and tomorrow night she will be Juliet." "When is she Sibyl Vane?" "Never." "I congratulate you.
We had to decide: Do we want to do Saturday Night or go to our Senior Prom? We opted for Saturday Night Live. — © Mary-Kate Olsen
We had to decide: Do we want to do Saturday Night or go to our Senior Prom? We opted for Saturday Night Live.
I really wanted to step up my defense night in, night out. So that's my mindset, just playing defense and trying to be consistent with that.
I opened the show with this line: "I have decided to give the greatest performance of my life! Oh, wait, sorry, that's tomorrow night.
It's night by night, just figuring out watching film on different passes I can make, and the ball will find you and it comes back to you, but it opens up the floor for other guys too.
When asked how she knows when her writing is where she wants it to be: "I know when it's the best I can do. It may not be the best there is. Another writer may do it much better. But I know when it's the best I can do. I know that one of the great arts that the writer develops is the art of saying, 'No. No, I'm finished. Bye.' And leaving it alone. I will not write it into the ground. I will not write the life out of it. I won't do that."
Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
I know I'm not the best. I'm not the best singer, I'm not the best songwriter, I'm not the best player.
I've always believed that what's best for our kids is what's best for our state. That's why I've dedicated my life to public service, working as an educator, a school administrator, a state superintendent, and now as a candidate for governor.
To read Transtromer - the best times are at night, in silence, and alone - is to surrender to the far-fetched. It is to climb out of bed and listen to what the house is saying, and to how the wind outside responds. Each of his readers reads him as a personal secret.
I think the best way to get a good night sleep is to work hard throughout the day. If you work hard and, of course, work out.
You find how you feel your best, whether you feel better when you're eating gluten-free or whatever it is. I feel better when I eat a burger every other night.
Before the group left, Gary asked for my phone number, and the next day he called to ask me to dinner that night. I had no idea he was married, but I found out that night.
Sleep resistance, bouts of insomnia, nightmares, night terrors, crawling into bed with parents in the middle of the night - all these are so common among children, it seems fair to call them 'normal.'
I really don't work a whole lot as far as touring, but I do stand-up every night of my life, no matter where I am.
What keeps me up at night? Waking up to a scoop at another newspaper or on TV. I'm probably competitive, almost too much so. I will stay up till the Web sites at night roll over. And if they don't roll over, I'll stay up until it's done. I'll wake up at the crack of dawn, or in the middle of the night even, just to go and check and see.
When I go out, I'm not going out to find a man; I'm going out to dance the night away with my best friends.
When we wake up in the morning and we make decisions, these decisions come from the night, the night of eternity, our other side.
CeNation. Wwe reports that last night at approximatley 9pm est. It terminated its contract with cousin of john cena, juan. The wwe wishes juan the best of luck in his future endeavors.
He looked down and did something quite out of character for him: he took hold of Shmuel's tiny hand in his and squeezed it tightly. "You're my best friend, Shmuel," he said. "My best friend for life.
I am happy that Delhi is now catching up fast on the nightlife circuit. The city has a rocking night life.
When there is a choice, it is best to eat live vegetarian food. 'Live' means in its uncooked condition, because a live cell has everything in itself to sustain life. The idea is to take life into you. When we cook food, it destroys the life in it.
I had my appendix out when I was 11, and that was the last time I was in a hospital. That was a one-night deal. So I've spent basically one night in a hospital.
Any one of my shoes that I had, you knew that, night in, night out, I gave my teammates and my fans everything that I had.
For me, there is no day or night for music. I often work through the night - without phone calls disturbing me.
Time is not money or gold; it is life itself and is limited. You must begin to appreciate every moment of your life and always strive to make the best use of it. — © Khurram Murad
Time is not money or gold; it is life itself and is limited. You must begin to appreciate every moment of your life and always strive to make the best use of it.
World series attitude, champagne bottle life, nothing ever changes so tonight is like tomorrow night.
Life is not always easy. And that is a major reason why it is so precious. Many of life's best rewards are possible only because you must work your way through difficult challenges to get to them. If everything in life were easy, there would be no opportunity for real fulfillment.
I'm intent on marketing Jamaica. Jamaica has the best coffee, the best sugar, the best ginger and some of the best cocoa in the world.
Veganism affirms what is best for us, what is best for the animals, and what is best for the environment. Everywhere you look, you find veganism entwined with what is best.
The best thing that can happen in a relationship is when you are the same person you were before the relationship started. You are not hiding anything, and you still have a life of your own. The other best thing is sex - that is a super positive.
I knew the Big Ten was one of the best conferences in the country. Every night you're up against pros. It's just so competitive. You can get beat by any team. That's really what I like about the Big Ten.
At night numbers must sleep; it is their duty, just as it is their duty to work in the daytime. Not sleeping at night is a criminal offense.
Love me or hate me, I hope the WWE Universe can respect that night in and night out, I've given it my all.
Any actress will tell you, when you've been given a starring role in the initial run of a show, you want to be getting the standing ovations every night, not just on review night.
I didn't do this by myself, man. It was so many people, so many fans that came in there and cheered for me, night in and night out.
My dad? He worked at a steel plant over in Charleston. Night shift. Nine at night to nine in the morning, no joke. — © A. J. Green
My dad? He worked at a steel plant over in Charleston. Night shift. Nine at night to nine in the morning, no joke.
The sum of the whole is this: walk and b« happy! walk and be healthy. The best of all ways to lengthen ourdays, is notas Mr. Thomas Moore has it, " ]To steal a few hours from night, my love;" but with leave, be it spoken, to walk steadily and with a purpose.
A life best lived is a life by design. Not by accident, and not by just walking through the day careening from wall to wall and managing to survive. That's okay. But if you can start giving your life dimensions and design and color and objectives and purpose, the results can be staggering.
I like daytime dates now. By the time night comes, I'm so exhausted and I feel like I'm no fun at night anymore.
I never wish ill will saying 'I wish this guy won or this guy lost.' I really don't care. The best guy, let them have their night.
Oscar always opens up doors, especially the night of the Oscars. On that night, you hold that gold man, and it's like having Gandalf's staff. You can go anywhere and do anything. It's a talisman of such power.
I try as best as I can to have a normal life. People recognise you, of course, and that's very strange. But I sort of leave my working life behind when I go home. That's my other world.
It's the time of the night I like best, when most people are asleep and it feels like the world belongs completely to my friends and me, as though nothing exists apart from out little circle: everywhere else is darkness and quiet.
I was happy. I loved the night, I loved t so much it almost hurt. In the night everything seemed possible. I wasn't sleepy at all.
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