Top 151 Betterment Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Betterment quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
For me, Charles Xavier is a monk. He's like a selfless, egoless almost sexless force for the betterment of humanity and mortality.
True biblical love is a selfless commitment of one’s body, soul, and spirit to the betterment of the other person.
I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for the betterment for me. — © Jayne Mansfield
I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for the betterment for me.
All I can tell Ashoke Pandit is that I don't go tom-tomming my work; all my social activities are for the betterment of my city and country.
Design is about the betterment of our lives poetically, aesthetically, experientially, sensorially, and emotionally.
We are close to God when we are close to people. If we think of God as something in favor of the betterment of human beings, and if we act in a way that brings about that betterment-if we do not cling to riches, selfishness, or greed-then I believe we are getting closer to God.
Mine. The language of love is like that, possessive. That should be the first warning that it's not going to encourage anyone's betterment.
That is true culture which helps us to work for the social betterment of all.
Gender equality is essential for ensuring that men and women can contribute fully at home, at work, and in public life for the betterment of societies and economies at large.
Till I see money spent on the betterment of man instead of on his idleness and destruction, I shall not believe in any perfect form of government.
The Narendra Modi government has worked for the betterment of the agricultural sector as a whole and towards the goal of doubling the farmer's income.
Everything that you've been thru, God's going to use it for the betterment of your future!
What I want is the general betterment of pets. No-kill is a part of that. I'd like to see that policy enacted at all SPCA-type organizations around the country. — © David Duffield
What I want is the general betterment of pets. No-kill is a part of that. I'd like to see that policy enacted at all SPCA-type organizations around the country.
I don't care who the president is - it isn't just all about who's black or who's white or who's Republican or Democrat, it's about who is for the betterment of people, period.
The foundation is an instrument forged by citizens who transfer profit from the commercial sector and put it directly to work as risk capital for the general betterment of the society.
If you ain't using all the talents God provided you with For the betterment of Man, understand, You ain't nothing but a waste.
Every baby step India takes in achieving anything towards its betterment enhances my identity and personality because I love my country.
We are not intoxicated by power. We are concerned about the betterment of the poor, marginalised, oppressed, farmers, women, those living in villages, and every section of society.
I have a great identification with Judaism as a religion and as a culture, and all the values that created such a great history, and the Jewish contribution to the betterment of all humanity.
For me, Barack Obama represents grace, respect, betterment and community.
Betterment of conditions the world over is not essentially dependent on scientific knowledge but on the fulfillment of human traditions and ideals.
There is nothing wrong with making mistakes and not having all the answers, so long as we are willing to admit this and strive for personal betterment. Those who think they know it all have no way of finding out that they don't.
Unfortunately for the betterment of mankind it is not always the fair-minded who are in the right.
Early childhood education is the key to the betterment of society.
Dedicate the precious days of your lives to the betterment of the world
The glorification of sisters, mothers as the selfless Indian women who will do 'agni pariksha' and the one who sees her own betterment only in the betterment of their husbands and fathers, that has to stop. It's very regressive.
The time must come when, great and pressing as change and betterment may be, they do not involve killing and hurting people.
Growing up there was always a sense of 'We have so many gifts and we have to use that for the betterment of the planet.'
Courage means standing next to someone you don't always agree with for the betterment of the country.
Unfortunately, all gatherings convened for the betterment of the human lot show a tendency to gas themselves, and not with laughing-gas either.
My objective was never to make money. I wanted to contribute to human knowledge and betterment.
I have said it previously and saying it again... my government will work for betterment of all, irrespective of caste or religion.
It is good to kind of put your pride aside for the betterment of the ball club. We are all on board for that, even if you want to go another inning.
Revolution as an ideal concept always preserves the essential content of the original thought: sudden and lasting betterment.
When we live our lives not for vanity, but for the sake of God and the betterment of humanity, that's what gives us immortality.
What the people in the country need is meeting of minds between similar philosophy for betterment and well being of people.
The purpose of life is to matter, to be productive, to have it make a difference that you lived at all-using the talents that God has given you for the betterment of others.
I am keen to serve one-sixth of the world's population where the miracles of science and technology would multiply manifold for betterment of mankind. — © Pranav Mistry
I am keen to serve one-sixth of the world's population where the miracles of science and technology would multiply manifold for betterment of mankind.
Captain Britain is not about representing an empire, he's about standing up for everyone and fighting for the betterment of all.
The structure of human betterment cannot be built upon foundations of materialism or business, but upon the bedrock of individual character in free men and women.
I don't care who the president is - it ain't just all about who's black or who's white or who's Republican or Democrat, it's about who is for the betterment of people, period.
Colin Powell devoted himself to the betterment of this country and of every American in all that he did. His legacy and character is one we must remember, and one that we should each seek to emulate in all that we do.
I will continue to do all I can to work together with my fellow Representatives for the betterment of the American people and the people of South Jersey.
It is this mission of the dancer to contribute to the betterment of all mankind.
I know that whatever God does is for my betterment.
The betterment of society is not a job to be left to a few. It's a responsibility to be shared by all.
My parents moved to England with that immigrant ethos of self-betterment, but I don't think they expected the kind of grief they experienced.
Personally, I think that the story is all-important; everything else comes later. But if there's any other way to ensure the betterment of the film, I always implement it. — © Rishi Kapoor
Personally, I think that the story is all-important; everything else comes later. But if there's any other way to ensure the betterment of the film, I always implement it.
The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds and through commendable and seemly conduct.
We cannot afford to not stick and work together for the betterment of our community.
All of us, as citizens, need to kind of get over our classisms and vote for the betterment of us all.
My favorite part of the experience of serving in Congress is knowing that my time and effort are spent for the greater good and for the betterment of our nation.
In a competitive industry, only paranoid incumbents - those constantly striving for betterment - have any hope of surviving.
Foresight has been a distinguishing characteristic of all truly great political, religious, and social betterment leaders.
If you are able to stop feeling sorry for yourself, and to contribute to the betterment of this world and of those around us, you will experience a high that is beyond my ability to express.
There's only so many guys on a football team that really have a voice. So anytime you have a microphone, you should use it for the betterment of humanity, for the betterment of this country, for the betterment of our kids coming up behind us, for the future of the world. Why not? Make the world a better place.
Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.
The Republican Study Committee was started and has grown to be sure that we create and promote, advance and execute conservative policies for the betterment of hard-working American families.
Every life is meant to help all lives; each man should live for all men's betterment.
The conscientious objector is a revoultionary. On deciding to disobey the law he sacrifices his personal interests to the most important cause of working for the betterment of society.
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