Top 1200 Big Heads Quotes & Sayings - Page 3

Explore popular Big Heads quotes.
Last updated on October 18, 2024.
Convenient though it would be if it were true, Mozilla [Netscape 1.0] is not big because it's full of useless crap. Mozilla is big because your needs are big. Your needs are big because the Internet is big. There are lots of small, lean web browsers out there that, incidentally, do almost nothing useful. But being a shining jewel of perfection was not a goal when we wrote Mozilla.
It'll be no use their putting their heads down and saying "Come up again, dear!" I shall only look up and say "Who am I then? Tell me that first, and then, if I like being that person, I'll come up: if not, I'll stay down here till I'm somebody else"--but, oh dear!' cried Alice, with a sudden burst of tears, 'I do wish they WOULD put their heads down! I am so VERY tired of being all alone here!
One of biggest lies in politics is the lie that Republicans are the party of big business. Big business does great with big government. Big business is very happy to climb in bed with big government. Republicans are and should be the party of small business and of entrepreneurs.
When you're involved in those big-budget movies, there's a lot of hype: 'Oh this is gonna be a big hit!' And 'A Christmas Story' wasn't. It came and went and was a big disappointment at the box office.
You can't be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy. — © Ronald Reagan
You can't be for big government, big taxes and big bureaucracy and still be for the little guy.
We're always looking for the Big Love, the Big High, the next Big Thing to happen. We miss what's in front of us.
There is usually a clock in our heads regarding decisions we make and the course of our lives. Sometimes this clock is helpful in that it get us to move rather than put off key actions. Other times, it creates us false sense of urgency that can cause us to overreact, lost patience and make poor decisions. In raising this issue in my book, I want people to be aware of the clock in their heads and question whether that clock is helping or hindering the quality of each particular decision.
Santa Claus has already been here and everything. Want to see what he brought for you?" "Is it a big present?" "Very big." "With a big red bow on it?
We're going to take on the big media, big business, and big donors that are bleeding our country dry. We're losing our jobs.
Idealism is based on big ideas. And, as anybody who has ever been asked "What's the big idea?" knows, most big ideas are bad ones.
I usually play big and mean, big and stupid, or big and funny.
Australia seems to strike a balance between big and small. It's big enough to have that diversity, but not so big that it disintegrates into something that is not connected.
When a big player leaves, a big player leaves. You're at a big club like Liverpool, another big player will come in the future.
This guy kept telling us that rock was the big thing, everyone's talking about the big thing, our band was the big thing. So he made us change our name to The Big Thing. Can you believe that?!
After Porki,' I immediately got a film opposite Siddharth. Getting into Tollywood opposite a big hero and under a big banner was a big deal.
You can't just dream big -you've got to think big, and then plan big.
I'm always a big fan of a big pot of chicken soup. I like to make a big pot of that, and I keep it in my freezer so when I come off the road and I just want to sit in my pajamas on my couch and catch up on the DVR and dig into a nice big bowl of chicken soup. It feeds my soul.
Somebody accumulates a lot of muscle and think himself to be a big man. But this big man is only big when all around him are smaller.
Predetermine the objectives you want to accomplish. Think big, act big and set out to accomplish big results. — © Mark Victor Hansen
Predetermine the objectives you want to accomplish. Think big, act big and set out to accomplish big results.
With comics, you always talk about a big break, but there are a lot of big breaks in your life and not one of them makes a big difference.
It seemed cruelly unfair to me, even then, how fast your life can change before you have an opportunity to rethink your choices. We should get second chances on the big stuff. We should come equipped with erasers attached to the tops of our heads. Like pencils. We should be able to flip over and scribble away mistakes, at least once or twice during the duration of our existence, especially in matters of life and death.
Italians think with their heads.
We're headed towards a fascist economy in which you have big government, big corporations and big labor, and they're all in cahoots to strangle the entrepreneur.
The only way to accomplish big results is to think big and set big goals.
I've always known I was going to be a big star, so I need a big stage and a big platform.
Yes, it was fun playing the quarterfinals of Wimbledon. But I just wasn't satisfied. To have that one big win in a big tournament on that big stage - I don't have that.
There is a major problem with reliance on placebos, like most vitamins and antioxidants. Everyone gets upset about Big Science, Big Pharma, but they love Big Placebo.
As long as the big banks are allowed to remain big, their political leverage over Washington will remain big. And as long as their political leverage remains big, the taxpayer and economic tab for the next mess they create will be big.
I suppose the thing that really interests me is what mankind did with the big, big, big discoveries that have created our modern age.
It's been my dream to be in a Western, and to be able to wear the clothes, have a big gun, wear a big hat, have a big horse, and be a take-no-prisoners lady in the Civil War era.
Innovation is a big risk. It can also be a big reward - but a big punishment if you fail.
I was very surprised when Dhoni retired from Test cricket; I thought he would have kept playing. He is a big player and you need big players in big tournaments.
Off with their heads!
I'm not that big, physically. I'm just big where it counts - I got a big heart!
I love listening to music with my mate. We don't do it often, but when we do we'll just sit there and lose our heads in it. Sooner or later he'll start saying something to the effect of "Hey, Thom, can you put in something else now?" but I'll just nod coldly and respond "not just yet". But after awhile, I'll finally budge. And that's when I crack a big smile and take out The Bends and put in Kid A. My friend just sighs and leaves the room, and I can't blame him. He's not ready for that leap yet.
I've never competed in powerlifting. But my goals weren't to be a powerlifter. My goals were to pack on size and get big, big, big.
Hillary talks the talk, but in my view, she is as big a corporatist, as big a war monger, as big an imperialist as any of the Republican presidential candidates. Her rhetoric is less offensive.
One of my first films was Zebrahead. I remember the producer asking me, "Can you handle the big lights?" And I thought, Do I want to be sarcastic, or do I want the job? So I said, "I don't handle the big lights, I just tell big men where to put the big lights and they do it."
Liverpool is a club with a big, big, big history, and all the clubs in the world have a big history if the present is not too successful. If you have never had success, then nobody knows how it is, but in Liverpool, everybody knows how it was.
We lived near a supermarket, and whatever they threw away, we would get it, and my mother would make soup. Or she would get a big can of lard, a big can of meal, a big can of flour, a big can of beans, and fix the same meal for months.
Well all the big companies are really panicked by the internet thing and all that, and sales went down, although sales have gone up again in this country a bit and also the big companies, because they're so big, they need big sales really so they're not really interested.
You have to know one big thing and stick with it. The leaders who had one very big idea and one very big commitment. This permitted them to create something. Those are the ones who leave a legacy.
Big data will never give you big ideas... Big data doesn't facilitate big leaps of the imagination. It will never conjure up a PC revolution or any kind of paradigm shift. And while it might tell you what to aim for, it can't tell you how to get there
I'm someone who believes the only way to see a movie is in a big theater, on a big screen, with a big bag of popcorn. — © Dan Glickman
I'm someone who believes the only way to see a movie is in a big theater, on a big screen, with a big bag of popcorn.
Big oil, big steel, big agriculture avoid the open marketplace. Big corporations fix prices among themselves and thus drive out of business the small entrepreneur. Also, in their conglomerate form, the huge corporations have begun to challenge the very legitimacy of the state.
When you hit the big time, big money, big egos, people don't talk. You have no friends.
To be successful, you must act big, think big and talk big.
What do we care, if the world is a joke? We'll give it a big kiss, we'll give it a poke. Death wears a big hat cause he's a big bloke.
I grew up listening to everything. And rock and roll has always been a big, big part of it - as big a part of what I do as any other type of music.
They say California's the big burrito; Texas is a big taco right now. We want to follow that through. Florida is a big tamale.
The collusion of big business, big labor, and big government threaten the spirit of small business that makes America great.
I grew up in New Jersey in the '80s. That means one thing: Big hair. ... I had big hair, my boyfriends had big hair, we all had big hair. Our prom looked like the poodle division of the Westminster dog show.
We can't sit around waiting for big government, big business, big religion etc. to save us. We need to get informed and take inspired action.
I dream big. I think big. I try to go out and do it as big as I can. — © Chad Kelly
I dream big. I think big. I try to go out and do it as big as I can.
Whenever you do big stuff in the ring - a big move or a big hit - you have to let that moment breathe. That allows a moment to sink in for the fans so they can reflect on it.
There's a big film industry in Egypt, and quite a big one in Syria, and there's a big Muslim community in Paris.
I'm mainstream, and I have pretty chart-tastic tastes. I don't often veer away from a big melodic song with big words for big stadiums.
You have a lot of educating to do hip-hop wise in Europe. When you tour, when you go out there, most of the people that come see you at the venue listen to a lot of different kinds of music, not only hip-hop; they're not heads. From time to time you're going to do a little concert in front of three or four hundred people that are only hip-hop heads and they're going to understand and know all about the gimmicks and the swagger but the rest of the people are just regular European people that listen to pop [or] rock & roll.
Big meetings and big talk are not enough in a world that is hungry for change. Big action - world leaders keeping their promises, and developing countries committing resources while listening ardently to the voice of the small farmer - is needed to bring big results and prosperity to the world's poor.
When I would play in big games at Ohio State, if the Goodyear Blimp was there, you knew it was a big-time game against a big-time opponent.
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