Top 112 Biscuits Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Biscuits quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
You will never reach your destination if you stop & throw stones at every dog that barks...Better keep biscuits & Move on.
Most of our childhood is stored not in photos, but in certain biscuits, lights of day, smells, textures of carpet.
I'm a sucker for a packet of biscuits. I can eat a whole pack in 10 minutes. — © April Bloomfield
I'm a sucker for a packet of biscuits. I can eat a whole pack in 10 minutes.
They tell us we are all citizens, that we were born in this country. Well, a cat can have kittens in the oven, but that doesn't make them biscuits!
I still don't believe this craziness for being skinny, but I eat sensibly and I don't stuff down chocolate biscuits.
What I've learned, traveling the country and doing book signings, Mama's biscuits - you know, somebody in Montana's got their version of Mama's biscuits, somebody in California's got their version - so it made me realize that we're not as regionalized as we think we are.
I stay away from desserts, but every now and then, I have a sticky toffee pudding or a cup of tea with some biscuits.
When I cannot write a poem, I bake biscuits and feel just as pleased.
I'm never getting too lonely because it's the kind of disease where you might sit in front of the TV with three bags of biscuits, rather than communicate with the world.
Biscuits are sweet things in Britain, and apparently in America a biscuit is something like a scone, something savory that you'd have with soup.
I'm good at anything that's country - biscuits, gravy, chicken-fried steak. Look at me, for God's sake. I cook what I like to eat.
Just because a cat has kittens in the oven, that doesn't make them biscuits.
When I get tired, I start eating things that I wouldn't normally crave, like biscuits, because they'll give me a bit of energy to keep going. — © Carol Vorderman
When I get tired, I start eating things that I wouldn't normally crave, like biscuits, because they'll give me a bit of energy to keep going.
I think country music is a champion of women. That stuff coming out of Nashville now wants to see a woman looking good in the kitchen whipping up some biscuits.
I should not romanticize the simplicity of a village. For instance, the place from where I used to buy a packet of glucose biscuits in my village is now selling cellphones.
Money can't buy you love, but it can get you some really good chocolate ginger biscuits.
For me to have a cheeky little biscuit, it's not going to hurt. But I need to control those indulgences. I can't just be scoffing cakes and biscuits five nights a week.
I like to eat pizza and spaghetti pomodoro, and I'm crazy for dessert. I like all of them: cassata, cheesecake, biscuits.
I'm American. Very American. Like, I-might-have-biscuits-and-sausage-gravy-for-dinner American.
The Robertson family and bad ideas go together like biscuits and jam.
My perfect night in would be lots of bad food like biscuits and chocolate, and possibly an ice cold fizzy drink.
Memories of my Southern upbringing in Richmond, Virginia, always include the smell of good southern food: fried chicken, cheese grits, Smithfield ham, and buttermilk biscuits.
I'm a hard cheese person and I could have it with biscuits for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
I don't really eat biscuits.
I love cheese and biscuits, the stronger the better.
Accidentally consumed five biscuits when I wasn't paying attention. Those biscuits are wily fellows - they leap in like sugary ninjas
Why is it that most of the folks I know think "personal growth" is caused entirely by those second and third helpings of biscuits and gravy?
I thought about making biscuits, but there seemed to be more than enough calories on board.
I started off tagging stuff - I'm not meant to be having tea and biscuits with the prime minister.
Life was like a batch of biscuits without the baking powder: flat, flat, flat.
Friable isn't often used of food, yet its meaning lends itself perfectly to pastry and crumbly biscuits.
What if I couldn't read? I wouldn't be able to text my friends movie times or even order cheese biscuits from Red Lobster!
I bought my Mrs. a cake mixer, had her baking me cakes and biscuits every day and I was spending over £100 a week on chocolate!
Raising children is like making biscuits: it is as easy to raise a big batch as one, while you have your hands in the dough.
It's weird how quickly you get used to spray tans. You might smell of biscuits, but you feel fabulous.
Unlike other Jewish families, we didn't go out for Chinese food on Sundays, but we spent our time in a world of baking powder biscuits and the best shrimp cocktails that ever were.
Sister Mary chose that moment to come in with the tea. Satanist or not, she'd also found a plate and arranged some iced biscuits on it.
In my travel kit you will find sanitizers, gloves, masks and a few medicines. I also carry chocolates, biscuits, water and dry fruits. — © Soham Chakraborty
In my travel kit you will find sanitizers, gloves, masks and a few medicines. I also carry chocolates, biscuits, water and dry fruits.
This really is a merger of equals. I wouldn't have come back to work for anything less than this fantastic opportunity. This lets me combine my two great loves - technology and biscuits.
I don't want a little Oliver/Olivia parasite running about eating my biscuits. My friends, on the other hand, are procreating like humanity depends on it, and it doesn't.
I was a fussy eater when I was young and a lot of the time my parents weren't there because they were always working. So I'd just eat lollies and biscuits and chips. That's kind of where I got the taste for the sweet fix.
Powdermilk biscuits: Heavens, theyre tasty and expeditious! Theyre made from whole wheat, to give shy persons the strength to get up and do what needs to be done
The Sudanese have delighted me, not only in their generosity and simplicity, but also in their tendency to take tea with milk and not to hesitate to dunk biscuits in it. As an Englishman, you can imagine the feeling of fraternal closeness that this activity has generated.
I've learnt that if I tell myself I'm not allowed something, I binge on it later. So if I want chocolate, I have chocolate. If I want biscuits, I have biscuits. I love cake. I just love cake.
Beaten biscuits: This is the most laborious of cakes, and also the most unwholesome, even when made in the best manner. We do not recommend it; but there is no accounting for tastes. Children would not eat these biscuits-nor grown persons either, if they can get any other sort of bread. When living in a town where there are bakers, there is no excuse for making Maryland biscuit. Believe nobody that says they are not unwholesome. . . . Better to live on Indian cakes.
Poetry is the synthesis of hyacinths and biscuits.
I took the wife's family out for tea biscuits. They weren't too happy about having to give blood though.
My father was the marketing director of a biscuit manufacturer in Berkshire. It meant that every Friday he brought home huge bags of broken biscuits that could not be sold.
The real issue is not whether baking biscuits is meaningful, but the extent to which the activity can seem to be so after it has been continuously stretched and subdivided across five thousand lives.
A positive attitude and a sense of humor go together like biscuits and gravy. — © Dolly Parton
A positive attitude and a sense of humor go together like biscuits and gravy.
When I was a kid, my parents ran a supermarket; I grew up in there and everything was free, it was like a wonderland. There were lollies and biscuits and chips, and I used to eat more of that than vegetables.
I tell my clients to feel powerful - you and only you own your power. You are the one who can make yourself eat right, work out and not touch the biscuits.
There is no one of-woman-born who does not like Red Lobster cheddar biscuits. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar and a Socialist.
Sweetened ice tea is one of the things I love about the South, right up there with homemade biscuits and cheese grits.
I never have cakes or biscuits. I don't have a sweet tooth at all, and I can't stand chocolates - I find them so sickly. However, I will buy cakes if I'm expecting company.
I love biscuits. I have a real thing for a biscuits, and if it's not made right, I'm gonna come down hard on somebody.
I make damn good biscuits and gravy. The key is maple sausage.
When I eat biscuits, I also eat grits.
I got fired once for putting like a packet of biscuits through a fan - I was really bored.
There are two types of people in this world: one who opens a packet of biscuits, has one and puts the rest back in the cupboard, and one who eats the whole packet in one go.
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