Top 1200 Black Panther Party Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Black Panther Party quotes.
Last updated on October 5, 2024.
The leading distinction in magnets is the sex, male and female, and the next great difference in them is the colour. Those of Magnesia, bordering on Macedonia, are of a reddish black; those of Breotia are more red than black; and the kind that is found in Troas is black, of the female sex, and consequently destitute of attractive power.
To be black and beautiful means nothing in this world unless we are black and powerful.
When a country doesn't respect Black lives, maybe it doesn't deserve to be entertained by Black athletes. — © Jemele Hill
When a country doesn't respect Black lives, maybe it doesn't deserve to be entertained by Black athletes.
One of the reasons I paint black people is because I am a black person.
I'm a sponge for historical images of black people and black history on film.
I see Americans of every party, every background, every faith who believe that we are stronger together: black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American; young, old; gay, straight; men, women, folks with disabilities, all pledging allegiance under the same proud flag to this big, bold country that we love. That's what I see. That's the America I know!
People are more afraid of black unity than black rage.
I didn't want to write a 'black' book because black characters are a tough sell.
It's important to be an ally. You don't have to be a black woman to think we should have more black women in tech.
We say Black lives matter, but a lot of white folks don't know Black folk.
I'm proud of the fact that the Republican Party is the pro-life party on the issue of life.
When I walk out into the street or go to the toilet, I don't think of myself as being black. Of course, other people think of me as black when I walk into a pub. Obviously being black is a part of me.
One cannot have too large a party. A large party secures its own amusement. — © Jane Austen
One cannot have too large a party. A large party secures its own amusement.
It's hypocritical to say Black Lives Matter' when we know Black life begins in the womb.
'Roots' did show that the audience would be receptive to black talent and a black story.
You need Black [people] sometimes to understand things about Black culture.
I like to think my work is furthering black culture by educating and empowering black people.
I am black, and there's no getting around that, but being black doesn't define every aspect of my life.
During my campaign, I had come across a small number of (mostly) young men, who had strongly racist views. They told me they would only vote for a party that was willing to get rid of black and coloured people from this country. What struck me as strange is that they weren't bothered about the thousands of white Europeans arriving from Central and Eastern Europe.
The Black Lives Matter movement is stronger when non-black people step up for it.
Color is the overpowering of black; white – the final victory over black.
The sky was a sparkling succession of black diamonds on black velvet made crystal clear by the blackout.
All the parties of capitalist society, all its moralists and all its sycophants will perish beneath the debris of the impending catastrophe. The only party that will survive is the party of the world socialist revolution.
Historically, the minority party in Congress votes against raising the debt limit, forcing the majority party to whip its members into casting politically painful votes in favor.
It`s basically a united [Republican ] party behind [Donald Trump] and Cruz`s numbers in Texas were plummeting and he was facing a possible primary challenge and this cements that this is the party of Trump.
In a democracy, you don't need anyone's permission to form a new political party, publish a politically charged article, or organize a 'tea party.' And in open markets, individuals are free to buy and invest as they see fit.
I tend to play characters that arent supposed to black or written black.
I am admiring of my fellow peers, black filmmakers and black actors and actresses.
It's better to be black than gay because when you're black you don't have to tell your mother.
The only thing dumber than a Democrat or a Republican is when those pricks work together. You see, in our two-party system, the Democrats are the party of no ideas and the Republicans are the party of bad ideas. It usually goes something like this. A Republican will stand up in Congress and say, 'I've got a really bad idea.' And a Democrat will immediately jump to his feet and declare, 'And I can make it sh*ttier.'
In the old days gigging was everything. The whole of life was about gigs. Everything was about waiting for the gig and then doing the gig and going nuts and then afterwards the party and all the stuff that goes with it. And then that party continues through your twenties and thirties. I'm now 51, and it's still very much in my blood, but I'm really hard pushed... the gig is the party for me now.
I wear black on the outside 'Cause black is how I feel on the inside.
I went to an historically black college where we're always told that there's limitation. And so I'm happy to represent for black colleges.
It's not enough even to have one black Barbie... because black women are not a monolith.
I love leather vests and jackets, black leggings, black lips.
I am not a Republican, nor a Democrat, nor an American, and got sense enough to know it. I am one of the 22 million black victims of the Democrats, and one of the 22 million black victims of the Republicans, and one of the 22 million black victims of Americanism... You and I have never seen democracy; all we've seen is hypocracy... If you go to jail, so what? If you're black, you were born in jail. If you're black, you were born in jail, in the North as well as the South. Stop talking about the South. Long as you south of the Canadian border, you're south.
My job isn't to represent the Democrat Party or the Republican Party. It's to represent Hoosier families.
It has become more and more obvious that there is one political party in America, and that is The Business Party. — © Bill Hicks
It has become more and more obvious that there is one political party in America, and that is The Business Party.
Religion is like a blind man looking in a black room for a black cat that isn't there, and finding it.
Donald Trump has taken over the Republican Party. He's transformed the Republican Party.
My signature style is super uniformed. I like black pants, black blazers, and boots.
What is being black? It's making the most of your life, not taking a single moment for granted. Taking something that's seen as a struggle and making it work for you, or you'll die inside. Not to say that my struggle is like the collective struggle of black America. But maybe my struggle is similar to one black dude's.
In all fields black consciousness seeks to talk to the black man in a language that is his own
For far too long, Democrats have hailed themselves as the party of women. As Republicans, we know their so-called monopoly on being the party of women is false, and it is a mindset I intend to change.
I was reading a lot of Thomas Jefferson at the time, and Jefferson said that every 20 years, if one party has stayed in power, it's your obligation as an American to vote the other party in.
Opposition to abortion was one of the ways the Christian right was brought into the Republican Party by conservatives hoping to move the party further right. Now, of course, the tail is wagging the dog.
Black culture, to me, is so important and I identify with young black women.
When I find a colour darker than black, I'll wear it. But until then, I'm wearing black! — © Coco Chanel
When I find a colour darker than black, I'll wear it. But until then, I'm wearing black!
I love black. Anything black transforms lives in a profound way, particularly for women.
Black-on-black crime is a massive human rights issue that's going on in America.
There ought to be a robust, uninhibited conversation in black America with different black ideological perspectives.
As a political party, the Libertarians have always been more party than political.
Better have a black face than be worried about black deeds.
I am proud of my black roots and of the black blood that runs in my veins.
You can't get more racist than hating black conservatives just because they're black.
This is something that Alternative for Germany, which is the party that's coming up from behind and is expected to actually beat [Angela] Merkel's party today, they're exploiting that fear in people who don't really have a whole lot of experience with integration.
Tutankhamun was not black, and the portrayal of ancient Egyptian civilization as black has no element of truth to it.
The myth of black women profiting at the expense of black men is the oldest rap around.
The thing about black women and black hair is that you just have to experiment.
We must realise that prophetic cry of black students: Black man you are on your own!
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