We are the ones who have high blood pressure, ulcers, and heart attacks, not cats.
A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.
Guess what it is that turns plants to coal. Pressure. Guess what it is that turns limestone to marble. Pressure. Guess what it is that turns Briony's heart to stone. Pressure. Pressure is uncomfortable, but so are the gallows. Keep your secrets, wolfgirl. Dance your fists with Eldric's, snatch lightning from the gods. Howl at the moon, at the blood-red moon. Let your mouth be a cavern of stars.
We have seen that blood united to blood in the case of but remotely connected species of animals, kills; blood united to blood in the case of more closely allied species of animals does not kill. The physical organism of man survives when strange blood comes in contact with strange blood, ... but clairvoyant power perishes under the influence of this mixing of blood, or exogamy.
It occurs to me as I write that this "white light," usually presented dippily (evidence of afterlife, higher power), is in fact precisely consistent with the oxygen deficit that occurs as blood flow to the brain decreases. "Everything went white," those whose blood pressure has dropped say of the instant before they faint.
Everybody's always asking me about my blood pressure. They did an interview once where they hooked me up to a blood pressure machine and they'd rile me. I'd yell and scream, and then it would just go back to normal in a few minutes. Everything else is probably rotting, but the blood pressure is spectacular.
Well, I don't know one coach in the NBA who doesn't have high blood pressure.
I was in Congress for six months, and they put me on blood pressure medication. I flew helicopters in combat and I was fine, and I survived 13 months in recovery in the hospital... I got to Congress, and six months later I'm on blood pressure medication. Fourteen months later, they doubled the dosage!
The reason I stay home more is because I realise that my blood pressure started going up.
Many people find themselves with illness as they become successful: higher blood pressure and diabetes.
My blood pressure is always either perfect or low. It's never high.
The steady pressure to consume, absorb, participate, receive, by eye, ear, mouth, and mail involves a cruelty to intestines, blood pressure, and psyche unparalleled in history.
Pressure is working down the pit. Pressure is having no work at all. Pressure is trying to escape relegation on 50 shillings a week. Pressure is not the European Cup or the Championship or the Cup Final. That's the reward.
My whole football life is pressure. If I don't get pressure from outside I put pressure on myself.
I don't think people realise how important it is to have your blood pressure checked. Stroke is so sudden, so catastrophic.
I'm constantly taking my own blood pressure.
Trust is like blood pressure. It's silent, vital to good health, and if abused it can be deadly.
My doctors told me this morning my blood pressure is down so low that I can start reading the newspapers.
I mean, I find drama to be engaging and it makes your blood pressure go up and you keep watching, but it's not as entertaining as, say, comedy.
Go back to the '30s, '40s, '50s, and it was the discovery of heroic interventions, the ability to cure people with penicillin or do an operation to stop disease that was what saved the day. Primary care physicians couldn't do all that much that really demonstrated a difference. The people who control and work with you to control your blood pressure, they're not rewarded for doing that or to be innovative about doing that. So, the result is half of Americans have uncontrolled high blood pressure, despite seeing clinicians.
When my blood pressure goes up, my Spanish stuff kicks in.
This is normal, to have pressure. It's how you respond. Take the pressure, use the pressure, have fun.
Perhaps it is a testament to the power of modern marketing savvy that an obese man with heart disease and high blood pressure became one of the richest snake oil salesmen ever to live, selling a diet that promises to help you lose weight, to keep your heart healthy and to normalize your blood pressure.
I've always been lucky with blood pressure. I've always had very good blood pressure.
I went to multiple doctors to make sure that I'm taking the right anti-depression medication and make sure that my blood pressure's okay. I found out that my blood pressure wasn't okay and that I had a fatty liver. All these health risks were coming up.
When you take a drug to treat high blood pressure or diabetes, you have an objective test to measure blood pressure and the amount of sugar in the blood. It is straight-forward. With autism, you are looking for changes in behavior.
As you age, your blood pressure tends to get higher.
A woman needs to know about blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. And she needs to know the kinds of things she can do to stay healthy.
The constancy of the blood sugar level is maintained by a complex physiological mechanism, a homeostatic mechanism of the same order as those which maintain the body temperature, the blood pressure or the heart rate at normal levels and control many other functions.
I was a vegetarian first. I had high blood pressure at 27, everybody in my family died of cancer, and I knew it was in the food, so I changed my diet.
Pressure? What pressure? Pressure is poor people in the world trying to feed their families. There is no pressure in football
My blood pressure was always up from just overworking.
One way to get high blood pressure is to go mountain climbing over molehills.
Cayenne is most effective for heart and blood circulation problems, and for angina pectoris, palpitations, and cardiac arrhythmias. It's a miracle for congestive heart failure. It is a specific for anyone who has any type of circulatory problems, such as high or low blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, triglycerides and fats, even varicose veins.
I'm a 120-over-78 blood pressure guy.
The next time you feel slightly uncomfortable with the pressure in your life, remember no pressure, no diamonds. Pressure is a part of success.
The less control people had over their work, the higher their blood pressure during work hours. Moreover, blood pressure at home was unrelated to the level of job control, indicating that the spike during work hours was specifically caused by lack of choice on the job. People with little control over their work also experienced more back pain, missed more days of work due to illness in general, and had higher rates of mental illness-the human equivalent of stereotypies, resulting in the decreased quality of life common to animals reared in captivity.
High blood pressure is a major health crisis in the black community.
It was better that a little blood should be shed that much blood should be saved. The blood that was shed was bad blood; the blood that was saved was good blood.
Ford carried on counting quietly. This is about the most aggressive thing you can do to a computer, the equivalent of going up to a human being and saying "Blood...blood...blood...blood...
I don't fold under pressure, great athletes perform better under pressure, so put pressure on me.
People talk about pressure in football, but I don't think pressure should always affect you in a bad way. I love games under pressure.
A return to the NCAA is the expectation... I think that's a good pressure. I'd rather that pressure to the other way. ... I like a little pressure on me.
I am very careful about my health... For example, I have body check-ups regularly and take some medicines to control my blood pressure, because I have a little bit high blood pressure.
Caregivers of those with a traumatic brain injury had their blood pressure recorded at certain time of day -- at meals and during other activities, .. The blood pressure of the people who had adopted the pets went down dramatically.
If you're with a close friend, your anger may raise his blood pressure as well as your own, whereas loving feelings may lower blood pressure in both of you.
When a man is hit by Friendly Fire, his blood pressure lowers and his morale sinks. I have been hit by Friendly Fire in my heart. Sighs spill from my body instead of blood.
I like pressure. Pressure doesn't make me crack. It's enabling. I eat pressure, and there might be times when I get a bad feeling in my gut that this might be too much, but you feel pressure when you're not doing something, you know?
Getting the care for a common cold, migraine, or high blood pressure can and should be easy, whether one has an insurance card or not.
I have no doubt that in the future, wearable devices like Fitbit will know my blood pressure, hydration levels and blood sugar levels as well. All of this data has the potential to transform modern medicine and create a whole new era of personalized care.
My plant-based diet plus fish is to credit for my low blood pressure, high energy, and robust immunity.
Nothing counts but pressure, pressure, more pressure, and still more pressure through broad organized aggressive mass action.
It's infrequent that people are rail thin yet have high blood pressure.
I assume I have the lowest blood pressure of any candidate.
I threw up before every single football game I played, and I did so up through my NFL career. It was good pressure. It was pressure to be good. It was pressure to be the best. It was pressure to want to win.
Excess dietary salt is most notorious for increasing blood pressure. Americans have a 90 percent lifetime probability of developing high blood pressure - so even if your blood pressure is normal now, if you continue to eat the typical American diet, you will be at risk.
Simply switching to a healthy, plant-based diet can lessen stroke risk by reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, flooding your body with antioxidants and improving blood flow.
I'm a person who's meant to be heavy, but I need to take off 50 pounds. Blood pressure. I'm gonna try Weight Watchers.
I don't feel pressure in a negative way. I like pressure. I feel excitement and calm at the same time. No pressure, no diamonds. I want pressure: pressure creates drama, creates emotion.
I have an irregular heartbeat, so that means a fair amount of medication - and I have blood pressure pills, too, but no vitamins or supplements.
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