Top 1200 Board Games Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Board Games quotes.
Last updated on September 19, 2024.
A lot of teams see Lord's as a special place and up their games to try to get their names on the honours' board.
I think every responsible public board at every board meeting should be discussing succession. And, of course, Walmart has a very mature board: our chairman Rob Walton and other members. So succession is an ongoing. I think when I first joined the board of directors, it was discussed then. And it's discussed at every board meeting continually.
All my life I've been that way - ever since I was a kid. It doesn't matter whether we played video games or even before that when we had board games when you played with your sister and mom and dad - I didn't like losing then and didn't want to do anything but win when we played.
Everyone has different things they like in terms of board setup. The grind of the board and how it's waxed - you want to make sure that the speed of the board is right for the conditions of the halfpipe. And then there's the edges and the bevel of the edge.
We went to school board meetings, we went to Little League games, and we did everything to be normal. — © Archie Manning
We went to school board meetings, we went to Little League games, and we did everything to be normal.
I love board games. You'll find me enjoying board-game nights rather than out at a bar.
Put a lot of paint & a wooden ball or other object on a board. Push to the other end of the board. Use this in a painting. - ruler on board.
I don't like board games.
I have an RSS reader, Feeddler. I mostly subscribe to board game blogs - they have reviews of new games and discussions about trends. It's straight-up dork talk.
Not all activities are equal... Those that involve genuine concentration - studying a musical instrument, playing board games, reading, and dancing - are associated with a lower risk for dementia.
When a sculptor creates a sculpture, a writer writes a novel, or a painter paints a motif on a canvas, he needs talent and expertise. But to be successful in his endeavor, he also needs to have the passionate feeling that he wants, at all costs, to create a work of art which, in his head, constantly demands to be accomplished. The same also applies to developing board games or card games.
I love card games, and I've always loved board games and stuff like that as a kid, and I think it's that part of your brain that's engaged in con movies. It's like this 'Who's outsmarting whom?'
If we're united, I wouldn't care about a White school board getting me a little something. The hell with the school board; that's the White supremacy board and the White supremacy board wants you reading stupid books rooted in the idea of White supremacy. I don't want a thing to do with White supremacy.
I like to play board games a lot with my girl, things like that. We attempt to cook. And even if it goes wrong, it doesn't matter because it's the time you spend doing it that's important.
I'm one of six children. I'd love to sound educated and say I dive into a good book when I'm there, but in truth, I spend time with the kids playing cards, ping-pong, and board games.
My kids love little things like board games. — © Christina Anstead
My kids love little things like board games.
I have to admit, between the Seahawks games and the Blazer games and playoffs games, we're talking about close to 100 games a year, so I don't really follow other sports a lot.
It may be true that the only reason the comic book industry now exists is for this purpose, to create characters for movies, board games and other types of merchandise.
I am a board game enthusiast, a board game evangelist, a board game nerd, but I wouldn't say I'm 'keen' because I very rarely win, and 'keen' suggests you're actually good at something. But I do play a lot of them, and I have a pretty good-sized collection.
I like my fair share of board games.
Maybe I had three children in the first place so I wouldn't ever have to play board games. In my religion, martyrs die.
I have this board in my house that lists out all the things that I love about myself. It's a board of affirmations, and it serves me well.
Sure, I like to win when I play basketball or board games or video games, but my day isnt ruined if I lose. Im always up for a rematch. In all seriousness, thats something thats nice about maturing.
Oh, I'm nerdy about science fiction and fantasy and graphic novels and reading, and I'm nerdy about board games. My favorite board game is a board game I'm working on right now. It's a game of Napoleonic era naval warfare, and it's going to be fun.
Sure, I like to win when I play basketball or board games or video games, but my day isn't ruined if I lose. I'm always up for a rematch. In all seriousness, that's something that's nice about maturing.
Three times a year, theres Strategicon convention, and I go for the board games. It happens Presidents Day, Labor Day, and Memorial Day weekends. You go and take a look at the new board games and meet a couple of board game designers, and you can check out games you dont own from the library and then return them.
I didn't play or like a lot of board games as a child. I liked playing with my G.I. Joes and making up adventures for them.
I do really well in the traditional board games: Backgammon, Checkers.
Whether football or board games, I love to win.
We are all part of a universal game. Returning to our essence while living in the world is the object of the game. The earth is the game board, and we are the pieces on the board. We move around and around until we remember who we really are, and then we can be taken off the board. At that point, we are no longer the game-piece, but the player; we've won the game.
I play board games with my family like Scrabble, Connect Four and Ludo.
I play board games with my sons and they are very interesting and I have discovered a few which I was not aware of.
Since when do we even play games?” “Since when don’t we play games? Games of life, games of death. Games of love, of hope, of chance, of despair, and of all the myriad wonders in between.” I rolled my eyes at the newcomer. “Hello, Carter.
If you're going to play at all, you're out to win. Baseball, board games, playing Jeopardy, I hate to lose.
The amount of times my wife has rolled her eyes at board games is impossible to count.
I remember, often, when you tell people you're doing a book about board games, they think you're totally nuts. And that might be warranted. But I feel like if we can't get the story of Monopoly right... what hope is there for anything else?
Gods play games with the fates of men. But first they have to get all the pieces on the board and look all over the place for the dice.
The days of my youth I remember as nearly always in need of explanation, and not as much fun as advertised in the promotions for board games and breakfast cereal.
People never knew we were poor, but out of that poverty came the most incredible inventions - board games, recipes... we never stopped inventing.
I play a lot of board games, so you need to be quite good at strategy and poker faces so people can't always read your hand. — © Kate Herron
I play a lot of board games, so you need to be quite good at strategy and poker faces so people can't always read your hand.
Inside the first 20 to 25 games of the season, we were losing these games, getting beat by two and three points. Over the last 10 games, it seems like we're starting to win these games and putting some good things together.
I've never been on a board, but I just went on the board for Jazz at Lincoln Center. I'm very happy about that.
At his Philadelphia alma mater, Temple University, Cosby gave commencement addresses and attended games. He served on the university`s board of trustees for more than three decades.
I love games so we always play cards and board games to relax when we're on tour.
Oh, I’m nerdy about science fiction and fantasy and graphic novels and reading, and I’m nerdy about board games. My favorite board game is a board game I’m working on right now. It’s a game of Napoleonic era naval warfare, and it’s going to be fun.
I'm addicted - not video games, but board games.
When the board games came out of the cupboard when I was a kid, I had to beat my two brothers every time.
This is where the gods play games with the lives of men, on a board which is at one and the same time a simple playing area and the whole world. And Fate always wins.
The first 'Wii Fit' games I tried were the slalom and ski jumping. I believe my spectacular failures here had more to do with the board resting on thick carpet than my shoddy balance.
It used to tear me up when we lost games, it stayed in me for weeks. I was a bad loser at everything. When we used to play board games, I had fights with my family and I had to go to my room.
I like games that are simple. Not games that are trivial, but also not games that require you to invest a week or to relearn something. I like games that you can just pick up, sit down in front of, and get going.
I have done a lot of NFL games, a season-opening home games, playoff games, championship games, and of course Stanley Cup games, World Series, NBA championship games. But I have never done a Superbowl. It's probably the only major sporting event I've never done and I would like to.
Lots of entrepreneurs don't want to be hassled by a board of directors early on. The entrepreneurs want to control the company, don't want to be responsible to a board, or don't want to waste time communicating with board members. This is a classic error of thinking about the early stage board incorrectly.
Any time you can get the ball back to the offense and they put points on the board, you can win games. — © Aaron Donald
Any time you can get the ball back to the offense and they put points on the board, you can win games.
'Women on Board' provides a roadmap for high-performing women leaders to join high-performing boards. It is a must-read for every sitting board director, man or woman, and for everyone who aspires to a corporate board seat.
Three times a year, there's Strategicon convention, and I go for the board games. It happens Presidents Day, Labor Day, and Memorial Day weekends. You go and take a look at the new board games and meet a couple of board game designers, and you can check out games you don't own from the library and then return them.
At the turn of the twentieth century, board games were becoming increasingly commonplace in middle-class homes. In addition, more and more inventors were discovering that the games were not just a pastime but also a means of communication.
Not only do you have 16 regular-season games, you also have four preseason games. Then if you make the playoffs, you can have four more games before you get to the Super Bowl. So you can already have 24 games without the 18-game season. And 24 games takes a real toll on somebody's body.
I love all board games, actually, apart from backgammon. I can never remember the rules.
I never go easy on kids when I play board games. The sooner they learn what the consequence of entering a competition is, the better. If they win, I punch them in the face like any adult.
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