Top 1200 Breaking Promises Quotes & Sayings - Page 19

Explore popular Breaking Promises quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
Actors always feel more comfortable when there's an actor directing, in terms of vocabulary and breaking down a scene.
I love to play characters who are stuffy and nerdy who either then have a dark side or are pushed to a breaking point.
It's not that I don't enjoy a good mystery that comes and goes in a hour. I do, but God, 'Breaking Bad' and 'Saul' unfold like novels. — © Jonathan Banks
It's not that I don't enjoy a good mystery that comes and goes in a hour. I do, but God, 'Breaking Bad' and 'Saul' unfold like novels.
and the smile I'd been waiting for stretched across his face like the sun breaking free of the clouds.
Poetry must find ways of breaking distance.... all languages are dialects that are made to break new grounds.
The sense of anxiety and guilt doesn't come from having too much to do; it's the automatic result of breaking agreements with yourself.
The thing that intrigued me about 'Breaking Bad' from day one was the idea of taking a character and transforming him.
Working with Bryan Cranston on Breaking Bad has been totally thrilling because he is so clear in his approach.
We're not like robots. God promises to guide us through the Holy Spirit, but He gives us the freedom to make our own decisions.
I am for anyone that will give me lower taxes, stop all this stupid spending. Whoever promises me that gets this chicken's vote.
Why are we casting all these stand-up comedians to do 'Breaking Bad,' one of the most dramatic TV shows ever?
The genuine values in America arose from rational thought and breaking with tradition, not from blind allegiance to dirt and cloth.
The heart of the world is breaking under this load of pride and pretense. There is no release from our burden apart from the meekness of Christ. — © Aiden Wilson Tozer
The heart of the world is breaking under this load of pride and pretense. There is no release from our burden apart from the meekness of Christ.
No matter what the circumstances, we can be grateful that God fulfills His promises, that our faith is sufficient to sustain us, and that our eternal life is assured.
No other religion, no other, promises new bodies, hearts, and minds. Only in the gospel of Christ do hurting people find such incredible hope.
10.30 Newsnight: What Are The Chances Of World War Three Breaking Out After You Have Gone To Bed?
For 'Breaking Bad,' people were with Walter White for 99% of that show, even though that guy is a monster.
An irresponsible person is a person who makes vague promises, then breaks his word, blames it on circumstances and expects other people to forgive it.
When the federal government invests in education, it should support quality education and career readiness rather than institutions that make empty promises.
I'm nervous before every day of work, almost. Even after six years of 'Breaking Bad.'
Matter is merely mind deadened by the development of habit to the point where the breaking up of these habits is very difficult.
Farmfree production promises a far more stable and reliable food supply that can be grown anywhere, even in countries without farmland. It could be crucial to ending world hunger.
Working with Bryan Cranston on 'Breaking Bad' has been totally thrilling because he is so clear in his approach.
The U.S. incarceration binge is not tied to crime. It's a strategy to control the surplus population in a capitalist system that is breaking down.
When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them.
Girls are breaking barriers and boundaries every day in everything from sports and science to business and the creative arts.
My mission in life is to get to heaven, so the people I have in my inner circle I don't allow to do the 'rule breaking' that we know as Christians we can't.
Breaking into a system or exposing its weaknesses is a good thing because truth and knowledge must win out.
Attempts at reform, when they fail, strengthen despotism, as he that struggles tightens those cords he does not succeed in breaking.
If you break little promises, you'll break big ones.
There was never a finer character - charitable and friendly to his foes and ever willing to help a youngster breaking in.
Honestly, all of 'Breaking Bad' was the best television experience of my entire life - the writing, the crew, the other actors.
A breath of steam trickles out, filled with the sobs of a grown woman breaking into girl-sized pieces.
One of the attractions for me of having 'Watchmen' made into the first Motion Comic was just that - it was breaking new ground.
Everything isn't breaking news. You can't go to DEFCON One just because Sanjay Gupta found a new moisturizer.
When somebody promises to do something, you have to think about whether that's something that you would be willing to see happen because the powers are simply too vast.
I'm a big 'Breaking Bad' fan - if I'm not in the script, I like to experience the show with the rest of the world. I'm ready to be shocked.
Sometimes you just get giggles leprosy and it can't be helped. I find that there's a direct correlation between fatigue and breaking. — © John Cho
Sometimes you just get giggles leprosy and it can't be helped. I find that there's a direct correlation between fatigue and breaking.
There is only one thing more harmful to society than an elected official forgetting the promises he made in order to get elected; that's when he doesn't forget them.
All human errors are impatience, a premature breaking off of methodical procedure, an apparent fencing-in of what is apparently at issue.
If we become a people who are willing to give up our money and our freedom in exchange for rhetoric and promises, then nothing can save us.
Democrats and Republicans were essentially the same party with different faces and that was why, no matter how many promises each leader made, significant change rarely transpired.
By virtue of who we are, what we know, the promises we made to our Heavenly Father, and the fact that we are living now and where we are living, I absolutely think we were all born to lead.
Live every day as if you've come back in time from a dystopian future to try and prevent everything from breaking.
There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice.
I honestly do think that it is critical that we are continuously breaking records, because that represents us moving forward in exploration.
Ireland really is my problem; the breaking point of the huge suppuration which all British and all European society now is
Although we may trust God's promises for life after death and the certainty of a heavenly home, we must still face the reality of death. — © Billy Graham
Although we may trust God's promises for life after death and the certainty of a heavenly home, we must still face the reality of death.
As we enter 2015, we are faced with overwhelming challenges. However, the dawn of 2015 also promises unlimited potential and the opportunity to begin rebuilding America.
Breaking a glass in the northwest is rather like belching in Arabia, for it appears to be done as a mark of appreciation or elation.
The most basic obligation we have to our veterans is that we keep the promises that were made to them. That is what makes the recent failures of the Veterans Administration so shameful.
Now I feel like James Bond. Suave and intelligent, breaking all the codes while looking fabulous.
Breaking gender norms just comes instantly as soon as a boy is comfortable and confident enough to put on makeup.
In effect we are, bending and breaking the rules of the language. And if someone were to ask why we do it, the answer is simply: for fun
People stay together and stay true only as long as they both want to. And all the promises in the world don’t change the length of time. Nothing comes with a guarantee.
There's a great book about that, "The Breaking Point" by Stephen Koch . It won't improve your opinion of [Ernest] Hemingway.
Forty-five years since I made my first paycheck, and I'm telling you that 'Breaking Bad' is as good as it gets.
The question of souls is old—we demand our bodies, now. We are tired of promises, god is deaf, and his church is our worst enemy.
There's something about breaking up with someone - you just look hotter than you ever did before.
We ought to pay down the national debt, ... The American people are tired of people who make promises about cutting taxes that they cannot keep.
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