Top 1200 Breaking Promises Quotes & Sayings - Page 2

Explore popular Breaking Promises quotes.
Last updated on October 22, 2024.
I will say, 'The Michael J. Fox Show' is funnier than 'Breaking Bad' - not that 'Breaking Bad' isn't funny, but this is funnier and slightly less violent.
My imperfections will never override God’s promises. God’s promises are not dependent on my ability to always choose well, but rather on His ability to use well.
I really do think that Breaking Bad is probably the greatest television show that's ever been made. Just in terms of, everything, it's flawless. I can't think of one flaw with Breaking Bad. Every other show, even shows that I really, really love, they're not perfect. Breaking Bad, to me, is a perfect show.
I always say that it's about breaking the rules. But the secret of breaking rules in a way that works is understanding what the rules are in the first place. — © Rick Wakeman
I always say that it's about breaking the rules. But the secret of breaking rules in a way that works is understanding what the rules are in the first place.
The federal government has made explicit and implicit promises to millions of people, but has put no money aside in order to keep those promises. Some of you may wonder where Bernie Madoff got the idea for his Ponzi scheme. Clearly he was studying federal entitlement policy.
For about 125 years, give or take, the Canadian government has acted extremely badly - even in a way which should be called evil - breaking treaties, breaking agreements.
The line between inner and outer landscapes is breaking down. Earthquakes can result from seismic upheavals within the human mind. The whole random universe of the industrial age is breaking down into cryptic fragments.
It was funny that rank-and-file evangelicals were ahead of all the leadership. They saw for decades conservative Republicans had made promises to them on issues that were important to Christians and conservatives when they were running for office. But when they won, they didn't keep those promises.
God promises to keep His people, and He will keep His promises.
I must learn to love the fool in me - the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries.
I kept telling people, 'I really want to do something like 'Breaking Bad,'' and then people would remind me, 'Krysten, you were on 'Breaking Bad!''
Ken Holtzman could pitch a game in ninety minutes. Wouldn't throw a breaking ball. And he had a great breaking ball.
[Cardinal John O'Connor] had [my wife] Margot and me over for drinks a couple of times. That was something I never could have envisioned back when I was a kid in Boston, that a cardinal and I would be, if not breaking bread, at least breaking Scotch.
She knew full well the enormity of her offense, but because her desires were stronger than the code she was breaking, she persisted in breaking it. — © Harper Lee
She knew full well the enormity of her offense, but because her desires were stronger than the code she was breaking, she persisted in breaking it.
Doth not a man die even in his birth? The breaking of prison is death, and what is our birth, but a breaking of prison?
When the Son on the Cross promises paradise in his company to the good thief, when he promises the future feast in Heaven to the Apostles, when he speaks of the kingdom of the Father, he is always pointing toward eternity. However brief and close to the earth his words sound, they echo throughout infinite eternity and permeate the faith of his followers with their eternal content. He knows what he speaks of, what he brings with him and what he promises; and he can convey it to those who know it not. The very words he uses are designed to awaken in them a new sense: the sense of the eternal.
My dear young friends, I speak to you as one who stands on the edge of eternity. From that perspective, I see you as the choicest spirits ever placed on the earth. The promises in your generation's patriarchal blessings, if you are faithful, seem to exceed the promises in Sister Faust's blessing and in mine. ...I want you to know that I believe in you. I believe you can be in the world but not of the world.
I must learn to love the fool in me the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries.
She mailed me a Merry Christmas-I'm-Breaking-Up-with-You card. I'll read it to you," he said. He cleared his throat. "Dear Marcus. Merry Christmas. I'm breaking up with you. Mia.
The problem with Prosperity Theology is not that it promises too much, but that it aims for so little. What God promises us in Christ is far above anything that can be measured in earthly wealth - and believers are not promised earthly wealth nor the gift of health.
The administration [ of Barack Obama ]says I`m wrong, that there`s nothing to worry about. They say the deal is nearly done, and they are making a lot of promises about how the deal will affect workers, the environment and human rights - promises. But people like you can`t see the actual deal.
God is waiting to be put to the test by His people in prayer. He delights in being put to the test on His promises. It is His highest pleasure to answer prayer, to prove the reliability of His promises.
Rahul Gandhi has promised to remove poverty and unemployment. There is nothing new about the election promises of Congress. Had only half of those promises been fulfilled, India would have been the most prosperous country in the world today.
It is an immutable law in business that words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises-but only performance is reality.
When you depart from standard usage, it should be deliberate and not an accidental lapse. Like a poet who breaks the rules of poetry for creative effect, this only works when you know and respect the rule you are breaking. If you have never heard of the rules you are breaking, you have no right to do so, and you are likely to come off like a buffoon or a barbarian. Breaking rules, using slang and archaic language can be effective, but it is just as likely to give you an audience busy with wincing.
I think it is an immutable law in business that words are words, explanations are explanations, promises are promises, but only performance is reality
Poor leaders motivate those following them with false promises of promotions, success, and a great tomorrow but rarely deliver on those promises. Leaders who do this can be manipulative and often hold the goals and aspirations of their followers hostage in order to get them to comply.
Cliven Bundy is breaking the law. He's breaking the law and he wants all of us to pay for his cattle while he's ranting about people who are part of social welfare programs.
Now scarcely a week goes by without a news story about the cops swooping down on some adolescent prowler who is as skilled at breaking into computer systems as defense contractors are at breaking into the Federal budget.
Breaking up is just hard, even if you're the one breaking up. It's not fun. It can be dramatic and complicated. And then you get a little distance and you think, why did it have to be so complicated and dramatic?
All of these promises and all of these votes to repeal Obamacare since 2010, now when senators have the power to actually do it, they don't do it, they can't do it. After all these promises, after all these times being elected on the basis of that promise, and yet they obviously don't fear the voters in their states nearly as much as they fear something else.
Breaking news is a thing that's on TV all day. 10 or 15 years ago, breaking news would get everybody around the table because it was going to be something huge.
I've been looking at some video clips on YouTube of President Obama, then candidate Obama, going through Iowa making promises. I think the gap between his promises and his performance is the largest I've seen, well, since the Kardashian wedding and the promise of 'til death do we part.
To be responsible, keep your promises to others. To be successful, keep your promises to yourself.
It was not despair, but it seemed to her as if life were passing by, leaving its promises broken and unfulfilled. Yet there were other days when she listened, was led on and deceived by fresh promises which her youth had held out to her.
'Better Call Saul' happens in the same universe as 'Breaking Bad,' and we have the same writers and mostly the same crew. Like 'Breaking Bad,' it is a transformation story, and Bob Odenkirk brings his own distinctive flavour.
I've been looking at some video clips on YouTube of President Obama - then candidate Obama - going through Iowa making promises. The gap between his promises and his performance is the largest I've seen, well, since the Kardashian wedding and the promise of 'til death do we part.
In my breaking through...I transcend all creatures and am neither God nor creature...for in this breaking through I find that God and I are both the same.
The most fun in breaking a rule is in knowing what rule you're breaking. — © William Safire
The most fun in breaking a rule is in knowing what rule you're breaking.
Breaking a dream board is almost like breaking up with your girlfriend. You are super shattered at first. But then once you get another dream board, it's all good.
If you can constantly just put pressure on all four quadrants, it gives you a little more leverage to be able to fill the zone up with breaking balls and fastball counts - or with breaking balls when guys are maybe sitting on the fastball that you've established.
America is promises to take! America is promises to us to take them.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer has delivered his Budget. It is his first Budget, but we have seen it all before. This is a Tory Budget that will throw people out of work, will hold back economic growth, and will harm vital public services. Yes, it is the Chancellor's first Budget, but it is the same old Tories, hitting hardest at those who can least afford it and breaking their promises. This is true to form for the Tories, but it includes things that the Liberal Democrats have always fought against. Surely they cannot vote for this.
The commandments are a gift, not a curse. Sin is less about breaking the rules and more about breaking the Father's heart.
Window-breaking, when Englishmen do it, is regarded as honest expression of political opinion. Window-breaking, when Englishwomen do it, is treated as a crime.
Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves.
In the compact between novelist and reader, the novelist promises to lie, and the reader promises to allow it.
The UK is the number one destination in European Union for inward investment, the World Bank has ranked the UK as the sixth easiest place in he world to do business, so any organisation that makes promises about investment in the UK should live up to those promises.
The promises that globalism is the solution, the promise that government's going to make your life better if you just give up your freedoms, the promises that we know better than you on how to make your lives better, have been rejected.
Promises. I was drowning in promises. — © Richelle Mead
Promises. I was drowning in promises.
I wouldn't even go into the history of the last days of the Soviet Union, the withdrawal from Europe, and what promises were given at that time, because those were oral promises, and our leaders of that time strongly believe that, like in ancient Russia, a word given is better than any treaty.
My marriage was breaking up, and my marriage with Chong was breaking up. I had to come back and kind of start on my own again.
I've always been a huge 'Divine' fan. He was so iconic and so ground-breaking, especially for the time that he was around, because he was not only breaking barriers in the regular world, just being openly gay, but in the drag world as well.
If either person isn't 100% committed to scale every mountain that comes before you to make your relationship work then you aren't ready to enter into it. That's part of the reason the divorce rate is so high. People are entering into the commitment they're making without having the strength of character, fortitude, and resolve to keep the promises they're making to each other and also to God. God cares VERY MUCH that we keep our marital promises -He enters into the marriage with you whenever you marry so your promises aren't only to each other but also to Him.
I'm a business man and I'm a grown man. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to restructure my life, support my family with this music... I don't have time to deal with the repercussions of breaking somebody's jaw or breaking their nose.
Turn your love into promises, that when you doubt your love, you may simply ask, "Am I keeping my promises?"
That Rubio is an open-borders, Chamber-of-Commerce Republican is undeniable from his record, and when conservatives compare any candidate's campaign promises to his voting record, they believe the record, not the promises.
I'm a filmmaker, so I always think: When is the breaking point? Sometimes you've got to go beyond the breaking point, and then you catch it. When is long enough? It's one of those things you have to look at, walk away, and go home and find out what it is.
We show our faces to demand that politicians making promises stick to those promises. We show our faces to ensure that the youth of today will flourish tomorrow.
Credit means that a certain confidence is given, and a certain trust reposed. Is that trust justified? And is that confidence wise? These are the cardinal questions. To put it more simply credit is a set of promises to pay; will those promises be kept?
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