Top 607 Bridges Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Bridges quotes.
Last updated on September 16, 2024.
Education is all a matter of building bridges.
Yes, we need a substantial investment in our hard infrastructure like roads and bridges. But roads and bridges can't serve people if they don't have the child care they need in order to go to work or the health care they need to stay healthy and participate in the workforce.
I always thought I wrote good bridges. I was a bit more impressed with the bridges I wrote than maybe the songs I wrote. — © Rick Nielsen
I always thought I wrote good bridges. I was a bit more impressed with the bridges I wrote than maybe the songs I wrote.
I saw Todd Bridges talk about being abused on Oprah. Something that he said, or an expression that he made that gave me that little boost I needed to be open about it and to talk about it as transparently as I did. When I told my wife, she couldn't believe it. She was petrified, because it's such a no-no, taboo, a hands-off subject. But I'd have to say hearing Todd Bridges on Oprah was my watershed moment.
Vulgarized knowledge characteristically gives birth to a feeling that everything is understandable and explained. It is like a system of bridges built over chasms. One can travel boldly ahead over these bridges, ignoring the chasms. It is forbidden to look down into them; but that, alas, does not alter the fact that they exist.
A great city with water barriers and no bridges is like a skyscraper with no elevators. Bridges are a monument to progress.
The I-95 bridges were built in the early 1960s and are now more than 50 years old. The same vintage as the I-35 bridge that collapsed in Minnesota back in 2007, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The antiquated Skagit River Bridge in Washington state that collapsed last May after a truck hit one of the trusses was even older. And it's not just bridges. According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, 32 percent of the major roads in America are now in poor condition and in need of major repairs.
Federal agencies that own bridges have some of the worst records for on-time inspections. Nearly 3,000 bridges owned by U.S. government agencies went more than two years between checkups.
Unless you work in demolition, don't burn bridges.
I've always burned my bridges before me.
Yes, burn your bridges.
For us to accomplish our goals, it will be necessary to transform our political culture, to respect plurality, and to build, among ourselves, bridges and more bridges.
Burn your bridges every 2 years. — © Carlos Castaneda
Burn your bridges every 2 years.
Hopefully, we can build bridges, but we also have to draw lines.
I don't always burn my bridges, but when I do, I like there to be no survivors.
Twenty bridges from Tower to Kew — (Twenty bridges or twenty two) — Wanted to know what the River knew, For they were young, and the Thames was old And this is the tale that River told.
When youre in N.Y.C. and they shut down one of the bridges, this is a movie!
When you build bridges you can keep crossing them.
Jeff Bridges is one of my favorite actors in the history of ever.
Most songs have bridges in them, to distract listeners from the main verses of a song so they don't get bored. My songs don't have a lot of bridges because lyric poetry never had them.
I don't play the lottery. I don't care what my horoscope says. I think most things about the world could be improved if people thought more about what they're doing. When someone gets upset with their computer, I tend to side with the computer. I think art is overrated, and bridges are underrated. In fact, I don't understand why bridges aren't art. It seems to me they're penalized for having a use. If I make a bridge that ends in midair, that's a sculpture. But put it between two landmasses and let it ferry two hundred thousand cars per day and it's infrastructure. That makes no sense.
We have to Build Bridges of Peace Instead of building Walls of Wars.
One if the hardest things in life to learn are which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn.
There are two kinds of comics; there are the ones who build bridges, and then there are the people who walk across the bridges as though they built them. The bridge builders are few and far between.
Don't let bridges you cross be bridges you burn.
If women built the bridges or were meant to build the bridges, then they would have done it.
Let's build bridges, not walls.
Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it empowers us to develop courage; to trust that courage and build bridges with it; to trust those bridges and cross over them so we can attempt to reach each other.
You don't want to burn any bridges, but you also want to make sure you leave your character bridges wide open and you're never seen as one particular thing, or that's who you'll be, unfortunately, for the rest of your career.
We build too many walls and not enough bridges.
In America, we have an infrastructure that's so bad, our roads, our highways, our schools, our tunnels, our bridges. Look at our bridges. Half of them have reports that they are in serious danger.
Democracy is to have different ideas, even extreme ones. In democracy there is space for all of them and bridges to connect them. In Turkey we are losing those bridges, and everyone is trying to destroy spaces for the opposite side. When we look at this, Istanbul is like different courtyards divided by big, thick walls.
I've made it a habit not to burn any bridges.
The songs sort of come out spontaneously and it'll take me awhile to figure out what exactly is happening lyrically, what kind of story I'm telling. Then I start building little bridges - word bridges - to make everything go from one point to the next point to the next point until it reaches the end.
Typically, highway bridges have about 50 years. But over in England, they have iron bridges approaching 250 years. In France, there are Roman aqueducts that are approaching 2,000 years old. So a bridge can last a very long time if it's built properly in the first place and then maintained properly.
Music history has flowed under the bridges for many years.
Should and would build no bridges.
I love Jidenna and Leon Bridges. — © Tamron Hall
I love Jidenna and Leon Bridges.
Tables turn, bridges burn, you live and learn.
When you're in N.Y.C. and they shut down one of the bridges, this is a movie!
Jeff Bridges wants you to take it easy, man.
We believe more in bridges and making the border better.
I can almost understand why people leap from bridges.
The fate of the bridges is to be lonely; because bridges are to cross not to stay!
I hate bridges. I'm always very insecure on bridges.
True teachers use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross; then, having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own.
The Electoral College said that [Donald Trump] is the president, he's the president.But as a president, you also have to build. And if I'm sitting there and part of his team and I go look, we're probably not going to win the next election with 46 percent of the vote, so people like John Lewis and all these other groups, you have to start building bridges toward, this week was a disaster because he is burning bridges, not building them.
Storytelling bridges the generational gaps in ideology. — © Elise M. Boulding
Storytelling bridges the generational gaps in ideology.
When one burns one's bridges, what a very nice fire it makes.
That many-faceted thing called love succeeds in building bridges from the loneliness on this shore to the loneliness on the other one. These bridges can be of great beauty, but they are rarely built for eternity, and frequently they cannot tolerate too heavy a burden without collapsing.
I love watching Jeff Bridges act. He's brilliant.
Walls turned sideways are bridges.
Different moralities must share some general features if they are to perform their functions of coordinating beings having particular kinds of motivations. Morality is a cultural construction in something like the way bridges are. There would be no bridges unless human beings used them to move across bodies of waters or depressions in the earth, but a good bridge cannot be designed according to whim, but rather according to what would adequately fulfill their function and the nature of the materials that are available for their construction.
He only wishes there were something that would heal the scars in his mind, which he can still feel. He sees his mind now as an archipelago of islands that he labors to build bridges between - and while he's had great success engineering the most spectacular of bridges, he suspects there are some islands that he'll never reach.
The law ... allows rich as well as poor to sleep under bridges.
Bridges are burning all around us; bridges to responses that might have mitigated the already brutal (and just beginning) ravages of Peak Oil; bridges to reduce the likelihood of war and famine; bridges to avoid our selectively chosen suicide; bridges to change at least a part of energy infrastructure and consumption; bridges to becoming something better than we are or have been; bridges to non-violence. Those bridges are effectively gone.
Let us build bridges, my friends, build bridges to human dignity across that gulf that separates black America from white America.
It's fascinating to me how they build bridges or tunnels.
I really do feel that these people are brothers and sisters in God's family. I am looking to build bridges with the Orthodox Church, looking to build bridges with the Catholic Church, with the Anglican church.
Words build bridges into unexplored regions.
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