Top 1200 Business Sense Quotes & Sayings

Explore popular Business Sense quotes.
Last updated on September 18, 2024.
In a sense, traditional business is design blind.
I like being from a city that is not entrenched in show business. When you're in New York City or Los Angeles, even if you're not dealing with show business, there's still this sense that it's the center of the universe.
Improvisation in the jazz sense - like the business sense - is not formless. It is built on a skill set. Jazz, for example, involves selecting a tune. — © John Kao
Improvisation in the jazz sense - like the business sense - is not formless. It is built on a skill set. Jazz, for example, involves selecting a tune.
I think no matter how you think about your music, you're ultimately in the music 'business.' I think you have to be business-minded in some sense. And for me, the real goal... is positive intention and social change through music. It doesn't mean that can't turn a profit.
The best way for business to move out of the Hall of Shame is to demonstrate a commitment to social causes. This also makes business sense. A focus on solving social problems has motivational benefits in lean economic times.
I hate that sense of entitlement or the sense of business crawling into playing music.
Advertising is a business within a business and the man who neglects it will soon find himself with a business without a business.
It's against type in the sense of my background, but it's with type in the sense that I am a loner who's new to this business and sceptical about a lot of it.
I don't mix business with anything. I don't do business dinners. I don't do business tennis. And I don't do business squash.
n terms of the logistics of that from a title perspective, we have not talked about that nor do we typically care very much. We're not large on bureaucracy. My brothers and I said to each other when we started in this business that as a collective we can do far more than any one of us can do individually. And that's really what guides our relationship - this sense of camaraderie. And it is a family business, and we work together collaboratively as a family.
I'm not in the speech making business. I'm not in the seminar business. I'm not in the writing book business. I'm in the changing lives business.
As minister for business and minister for women and equalities, it is clear to me that promoting equality of opportunity simply makes good business sense.
An uncontrolled sense of humor is often costly in business.
I've always thought of myself as a businesswoman. I have the creative side, but I also have this business sense. — © Catherine Bell
I've always thought of myself as a businesswoman. I have the creative side, but I also have this business sense.
When we talk about global crisis, or a crisis of humanity, we cannot blame a few politicians, a few fanatics, or a few troublemakers. The whole of humanity has a responsibility because it is our business, human business. I call this a sense of universal responsibility. That is a crucial point.
Wherever you go in the galaxy, you can find a food business, a house-building business, a war business, a peace business, a governing business, and so forth. And, of course, a God business, which is called 'religion,' and which is a particularly reprehensible line of endeavor.
I'm no dummy. I have a good sense of the business end of this game.
The business is about coming up with a business plan and using your relationships and networking and seeing your dreams come true. Everyone on this show has their own business. Fifteen minutes of fame is fleeting. It's about learning the business and creating a new business.
I was an economics major, which I enjoyed because I had a good business sense.
A sense of thrift is essential to success in business. The businessman must discipline himself to practice economy whenever possible, in his personal life as well as his business affairs.
We're in the doing business, or acting business and creating business. We're not in the results business, so we don't have any control over what the result is.
The business of America is business, but it's about high-integrity business. It's about a business where you keep your word, where you make square deals.
I have almost no interest in quarterly reports. Running a business or investing in a business based on quarterly earnings doesn't make any sense at all to me.
The problem is that many times people suspend their common sense because they get drowned in business models and Harvard business school teachings.
I think it is really important to have a sense of business. As a designer you can get so wrapped up in the design and fashion side that you forget the business side.
You know I think if the people who work for a business are proud of the business they work for, they'll work that much harder, and therefore, I think turning your business into a real force for good is good business sense as well.
Selling cookies helped me to realize that you needed to have a certain way to communicate with people. You also needed business skills. You knew you needed to sell a certain amount of boxes, so that gave me some business sense.
When I've gone back to work, it's always with that sense of inevitability. That may be a complete delusion, but it's the one that I need to get out of bed and go about my business. That sense that I can't avoid this thing. I better just get on with it.
Call on a business man only at business times, and on business; transact your business, and go about your business, in order to give him time to finish his business.
You always have to know what business you are in. Everybody thought we were in the basketball business. It's an NBA-team; we are not in the basketball business. We are in the business of creating experiences and memories.
Cost-effective, attractive to business partners, environmentally friendly, easy access to a wide range of guidance and support - it makes good business sense to implement and maintain a robust and effective environmental management system
The policy of letting things alone, in the practical sense that the Government should never interfere with business or go into business itself, is called Laisser-faire by economists and politicians. It has broken down so completely in practice that it is now discredited; but it was all the fashion in politics a hundred years ago, and is still influentially advocated by men of business and their backers who naturally would like to be allowed to make money as they please without regard to the interest of the public.
Once you've been around this business long enough, anything is a possibility. It's a business first and foremost. Guys play it because they love it, but it is a business, and if you don't understand that it's a business, you're lying to yourself.
In the music business I am surrounded by people who don't view music as a sacred voice. They view music as something that they can use and exploit, often times lazily. They have no sense of the tradition, they have no sense of honor about those who came before and charted the path.
Business people face increasing pressure from local and global competitors. They face customers who have more and more information about alternatives and more and more access to suppliers from all over the world. Given these pressures, business people are looking for approaches that make sense and will continue to make sense. I think many are fed up with management fads that may or may not provide any benefit and don't continue to work over time.
I think it would be hard to go the distance in this business without a sense of humor.
Sport is an entertainment, in one sense. But it's also a business.
There is no business like show business, Irving Berlin once proclaimed, and thirty years ago he may have been right, but not anymore. Nowadays almost every business is like show business, including politics, which has become more like show business than show business is.
You have to have a strong sense of self in this business - otherwise they're going to spit you out. — © Charlene Tilton
You have to have a strong sense of self in this business - otherwise they're going to spit you out.
Grammar is what gives sense to language .... sentences make words yield up their meaning. Sentences actively create sense in language. And the business of the study of sentences is grammar.
What we need is more sense of the wonder of life and less of this business of making a picture.
The digital business is a fantastic business to be in. The only thing you have to do is build a cost structure for a declining business, which is different from the structure for a growing business.
There is no point in starting your own business unless you do it out of a sense of frustration.
I take my personal upkeep real seriously; my sense of organization and attention to detail; my memory; my business - I love the business.
With the permanent elimination of this tax, farmers and business owners will have the sense of security they need to plan for the financial future of their business or farm and their family.
I don't mind women's football. I am of the business understanding though, when people say 'it should be equal pay.' If the business makes sense, it does.
My dad has been a big influence on me, because he's always had his own business. He really taught me business sense and how to be a focused individual, but also how to have fun and make everyone around you have fun.
I do have a natural sense for business, which I think I get from my Dad.
If the U.K. leaves the E.U., we'll have to consider whether it makes business sense to stay headquartered here. — © Taavet Hinrikus
If the U.K. leaves the E.U., we'll have to consider whether it makes business sense to stay headquartered here.
I found an approach to investing that made enormous sense to me: rigorously analyzing a company's fundamentals, understanding exactly how it makes money, developing a view on the business's future prospects, and deciding if it's a good business.
But you were always a good man of business, Jacob,' faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself. Business!' cried the Ghost, wringing its hands again. "Mankind was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The deals of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!
One of the things that has been very difficult in Libya is the sense of uncertainty - the sense that they haven't actually finished the revolution, that there was still a great deal of uncertainty. That uncertainty has made Libya harder for business in terms of oil and other things as well.
In a family business, you grow up with close contact to the business, whatever it is, and the beer business is certainly a very social type of business.
I mean the business is just so rough man, people always think the business is easy, and the business is very rough. This is probably the worst business that you can get in, as far as, business-wise.
Experiment is necessary in establishing an academy, but certain principles must apply to this business of art as to any other business which affects the artistic tic sense of the community. Great art speaks a language which every intelligent person can understand. The people who call themselves modernists today speak a different language.
I strongly believe that missionaries make better products. They care more. For a missionary, it's not just about the business. There has to be a business, and the business has to make sense, but that's not why you do it. You do it because you have something meaningful that motivates you.
It's a very American thing that everything has to be a business. Americans think... I like America, or I would not be here. There are great qualities to this country. But this sense that everything has to be a business is sometimes overwhelming.
It's such a long season, right? It's certainly serious business, but it's no sense that we all have to be miserable doing it.
When we separate the word business into its component letters, B-U-S-I-N-E-S-S, we find that U and I are both in it. In fact, if U and I were not in business, it would not be business. Furthermore, we discover that U comes before I in business and the I is silent-it is to be seen, not heard. Also, the U in business has the sound of I, which indicates it is an amalgamation of the interests of U and I. When they are properly amalgamated, business becomes harmonious, profitable, and pleasant.
So I, I knew something in a business sense about semiconductors and I appreciated their possibilities.
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